After last Friday’s feedback from our clients at the museum, I worked in fixing two bugs noticed when they tested this particular versions of the coloring app (link). One issue was caused by the undesirables effects of zooming caused by I would say, accidentally double-tapping/pinching on the ipad, the other was a small delay for the first mark to appear after the very first drag of the mouse/finger. Even though being able to zoom-in in this fashion is a nice feature of the ipad and other mobile devices in general, it doesn’t necessarily seem to be the case in the context of the coloring app, at least as of these moment as it was causing more problems than helping in anything. That said, we could still consider including zooming capability later if at all desired for the app.
Now, there is a quick and simple way to disable zooming by double-tap/pinch on the ipad. Simply add this line : <meta name=”viewport” content=”user-scalable=no;”> to the head of the html file. For instance:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=”US-ASCII”>
<title>Intro to Coloring App</title>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”user-scalable=no;”>
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”css/intro_page.css”>
There are other, not as simple solutions that would disable zooming and can be applied only to specific html elements (I would cover those in a later post). For the moment this solves the immediate problem.
The other issue was a small delay for the first mark to show. That was actually caused by the size of the images. The images that we originally got from the museum and for the coloring app are 1536 x 1536 pixels and range from 60 to 120 kb each. For this app, the biggest image than we can fit in the ipad’s screen has to be reduced to about 800 x 800 pixels. At the beginning, I was a little bit reluctant about scaling (resizing) the images on our own and possibly sacrifice their quality, therefore I wanted the museum to provides us with images of the appropriate size and quality. Getting files from our clients has proven to be sometimes a slow process, so I was using the original large images and specifying the the size in the html code. That was not a good idea, the images showed the right size but caused the app to behave a little sluggish on the first click, probably to the fact that the images were taking long to load. Once I decided to resize the images so that the html wouldn’t be forced to adjust them, the issue went away. To resize the images I used Gimp, at the moment I wonder if a better job in preserving the quality could be accomplished using photoshop.
Well, that is all for now. Until next time.

From the blog betoluna » CS WSU by betoluna1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.