Category Archives: CS443

Week 5: 15th February – 22nd February

This week has been slower than last week. I have rewritten the authorization module, yet I feel as though I am copying and pasting their code. It is a simple module that really has the imported Open MRS Auth. Module to do the heavy lifting and take care of the passing of credentials. This leaves the routing and the request observer for login. None of this code is really changeable so I am hoping to dive deeper into the core of this application. Class has been slow moving at this point, but we are reviewing angluar 2 issues, tutorials and development in general.

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 4: 7th February – 14th February

This week was more exciting since we began to work with Open MRS AMPath. Building the project was like any other node application. In the terminal, I navagted to the root app folder and used “npm install”, and “npm server”. This started the ng2amrs test local server and was easy to log into. It seems you can not halt the server forcfully or you will not be able to restart it unless you reboot your machine. I have watched hours of tutorials and look forward to rewriting the Authorization Module. It does not seem complex since they import the OpenMRS authorization Module making the hard work already complete.

Let see what this next week brings!!

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3: 31 January – 6 February 2017

This week was a slow week out of the semester since we were finishing our tour of heroes.

We have learned a lot about routing, two way binding and the nifty features angular provides. It is sad to note that Angluar does not have a built in sorting algorithm since it added complexity and making a flexible application framework requires light weight and freedom for developers to implement proper efficient algorithms for their use. This is kind of a cop out yet shows that every developer should know how to make efficient sorting algorithms for their programs.

Looking forward to working on Ampath.

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Software Craftsman Ch. 3 and Ch. 4

For this post I read chapters 3 and 4 out of Sandro Mancuso’s The Software Craftsman.  In these chapters Mancuso breaks down what he means by Software Craftsmanship.  First and foremost a Software Craftsman is a professional who is constantly learning new tools and techniques.  In chapter 3, “Software Craftsmanship,” Mancuso presents and explains the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto:

Not only working software,
but also well-crafted software

Not only responding to change,
but also steadily adding value

Not only individuals and interactions,
but also a community of professionals

Not only customer collaboration,
but also productive partnerships

The second piece of every part of the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto simply elaborates on the first piece.  This is very different from the Agile Manifesto which contains contrasting ideas.  In this way, the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto seems almost intuitive.  For example, take the first piece, “Not only working software, but also well-crafted software.”  The next logical step from working software is software that is well put together.  In TDD after you write a test, you write code that makes that test pass. Then you write another test, and more code to pass that test.  Refactor and repeat.  Using this technique you write not only working software, but as you progress, the software becomes well crafted.  So I guess I can understand someone feeling as though they need to lay out these guidelines, but as these techniques have developed over time, the aspects of the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto seem almost inevitable.

Chapter 4 is entitled “The Software Craftsmanship Attitude.”  This chapter is essentially a recap of The Clean Coder in its entirety.  Instead of going through all of the content of this chapter, I would like to refer you to my previous posts.  After reading this chapter, and without having read the rest of this book, I would think that simply reading this book would cover most of, if not all, of the pertinent information from Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder.  I think that the overlap is probably pretty substantial.

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Software Craftsman Ch. 1 and Ch. 2

Fitting that the last chapter in Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder was about craftsmanship, now we are reading The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride by Sandro Mancuso.  I’ve read the first couple of chapters of Mancuso’s book and I’m not sure if I like this book any more or any less than the previous one.  I suppose that is fortunate.

The first chapter was titled “Software Development in the Twenty-First Century” and this chapter is about as long as the title.  Chapter one was all of six pages long and served only as an introduction to the rest of the book.  Mancuso did discuss the idea of seniority in the field of software development and broached the topic of Agile, the topic of the next chapter.  There wasn’t really enough content to reflect on this particular chapter.

Agile!  I love it, I LOVE it.  I’ve read and heard so much about the Agile process in the past year, and aside from the fact that its the direction businesses are moving, it just makes sense.  I’m pretty sure I have blogged about Agile before, but if not, I’m happy to do it again.  Most importantly we need to include the Agile Manifesto:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others to do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over process and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

This is just a better way of handling projects.  Using an Agile framework, ie. Scrum, and keeping in line with the Agile Manifesto companies are able to produce software more quickly and with better quality.  Agile reduces errors, misunderstandings, and obstacles by introducing more communication.

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Ch. 13 and Ch. 14

This week I read the final two chapters of Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder.  These chapters were not very long and only covered a couple topics.  In fact I only took away two points from chapter 13 on “Teams and Projects.”  These two topics were on the “Gelled Team” and “Velocity.”  A quick overview on Martin’s “Gelled Team” is a group of about twelve programmers, testers, analysts, and one project manager, who have worked long enough together to develop a symbiotic relationship.  I have worked closely with a few students during my time at WSU and we have certainly developed something close to what Martin described.  I know how these students think and work, and it aligns well with my process.  Martin describes “velocity” which my group and I have been experimenting with and adjusting as we figure out how much work we can accomplish over our sprints.

