Category Archives: cs-wsu

Articles chapter update

Articles chapter update

After got the update the articles from Tim this week, the content increased up to 8 chapters. So in my update this week, I have put all the picture and text information into 8 different html files and used existed button “Previous” and “Next” connect between each chapters. But since I having trouble to use the server this week, The size of the image will need to be redone. This should be fixed easily, once I could test on the ipad next week.

From the blog zli1 » cs-wsu by zhengjunli and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle will support vertical or horizontal position on iPad!

After Mondays class and from my previous blog I put some time into the app on getting the images from Tim into it and the whole UI all set. The only issue of mine when i finished coding it on Monday night was if the iPad was turned to vertical position the buttons for the sculptures to do the puzzle for would move off the page because they were positioned for the horizontal location. I found a way to fix this with CSS. All you need to do is define @media only screen and (orientation: (either portrait or landscape)) { //Then all of your CSS code }.

So all I had to do was put this into the CSS file for both orientations and set the correct settings and when to display certain images and now the puzzle application can work both ways. Here are 2 screen shots:




Overall I think the puzzle application is pretty much finished. Hopefully on Monday Tim and his boss like all the changes that have went in. It is exciting to see the final application coming to an end from all of our hard work this semester!

Btw… if testing this on safari web browser the buttons for the sculptures will be not aligned correctly because it is coded to fit the iPad resolution for vertical and horizontal use.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

With work comes results.

I just put way more time into the slideshow than I thought I would have to, but I’ve made some more progress. Through some trial and error and a lot of time, I finally got swipe functionality working! It’s up on the server now!

I had to change around a lot of variables and figure out some new functions, but I was finally able to get it up and running. Swiping only works on a device that has swiping. You can’t test it on your computer, only the iPad. Not a bad design in my opinion, since that is what we are going for.

Tomorrow or this weekend I’ll get it added to the carousel. It’s to late for that right now… I need some sleep. Just wanted to share my success!

The more I work on this, the more I like it! haha

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

With work comes results.

I just put way more time into the slideshow than I thought I would have to, but I’ve made some more progress. Through some trial and error and a lot of time, I finally got swipe functionality working! It’s up on the server now!

I had to change around a lot of variables and figure out some new functions, but I was finally able to get it up and running. Swiping only works on a device that has swiping. You can’t test it on your computer, only the iPad. Not a bad design in my opinion, since that is what we are going for.

Tomorrow or this weekend I’ll get it added to the carousel. It’s to late for that right now… I need some sleep. Just wanted to share my success!

The more I work on this, the more I like it! haha

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle will support vertical or horizontal position on iPad!

After Mondays class and from my previous blog I put some time into the app on getting the images from Tim into it and the whole UI all set. The only issue of mine when i finished coding it on Monday night was if the iPad was turned to vertical position the buttons for the sculptures to do the puzzle for would move off the page because they were positioned for the horizontal location. I found a way to fix this with CSS. All you need to do is define @media only screen and (orientation: (either portrait or landscape)) { //Then all of your CSS code }.

So all I had to do was put this into the CSS file for both orientations and set the correct settings and when to display certain images and now the puzzle application can work both ways. Here are 2 screen shots:




Overall I think the puzzle application is pretty much finished. Hopefully on Monday Tim and his boss like all the changes that have went in. It is exciting to see the final application coming to an end from all of our hard work this semester!

Btw… if testing this on safari web browser the buttons for the sculptures will be not aligned correctly because it is coded to fit the iPad resolution for vertical and horizontal use.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Waiting for png’s


I have been waiting on the png’s from the Worcester Art Museum WAM this past week so I am a bit late on this weeks blog.  However I made some changes to the layout last night after meeting with them.  The changes where small and some things are just holding there places now until I can get the png’s,  The extra colors button will be getting a gradient rainbow sort of look.  The tool buttons will be updated with art that flows better and the clear undo and redo buttons will be refreshed as well.  I am still having an issue with undo needing to be clicked twice in mobile safari.  I wish I knew what was causing that.  I am going to create a canvas to house the buttons and I am thinking that should solve the problem but I still am crossing my fingers.  I will update my progress over the weekend.

Till then.

Jason Hintlian

From the blog jasonhintlian » cs-wsu by jasonhintlian and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More updates and… Almost done!

Alright, a new version is posted on the test server with all of Tim’s images. I’m pretty sure almost all functionality is there now, besides the swipe function (being worked on now) and the top gallery bar doesn’t work right on the iPad yet (also part of swipe function).

