Category Archives: cs-wsu

Puzzle has new layout

Work on the puzzle has been kind of slow over the past week with not having class and we still where waiting from images from Tim. We meet as a group in class together also with having a reporter come in and ask all of the groups questions and someone to take pictures of our work. My group spoke with team and he told us he would send the files we needed to get this puzzle into a final state. Luckily Tim got back to us quick before tonight and we had our hands with the images and files we needed. I implemented Tim’s background image and buttons for the back and forth throughout the application. The application also has the ability to do 3 images. We still have been looking for a way to have it do multiple images with this open source code. But the easiest and quickest fix was just to create 3 html files that are very small not even 50 lines of code and those are the images it calls. I think that the look of the puzzle application looks awesome! Here are some screen shots on an iPad 2.

(Main Screen)



(Puzzle Screen)



Overall the main page that Tim designed allows the user to see the 3 sculpture images that you can put back together. Then the user and just click onto one of the images and it will allow them to put that sculpture back together. Then they can either restart the puzzle they are on or they can go back and select another. I think it finally is coming to a good state and looks good!

If you test this in my home directory on the server, right now the images are set to absolute settings on an iPad for how it will be displayed in the gallery. So if this is viewed on Safari browser the images will be out of place compared to the screen shot above.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: IntroPage finished!

I finished the IntroPage and it currently looks like this,


There are 3 buttons at the bottom for navigation: “previous”, “next”, and “skip to home.”

You can also swipe left and right to change the page. I initially wanted the slide up and down, since that is the style that Tim likes, but jquery mobile does not support slide up + down.

Also, I decided to make this with jquery mobile, and not just jquery, like the previous version, because this would make it more tablet compatible (and I won’t have to worry about the sizing and this also has multi-touch support, e.g. “swipe” motion).

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: IntroPage finished!

I finished the IntroPage and it currently looks like this,


There are 3 buttons at the bottom for navigation: “previous”, “next”, and “skip to home.”

You can also swipe left and right to change the page. I initially wanted the slide up and down, since that is the style that Tim likes, but jquery mobile does not support slide up + down.

Also, I decided to make this with jquery mobile, and not just jquery, like the previous version, because this would make it more tablet compatible (and I won’t have to worry about the sizing and this also has multi-touch support, e.g. “swipe” motion).

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: IntroPages

I am now working on making the introduction page for our Orantes Project.

I had done two versions of the IntroPage (as I call it) and showed it to Tim, to see which one he prefers.

First one is the basic jQuery Mobile page with left, right, and home buttons to navigate between pages, like this:



The second one is the slide up-down one, like this


Tim said he prefers the sliding one, and he gave me a website that he likes,, which has button you can press to slide down or up to the previous or next page, respectively.

So I am now working more on the sliding version IntroPage. And a few days ago Tim also sent out the photos for both the Screensaver and the IntroPage. Unfortunately there have been so many events going on last week so I have not had the chance to continue to work on this much, but I will definitely have more stuff to show Tim tomorrow in class and I will update the blog again very soon.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401: IntroPages

I am now working on making the introduction page for our Orantes Project.

I had done two versions of the IntroPage (as I call it) and showed it to Tim, to see which one he prefers.

First one is the basic jQuery Mobile page with left, right, and home buttons to navigate between pages, like this:



The second one is the slide up-down one, like this


Tim said he prefers the sliding one, and he gave me a website that he likes,, which has button you can press to slide down or up to the previous or next page, respectively.

So I am now working more on the sliding version IntroPage. And a few days ago Tim also sent out the photos for both the Screensaver and the IntroPage. Unfortunately there have been so many events going on last week so I have not had the chance to continue to work on this much, but I will definitely have more stuff to show Tim tomorrow in class and I will update the blog again very soon.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401 Learning and Progress Further testing

The development server is back online.  Though the newest versions of slide show and coloring program are not up on it.  So I have mostly done testing on what people have in their User Directories.  Unfortunately there has been less progress these last two weeks then normal.  At least as far as testable features go.

The articles page was found to have some troubles, with the highlighted text and bottom of the page.  The team is working on these and confident the problems can be fixed.

There was some problems in the coloring app when it received fast inputs but that has been corrected now.

With the slide show there is a problem that when an image is expanded changing the image doesn’t get rid of the expanded image and just puts the new image behind it.  The team is still working on a fix for this.

Otherwise the program is responding well to testing.

I will be working on my Instruction Slide show next week.  My plan to test the local content and update has been delayed.  I have decided to make it a good test I really need to test it with the full program.  For this I need to wait till we have a fully updated copy all put together.  I am hopping that we will have this next week.  Doing the test this way will make sure that there is no trouble with the amount of data or updating a complicated program.

