Category Archives: cs-wsu

The Final Product


The coloring app is finally done.  I was able to get the button png’s from the Worcester Art Museum this past week and I am happy to say that the app is looking great.  I had some minor functionality issues while trying to undo on the iPad but it is mostly fixed now.  The issue was that you had to click the button twice in order to undo a click event.  The fix was a simple as checking to see what platform the user is browsing on, if its an iPad I call undo and redo twice.  Its an ugly fix but it works.  I also added shadowing to the color page pictures and colors to let the user know what is selected.

I added the tool buttons to a canvas that changes color with color selection which make the color selected obvious.  All in all I think the app came out quite well and I cannot wait for people to try it out at WAM’s new idea lab.

Till the next project.

Jason Hintlian

From the blog jasonhintlian » cs-wsu by jasonhintlian and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Meeting with the WAM

Monday, we met with Tim and the conservator for the exhibit.  It was an unveiling of the iPad kiosk and the features as they stand.  Joe took lead in the discussion, helping to explain the features capabilities and explaining what we could do to fix any concerns.  Unfortunately, from our point of view, it appeared as some of the features we expected them to like, were not accepted with open arms.  Things like a comments feature, or an email feature were rejected, ultimately dropping the need for our database backend.

Originally the database was primarily to be used for content management, but because of time constraints we shifted to adding something more simple, such as high scores for the puzzle, or an email list for the coloring app.  However, it turns out that neither of these features are wanted, so scripting for these features is officially shut down.

I am shifting my efforts to testing the application instead to make sure the release as it is now is as bug free and efficient as possible.  I luckily have my own iPad (with only the free version of kiosk pro)  so I began another thorough application test with Dillon, Brandon and Li.  We found a few issues, but confirmed that Joe would be working to fix them.  We’ll continue to test on the next version.

From the blog mikesaguirre » cs-wsu by mikeaguirre and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

This past Monday, I decided to help another

This past Monday, I decided to help another group with some issues they were having. Being in the server group with no issues on the server, there was not much else for me to do at the time. I looked on with Sompop on the Slideshow application, and helped him get it to work properly. The idea of the coding was done well, but there were a few syntax errors. The slideshow whould not change pictures after changing once at first. After a few syntax changes, the slideshow would run through cleanly. The only problem remaining was that it would not restart the slideshow. This problem was solved by changing “pageinit” to “pageshow.” This started the slideshow whenever that picture was shown, rather than whenever it was initialized. After this, the slideshow was working properly, and it could be pushed back into the development branch.


After this, I used Mike’s iPad to go through what we had put together so far. I was looking for any possible bugs. Mike’s iPad only has the free version of KioskPro, so it was difficult to find errors. One thing that I noticed was the dialog box that pops up when completing the puzzle. The title of the dialog box says We brought this to the attention of the puzzle team so they could try to get rid of that. Other than that, no bugs or issues were found.

From the blog bchaban » cs-wsu by bchaban and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Switching to PHP

So time is ticking away as the semester is coming to an end.  Our database work with python was progressing slower than expected.  So we decided last week to switch to PHP, which is more widely accepted for web server scripting.  There are many useful guides online for setting up a test site.  I found the following tutorial very helpful for first time setup:

This tutorial expects that you have PHP installed, and that you have a web server to test with.  Luckily we did have a test server, so I ran ‘yum install php’ on the server knowing that Dillon had already created a basic WAM database with 2 tables, one for the coloring app, and one for the puzzle app.

I created my own .php script files, and uploaded them to a git repository, where I then cloned it to a new branch on my server directory.  Tests successful!  With a few modifications we’d be able to try out some simple features like recording high scores for the puzzle, or storing file paths for saved images on the coloring app.

From the blog mikesaguirre » cs-wsu by mikeaguirre and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

1 more class to go

So today was our 2nd to last class meeting and it was the day that we had a working framework of everything everyone has worked on this semester. I thought things are starting to come to a good point all working together. For the puzzle application, I had to adjust the css settings for the buttons due to testing on an iPad web browser to Kiosk Pro was different. I made that change and everything seemed to go good. Tim will be sending a couple new images to change out and other than that I think the puzzle is good to go! Its awesome to see all of our hard work this semester coming to a closing point. 

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

1 more class to go

So today was our 2nd to last class meeting and it was the day that we had a working framework of everything everyone has worked on this semester. I thought things are starting to come to a good point all working together. For the puzzle application, I had to adjust the css settings for the buttons due to testing on an iPad web browser to Kiosk Pro was different. I made that change and everything seemed to go good. Tim will be sending a couple new images to change out and other than that I think the puzzle is good to go! Its awesome to see all of our hard work this semester coming to a closing point. 

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Updating a plugin.



This week my focus of attention shifted somewhat towards updating a jQuery plugin called farbtastic.js; the code is on github at: 

My interest in doing so stems from the fact that this plugin provides a nice and powerful implementation of a color wheel that, with minor modifications I have been able to successfully use in the sketchNcolor version of the coloring app. The idea is that, I can hopefully incorporate this color wheel into the current version of the app in the development branch and/or the final version, and in that way provide a much wider range of of available colors for selection to the end user.


As can be noticed on github, the plugin has not been maintained and updated in quite a while and, as it is, it works well with versions of jQuery up to 1.8. As soon as  more recent versions of jQuery(1.9 and on) are called, the plugin breaks. This is due to the fact that the jQuery 1.9 line introduced major changes, and plugins that have not yet been updated require the use of an additional jQuery Migrate plugin. More about that can be found here:


As of the moment, using the Migrate plugin is an option that works. But updating the plugin would be much better, and great learning experience for sure. The update is not yet complete but, if I succeed, I will provide details about it in future blog post.


Until next time,


Beto Luna.

From the blog betoluna » CS WSU by betoluna1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

WSU App: Slideshow swipe function

Over the past few weeks I have been looking into getting the swipe function to work with our part of the app and ending up trying out a few different coding techniques, none of which seemed to work much to my dismay. However in the past week I was able to find a good “floor plan” of how to set it up in our environment, and we were able to take that floor plan and fit it into the slideshow and finally we saw some progress. It wasn’t much progress at first, but Sean was able to sit down and painstakingly tweak the code and finally got it working the way we need to; aside from the gallery swipe. Some real progress has been made, and now we just have one minor thing left to do, get that gallery swipe-able.

From the blog CS:401 » CS-WSU by dcarlin2013 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quick Post

I figured I would do a quick status update since I have done 2 other post this week detailing on the puzzle application status. Overall I think the puzzle application is working great and looks good! This morning I have pushed the latest version to the development branch and I am excited to see how it looks in KiosPro compared to just the web browser on the iPad.

Hopefully Tim and his boss tomorrow like the progress that our class has made this semester.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quick Post

I figured I would do a quick status update since I have done 2 other post this week detailing on the puzzle application status. Overall I think the puzzle application is working great and looks good! This morning I have pushed the latest version to the development branch and I am excited to see how it looks in KiosPro compared to just the web browser on the iPad.

Hopefully Tim and his boss tomorrow like the progress that our class has made this semester.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.