Other than that, just small adjustments to fit the color scheme (changed background to white through request) have been made. The tasks that are left here are 1) change font of text and 2) change “Picture” button to “Gallery” button. Neither of these are very large tasks and I believe James finished them today before we left class. I’ll have to get an update on that.

I spent a big chunk of time today converting all of the images to fit the slideshows format. It wasn’t hard, just a lot of chugging out a monotonous task. I should have made a program to do it for me haha. There is a template in the HTML file if more images need to be added. They have to be added individually which is somewhat of a pain, but no other way is feasible right now in my opinion.

Other things that changed: clicking a left/right or changing the image in the gallery will now close an enlarged, open image. This was causing issues before if it was not closed.

That’s really it. It’s almost done! I said last week I would update the Developmental Branch. I want to do that, I’m just afraid it will go to waste right now. I rather make sure everyone is completely up to date and ready to merge things. I’m also not sure, since Joe’s skeleton isn’t implemented in the separate apps yet.

Looking forward to a nice running version next week for the Worcester Art Museum to check out!


From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More updates and… Almost done!

Alright, a new version is posted on the test server with all of Tim’s images. I’m pretty sure almost all functionality is there now, besides the swipe function (being worked on now) and the top gallery bar doesn’t work right on the iPad yet (also part of swipe function).

Other than that, just small adjustments to fit the color scheme (changed background to white through request) have been made. The tasks that are left here are 1) change font of text and 2) change “Picture” button to “Gallery” button. Neither of these are very large tasks and I believe James finished them today before we left class. I’ll have to get an update on that.

I spent a big chunk of time today converting all of the images to fit the slideshows format. It wasn’t hard, just a lot of chugging out a monotonous task. I should have made a program to do it for me haha. There is a template in the HTML file if more images need to be added. They have to be added individually which is somewhat of a pain, but no other way is feasible right now in my opinion.

Other things that changed: clicking a left/right or changing the image in the gallery will now close an enlarged, open image. This was causing issues before if it was not closed.

That’s really it. It’s almost done! I said last week I would update the Developmental Branch. I want to do that, I’m just afraid it will go to waste right now. I rather make sure everyone is completely up to date and ready to merge things. I’m also not sure, since Joe’s skeleton isn’t implemented in the separate apps yet.

Looking forward to a nice running version next week for the Worcester Art Museum to check out!


From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle has new layout

Work on the puzzle has been kind of slow over the past week with not having class and we still where waiting from images from Tim. We meet as a group in class together also with having a reporter come in and ask all of the groups questions and someone to take pictures of our work. My group spoke with team and he told us he would send the files we needed to get this puzzle into a final state. Luckily Tim got back to us quick before tonight and we had our hands with the images and files we needed. I implemented Tim’s background image and buttons for the back and forth throughout the application. The application also has the ability to do 3 images. We still have been looking for a way to have it do multiple images with this open source code. But the easiest and quickest fix was just to create 3 html files that are very small not even 50 lines of code and those are the images it calls. I think that the look of the puzzle application looks awesome! Here are some screen shots on an iPad 2.

(Main Screen)



(Puzzle Screen)



Overall the main page that Tim designed allows the user to see the 3 sculpture images that you can put back together. Then the user and just click onto one of the images and it will allow them to put that sculpture back together. Then they can either restart the puzzle they are on or they can go back and select another. I think it finally is coming to a good state and looks good!

If you test this in my home directory on the server, right now the images are set to absolute settings on an iPad for how it will be displayed in the gallery. So if this is viewed on Safari browser the images will be out of place compared to the screen shot above.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Light a the end of the tunnel?

Hello everyone,

 After some period of time waiting and slow progress, we’ve got a desired possible User Interface from the Worcester Art Museum. Two different concepts for the coloring app have been implemented, as usual they can both be tested, one in the development branch, and the other is in the web server’s user directory at

The only major change was the implementation of a coloring wheel that now allows to paint with all colors and all kinds of shades (this one is in the version in my user directory). No other major changes have been implemented. The code for this version can be cloned from

Now the challenge is to combine features from both versions as we have learned from our clients that is what they would like. This is a task we are going to start working on this week. Unfortunately, I have to say that, as of the time of this writing, and also this late in the semester, my partner and I don’t have a great deal of hope we are going to be able to accomplish such a merge of versions successfully. That said, we agreed we are going to give it a shot.


Well until next time.


Beto Luna.

From the blog betoluna » CS WSU by betoluna1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.