Category Archives: CS443

Mockito mocking

On the Vogella Mockito tutorial page, there is a brief overview and explanation of what mocking is and what a mock object is. There is a simple diagram showing the sequence of what typically happens when you use Mockito in your tests. This tutorial also mentions that when using the Mockito libraries, it is best to do so with either Maven or Gradle, which are supported by all of the modern IDEs. Here you can also find code examples, and even where to put them in your code. This tutorial is packed with visual representation of the information given and I find that to be extremely helpful.

I would say this particular article/tutorial can be very helpful in bettering one’s understanding of how to use Mockito. It’s filled with tips and simple to understand diagrams, explanations and code examples. It even dives into using the spy() method to wrap Java objects, mocking static methods, creating mock objects (in the exercise provided, you can create a sample Twitter API), and testing an API using Mockito.

I have included in this blog post two other articles I found interesting and informative on the subject of Mocks/Mocking

From the blog cs@worcester – Coding_Kitchen by jsimolaris and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static Testing VS Dynamic Testing

Hello and welcome back to my Blog. Today I am going to be sharing about Static and Dynamic Testing.

What is Static Testing?

Static Testing is a method of software testing in which software is tested without executing the code. Static Testings main objective is to find errors early on in the design process in order to improve the software’s quality. This form of testing reduces time spent finding bugs and therefore reduces the cost of having to pay developers to find bugs. This is advantageous because we get fewer defects when we are nearing deployment. Static Testing also increases the amount of communication amongst teams.

Below, I will give a brief overview of Review and Static Analysis, the two main ways in which Static Testing is performed.

Review is a process that is performed to find errors and defects in the software requirement specification. Developers inspect the documents and sort out errors and ambiguities.

In Informal review the dev shares their documents and code design with colleagues to get their thoughts and find defects early.

After it has passed the Informal review, it is moved on to the Walkthrough. Walkthroughs are performed by more experienced devs to look for defects.

Next, a Peer review is performed with colleagues to check for defects.

Below is a list of free, open-source Static Testing tools:






What is Dynamic Testing?

Dynamic Testing is a software testing method that is performed when code is executed. It examines the behavior and relationship of the software in relation to the performance, (e.g. RAM, CPU). In dynamic testing the input and output are examined to check for errors and bugs. One common technique for performing dynamic testing is Unit Testing. In Unit Testing, code is analyzed in units or modules, which you may know as JUnit Testing. Another common approach to Dynamic Testing is Integration Testing. Integration Testing is the process of testing multiple pieces of code together to ensure that they synchronize.

Below is a list of open-source Dynamic Testing tools:







I hope you find as much value as I do in learning about these testing methods.

From the blog cs@worcester – Coding_Kitchen by jsimolaris and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

C o d e C o v e r a g e T e s t i n g

Cover your tests

Welcome back, I am going to explain why you should be running most of your tests with some sort of code coverage. Code coverage is a software testing metric that analyzes how effective your tests are when ran with your code. Code coverage enables you to see the degree to which your code has been implemented. It also helps you to determine how successful unit tests are by checking the degree to which your code is covered by them. Code coverage percent is calculated by items tested by dividing elements tested by elements by elements found.

Code coverage enables you to improve the efficacy of your code by having a statistical analysis of code coverage. The test cases your currently running without code coverage may be less effective than you realize. Running with code coverage allows you to identify parts of your software that have not been examined by your test cases. This not only makes better code but it saves time because it gives you a clearer picture of where you need to refactor.

Code coverage enables you to identify parts of the software that are not implemented by a set of test cases.

How is code coverage calculated?

Well, that depends on what tools you’re using. However the common tools combine some of the following types:

  • Line coverage: percent of lines tested
  • Functions coverage: percent of functions called
  • Conditions coverage: percent of boolean expressions covered
  • Branch coverage: percent of branches executed

Are all code coverage types created equal?

When I first learned about code coverage, I assumed that line coverage must be superior, because hitting every line must be most important and probably will include most methods. While this is important it will miss out on a few things. Consider the following code from a stackoverflow answer:

public int getNameLength(boolean isCoolUser) {
    User user = null;
    if (isCoolUser) {
        user = new John(); 
    return user.getName().length(); 

When you call this method with the boolean variable isCoolUser set to true, you will have your line coverage come back 100%. However, this method has two paths;

  1. boolean is true
  2. boolean is false.