From the blog murrayandrewt » cs-wsu by murrayandrewt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

It seems like it has been a while!

I just posted a new updated version to git and the cs web server. It seems their might be a few issues on the server again that are not replicated if it is being run on my own machine. I updated the pictures to the ones Tim had given the article team a few weeks ago and left a template version inside the code for any future additions.

Small changes to the look of the slideshow app have been made as well. James had worked on it as well, but those additions are not added to this version. The only changes added are brighter left and right arrows and the drop down menu. Small changes to pictures sizes have been made too.

The addition of swipe functionality is still being looked into. I have been messing with it a bit, but every change I make has added a different fault. Will continue to look into this. Same with minimizing the image if an arrow is clicked. This has not been fixed and I have not yet looked into it.

I’d like to get an updated working developmental branch as it seems to still be broken. I’ll look at that this weekend. I might just push directly to it, although I know we agreed upon not doing that. I think it might be a better idea than waiting for all the merges to take place. Something should be up there, working, at all times in my opinion.

I’ve been very busy lately with other school work, so it has been a while since a post. Looking forward to next Monday! These Mondays off are killing us!

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

It seems like it has been a while!

I just posted a new updated version to git and the cs web server. It seems their might be a few issues on the server again that are not replicated if it is being run on my own machine. I updated the pictures to the ones Tim had given the article team a few weeks ago and left a template version inside the code for any future additions.

Small changes to the look of the slideshow app have been made as well. James had worked on it as well, but those additions are not added to this version. The only changes added are brighter left and right arrows and the drop down menu. Small changes to pictures sizes have been made too.

The addition of swipe functionality is still being looked into. I have been messing with it a bit, but every change I make has added a different fault. Will continue to look into this. Same with minimizing the image if an arrow is clicked. This has not been fixed and I have not yet looked into it.

I’d like to get an updated working developmental branch as it seems to still be broken. I’ll look at that this weekend. I might just push directly to it, although I know we agreed upon not doing that. I think it might be a better idea than waiting for all the merges to take place. Something should be up there, working, at all times in my opinion.

I’ve been very busy lately with other school work, so it has been a while since a post. Looking forward to next Monday! These Mondays off are killing us!

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Waiting on Feedback

It has not been a very productive week developing the coloring page.  I have been waiting on response from the Worcester Art Museum WAM regarding the user interface UI.  My partner and I have two separate concepts for the UI, so we have provided WAM with both so they can decide what they like from each.  Then the plan is to combine the two versions.  Currently there are issues with slow color selection for both versions on the iPad.  I was able to fix the problem in my version but regarding tool selection.  The fix is as simple as calling the change tool method with jQuery instead of on-click in the HTML file.  I will fix the colors If we will be using my version.  There is also one other issue in my version.  When you click undo you have to click twice before the event will fire on the iPad.  This only is happening in mobile safari to my knowledge.  I believe a possible fix would be to create the undo clear and redo button in their own canvas, which should also fix a placement onresize issue I was having on my laptop.

Till next time.

Jason Hintlian

From the blog jasonhintlian » cs-wsu by jasonhintlian and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Almost reaching home stretch..

After our class this past week we discussed were we all lie with the project. We also went over the rest of the timeline for the semester. We only really have 3 classes left  until the semester is over. It is starting to approach real fast and I think it has all of the groups thinking what will the final product look like. I know for the puzzling team we have a working application with a home page that directs you to the puzzle and allows you to restart and go back to the main page. We spoke with Tim on Monday and he has a main screen layout that he is going to give us hopefully soon so we can implement it into our code and then start to get the final touches on it that he wants. The one difficult thing we have been having is getting multiple images to work with this open source code. Our last resort if we cannot get this working is we can have 3 index.html files which would call for that specific image. Good thing the index.html file is rather small so if we need to go to this it should not be a big issue. We hopefully should have some images that Tim wants for our next meeting in class. Once all of theses changes are set we will give Joe the ok to start invoking the color scheme to the puzzle part to the application. I think it is getting to the exciting point seeing it all come to an end and see our final product of all of our hard work put in this semester. 

This week has been slow for improvements besides getting the multple images to work. The layout and home page I have left the way they are now because if Tim is going to be giving a template for us to use that he designed then it sounds best to wait until we have that in our hands before we start making anymore layout UI changes. 

We do not have class this week due to the holiday so hopefully our next meeting we can get everything we need from Tim to get the final touches going on this.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.