Fairly earlier in this semester we worked with Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams. These tools are both extremely useful in representing databases. I often find that the way these diagrams show databases without coding is similar to how pseudocode shows how a program or method works without explicitly coding. In this way, like pseudocode, these diagrams are perfect for putting together a project before actually programming it like brainstorming. For my final project this semester in a separate class, I had to make a database for an ice hockey program using SQL queries. Before I even started writing queries for that project, I started putting it together in an ER diagram without even thinking about it. This made the actual programming for that project ten times easier. For the purposes of this blog, I decided to dive deeper into studying UML and ER diagrams to try to learn even more about them. I found an awesome article about UML Class Diagrams at visual-paradigm.com that tried to be a tutorial on how they work. I will leave the link to it at the bottom. It backs up my claims that they diagram is used primarily for visualization of projects after, during, and most importantly before they are programmed. It also went over a ton of specifics and formatting for the diagrams that we went over in class this semester like the layout of the tables or boxes and the different arrows that showed relationships in the model database. It gets way more in depth than I plan on being in this blog post like when to use a plus sign instead of a minus sign for variables in the tables (for private and public variables). I definitely recommend checking it out yourself as it taught me a lot, not just now, but at the beginning of the semester itself. Similar to the situation with Docker for me, I found that it was supper awesome that I was able to see that learning these diagrams in class would prove useful in real life. When I used a diagram for my final project in my other class (which was not required), I knew that these were very important tools in the real world. For that reason, I am especially happy that it was one of the topics that we covered this semester.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim Drevitch CS Blog by timdrevitch and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.