If the boolean is true, all lines are executed, and code coverage will return 100%. What we don’t see with line coverage is that if you call this method with the boolean set to false, you will get a null pointer. Line coverage wouldn’t show you this bug, whilst branch coverage would. For these reasons, best practice is to use a coverage tool that examines multiple types of code coverage

You’ve convinced me, so how do I start?

Code coverage comes built into most IDE’s. In intellij, when you open the run drop-down menu, its two buttons below, “Run with Coverage”. I have found this tool incredibly useful/invaluable in my coding. Since learning of it, I have not run tests without using coverage. There have been a few instances where I created test classes that passed but I wasn’t aware just how terrible they could be. Using code coverage has made me learn more and see my mistakes much more easily. Lines I thought were testing the code, I could comment out and see if it reduces code coverage and learn from that. In Intelli-j’s code coverage, lines that have been executed are green while lines that aren’t are red.

Other code coverage tools are listed below:







Good coverage can’t fix bad test writing practices.

If your tests aren’t comprehensive, covering multiple possibilities, coverage won’t save you.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my blog.

I learned quite a bit of information from the following links:

From the blog cs@worcester – Coding_Kitchen by jsimolaris and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Review of: You Still Don’t Know How to Do Unit Testing (and Your Secret is Safe with Me)

Erik Dietrich’s article “You Still Don’t Know How to Do Unit Testing (And Your Secret is Safe with Me) was an amusing and informative read about what Unit Testing is, what it is isn’t and how the average developer can go from creating incorrect tests to effective, bonafide Unit tests. He leads the article with a remark that, since 2002, he has seen unit testing go from an esoteric skill for quirky developers to something of an industry standard that, as it has been ushered in into popularity, has also pushed some developers into the cracks; this article is for them. Dietrich starts by making several important distinctions on what a unit test is not starting with tests that he describes as being able to “fail when run on a machine without the “proper setup”.” He next brings up a concept which I had not heard of before called “smoke testing” which seems to be testing cases that cover the most essential parts of a program to determine if it’s launch ready. Whatever the case, this is certainly not unit testing. Lastly Dietrich states that a unit test, under no circumstance, should be something that works your system from end to end. He gives the example of a user opening a terminal and testing output; he classifies this as an end-to-end test. In the author’s words the concept of Unit Testing is by most accounts circular but with some good reason (to transcend programming language). The example given was programming methods in C# and their respective test methods. The first example is testing with an “add” method from a calculator that checks to see if the arguments passed successfully add or, if they do not, that they properly throw an error; for this case it is the Invalid Operation Exception. For more practical detail check out the original article here.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Test Precisely and Concretely: A Review

While much of the content was beyond my comprehension, I found Kevlin Henney’s article “Test Precisely and Concretely” article at to be elucidating and enjoyable. Kevlin is known for his efficacious brevity in software and so it should come as no surprise that this translates to his writing. He comes right out of the gate with a strong opening sentence:

“It is important to test for the desired, essential behavior of a unit of code, rather than for the incidental behavior of its particular implementation.”

– Kevlin Henney @

While the first half of the quote describes the obvious end result that we as programmers are aiming to achieve, our desire to do write effective tests certainly doesn’t preclude us from making the mistake of the latter. There may be diminishing returns on the profundity of this statement but, as an amateur programmer who has only just begun to learn proper software testing, I’ve found myself writing software tests that give true outcomes but do not necessarily verify that the program itself performs accurate and verifiable calculations. For instance, when I was creating additional instances of an object in a recent assignment I was testing to see if additional objects were consecutively constructed in the sense that memory was allocated for it but I was not properly verifying that the objects upon their creation were given consecutive, uniquely identifying numbers which is where the real meaning of its creation lay. Simply put, it was the software testing equivalent of begging the question.

From my understanding, Kevlin’s prescription to the aforementioned issue is to understand that the conditions which are necessary for your test to pass are not always sufficient for their real use cases and born from this is the realization that programmers ought to more carefully examine the literal meanings of the postconditions they’re testing for. Furthermore, he states an accurate condition does not make for a good test, a “good test should be comprehensible and simple enough that you can readily see that it is correct.” In the spirit of the article, and perhaps even Kevlin himself, I will avoid verbosity and recommend that everyone check out what makes for a good software test here.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

RefinementCodeReview: A Review

Go check out the original article here! It’s great!

In Martin Fowler’s blog post titled, “RefinementCodeReview” he emphasizes the need to rethink the frequency with which developers review code. He points out that pre-integration reviews and pull requests, while important, should not be vital to the development process in the literal sense of the word. Fowler highlights the etymological reason we have collectively acknowledged that software is accurately named; it is soft, and like all malleable mediums, should be worked through from end to end. Fowler seems to suggest that a shift in lexicon from architectural comparison to Erik Dörnenburg’s town planning one would pay dividends in inspiring more frequent refactoring of older code. While this seems obvious, it’s a powerful distinction; if we approach old code like a large stone monolith carved with divine intentionality rather than a living, revisable set of rules used to build and expand, then we are certainly adding unnecessary apprehension around the development process.

“As soon as I have an understanding about the code that wasn’t immediately apparent from reading it, I have the responsibility to (as Ward Cunningham so wonderfully said) take that understanding out of my head and put it into the code. That way the next reader won’t have to work so hard.”

Martin Fowler, 1/28/2021 @

I found this quote personally compelling but also particularly salient when Mr. Fowler addresses the dreaded, yet somehow inevitable, scenario where a high-threat vulnerability in the code is exploited. He calls these rare-high-impact concerns and yields that truly no amount of testing will ever eliminate their existence but the process of running continuous and vigorous testing can make accepting a certain amount of risk from older or inherited code much more palatable. While the author doesn’t mention this pattern by name, he implies that these good practitioners of efficacious refactoring, who are more knowledgeable of a code base, who are better still at creating self-testing code, who are better even yet at continuous integration would create a virtuous cycle of software development.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Valuable Lesson for Creating Tests

Article link:

A great article I read today goes over the importance of creating the correct kinds of tests for software. In this article, the author thoroughly explains the importance of testing the “behavior” of software versus “implementation details” and how not “every single class” needs to be tested. I think the author does a great job with both an easy to understand narrative and tons of example code that illustrate the importance of testing that software performs to specification versus testing how the code is written. The example code given in the article goes further with linking to an entire GitHub repository for the example code (which elaborates beyond what is shown in the article) which I really appreciate as it lets me see exactly how this concept aligns with a complete program. The most interesting part of this article for me was in the author’s explanation of how refactoring code can cause tests that are written (incorrectly) to a specific implementation to fail. I think it is important to see this point that putting in extra effort in developing software but on the wrong things can actually do more harm than good further down the line. Especially as the author points out if you were to further refactor the code and change how it works (even return types as the author demonstrates!), this causes bad tests to fail, which only creates even more work. I never really thought of how refactoring could create more work in a testing scenario before reading this, but I like how refactoring further helps the overall program by exposing the appearance of useless tests. One other part of the article I really enjoyed was the side narrative the author gave while working through his example of how the steps they took followed TDD (test-driven development). This is also something I wanted to learn more about, and this article also provides a good example of TDD by explaining how certain practices taken in the code example adhere to the rules of this methodology.

Overall, I think this article covered an important topic well, and serves as a great reminder at the end of our testing course to make sure we are testing the right things in our software and that we are not creating too many, and useless tests that only hinder our efforts and not help us. I will certainly keep this article in mind when writing future tests to ensure I’m not wasting my time by creating the wrong kinds of tests or making sure every line is tested in a program.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Chris' Computer Science Blog by cradkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Test Automation

Article link:

Throughout this semester we have learned about how to create tests in a mostly “manual” way, today I want to explore an article that serves as an introduction and overall guide to automation testing. I especially wanted to learn about this topic since it has repeatedly come up in other articles I’ve read on this website.

Overall, I found the content of this article to be great and I think it thoroughly covers every aspect I can think of, and acts as a great beginner’s guide to this topic of automation testing. The author methodically covers everything on automation testing from the benefits of switching, to figuring out which areas of your testing should be automated.

Looking at the section of this article that lists the different areas automation testing can help is particularly interesting to me as most of the types of testing here I am unfamiliar with (and aren’t covered by our testing course) but would like to know more about. This includes areas such as regression testing, which I just learned about, and performance testing. From this article it seems that automation testing seems to help particularly with cross-browser testing. This made me think about how different web browsers are tested which is something I have only done by manually checking that the application functions properly by going through the program as a user. In retrospective it makes sense that some automated tool can make this much easier and I would like to see how this works more.

I think one of the most important points the author makes (and states many times) is “do not aim for a 100% automation”, which makes sense as the author explains how it is not necessarily feasible or beneficial to have all of your tests automated. Furthering this point, the other interesting part of this article is how the author explains that manually testing is better for certain aspects of software. After reading these reasons, I completely agree with the author that certain areas such as testing the actual user experience of a program makes more sense to test manually instead of automating. Another aspect I really like about this article that I like is that the author continues throughout the article to focus on the practicality of automating testing from a business standpoint and takes into account the amount of investment and return on investment that can be gained by automated testing.

This article has certainly made me more interested in testing automation and I would like to see how tools implement this, especially in areas the article says can really benefit from this such as regression or browser testing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Chris' Computer Science Blog by cradkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Retrospective and Review of Unit Testing

Article link:

In this blog post I wanted to examine an article I found about unit testing. I think that since unit tests were one of the first types of testing we learned about and we have used unit tests as a foundation for many other testing methods this semester, reviewing this article serves as a great retrospective (and provides another viewpoint) on the importance of unit testing and defining criteria on writing “good” unit tests.

In the article, the author defines the significance of unit tests in creating software. They then go on to define some various qualities that make for a “good” unit test. I agree with the listed points, but I think this article could benefit by providing a few examples of good unit tests and maybe a few bad ones for comparison, especially since this is an article about programmers not correctly writing unit tests. I also think the article could better define what these “units” that are being tested are, since this term is used frequently throughout the article. Additionally, I think the article should better define what specifically is being tested in these “units” besides just saying “examine and test each unit of code separately”. Again, this is where some examples would greatly help illustrate the author’s point. The article then goes to list many benefits of writing unit tests. It ends with an interesting (and great) point of how just having unit tests isn’t necessarily beneficial (and can even be detrimental) if they are poorly written.

Overall, I think that after learning about and using unit tests a lot this semester, that this article can serve as a good introduction to the topic, and it certainly reaffirms what I have learned about unit testing, but I also think it requires some revisions to be more helpful in demonstrating the points it makes, as I find it to be somewhat vague in the fundamental parts of presenting the main concept of unit testing. I think that having a well written article about this topic is especially important as this type of testing is used as the basis for many other types of testing we have learned about. I also think that this article could include this point of how unit testing is used in the larger contexts of other types of testing such as ensuring code coverage to further prove its importance.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Chris' Computer Science Blog by cradkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Regression Testing

Article link:

Today I learned about regression testing from an excellent article on DZone and why it is an essential part of software testing. As the article explains, regression testing involves testing the whole software product to ensure that any changes to the code doesn’t break what was already working in the product or other parts of the software. The article then goes through a great example of how fixing a bug in one part of an example piece of software can unintentionally result in another (previously working) part of the system to stop working properly. The article demonstrates really well that this breakage can occur despite unit tests showing that the bug was fixed properly. This to me is an especially important point as it shows the value in using multiple methods of testing to ensure software is performing correctly. One criticism I do have of this article is that I wish they gave an example of how to implement regression (the article does include a link to a tool that performs regression testing) testing in an actual program (or in context of their previous example).

Although after reading this article, the concept of regression testing seems simple, I find it very important as both a software user and software developer. In my personal experience as a user I have seen everything from operating systems to video games release updates that caused features that worked fine previously to become buggy or stop working entirely. From the user perspective I know how frustrating this can be, so I am glad that I learned how to prevent this problem as a software developer. Regression testing is definitely something I now want to implement into my personal software projects. Now I need to look into the tools that can help do this.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Chris' Computer Science Blog by cradkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.