Chapter 14 was entitled “Apprenticeship, and Craftsmanship” which focused on the idea that school does not prepare programmers for the field.  To be honest I am concerned that I have not accrued enough knowledge to be an effective programmer in the field.  Martin suggests a system in which there are Masters, Journeymen, and Apprentices, where the more experienced teach the less experienced.  I like this idea, where for the first year, the Journeymen teach the Apprentices, and over time the Journeymen become Masters who orchestrate the entire process.  Martin also discusses the idea of Craftsmanship, which he calls “a mindset of values, disciplines, techniques, attitudes, and answers,” which are handed down from the experienced to the inexperienced.

Well that wraps up, The Clean Coder.  Stay tuned for more posts starting next week on a whole new text!

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Ch. 11 and Ch. 12

Another week, another two chapters from Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder.  This weeks installment were chapter’s 11 and 12 which were entitled “Pressure” and “Collaboration” respectively.  They combined for eighteen pages of fluff.  Each contained the signature Bobby Marty anecdote which ate up a large portion of both chapters.  In my last post about The Clean Coder I said that I was starting to enjoy his chapters.  I guess I spoke too soon.

So chapter 11 was about pressure.  Martin writes about avoiding pressure and handling pressure.  I found it interesting that Martin thinks maintaining discipline is both a way to avoid pressure and to handle pressure.  He uses TDD as an example.  The problem with TDD is that it is time consuming.  Not only do you have to think of the code you need to write, but you need to write tests that the code will eventually need to pass.  This means that you will be writing twice as much.  His idealistic position on deadlines is unrealistic.  Sometimes you need to make adjustments in order to make deadlines, and in those cases, disciplines must adapt.  TDD may be the best way to do something, but sometimes sacrifices must be made.

Chapter 12 was about collaboration.  It is asinine to resist collaboration for the greatest accomplishments have not been achieved by a single person, but a group of people.  The overall message of this chapter is that working with other people is important, and I don’t think that many people would disagree with that.  I found his section on cerebellums to be superfluous and poorly labeled.  Cerebellum has very little to do out of the context of that billboard he read, and thusly carries little weight outside of that chapter.  I also found that his take on collective ownership interesting.  I feel as though it needs a qualifier.  Collective ownership is certainly the best way to go, IF and only IF you can trust the people you are working with AND you are using a version control system.

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 – Learning Reflection

So our second sprint has concluded, and with that, the change from posting once every week to posting once every sprint has begun!  Additionally, we have changed our sprints so that instead of having four days of downtime in between sprints, we only have a day.  I really like the way this class is developing.

This sprint included some pretty good steps in the right direction.  Everyone in my group was able to get OpenMRS and AMPATH to  run locally on their machines, and we were able to dig our hands into some code.  Each of us took it upon ourselves to rewrite the AMPATH Authentication Module in order to learn more about REST API.  A few of us, myself included, have already had some experience with this so it has not been a huge leap.  Not everyone, myself included, has completed rewriting the Authentication Module, but I intend to finish it during the next sprint.

Our group really got a good feel for how the sprint cycle works this time around.  We conducted our own sprint planning meeting, broke down our stories into tasks in our own story time, and had a successful sprint review and retrospective.  Everyone has been participating in the daily scrums, and I’m glad to see that our dedication to the process has been fruitful.  I can only imagine that, as a group, we will become more efficient and more productive as the semester continues.

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Ch. 9 and Ch. 10

This week I read another couple chapters out of Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder.  These two chapters were entitled “Time Management” and “Estimation.”  Time management is an interesting and important topic in this writer’s opinion.  Martin discusses the importance of meetings, and comments on various methods for limiting these meetings from being time wasters.  He also mentioned a few types of meetings, such as stand-up, iteration, iteration retrospective, and demo meetings.  These are components of the agile process which we have been utilizing in our course thus far.  In my experience with these meetings, I agree with Martin.  If there is not a clear agenda, and if all the members do not maintain focus, a lot of time can be wasted.  Fortunately, we have had pretty good success keeping our meetings on track.  Another topic that Martin broached that I found to be interesting was the Pomodoro Technique.  It is a method for ensuring that time is used effectively and I aim to try using it next time I sit down to do some coding.

As I mentioned, in chapter ten, Martin discusses how to estimate how much time is required for completing tasks.  In his previous chapters he mentioned the importance on estimations, but in this chapter he discusses the process in much more detail, and to my pleasant surprise, provided concrete calculations for how to accomplish adequate estimations.  I hope to employ these techniques in the near future so I can evaluate the validity of his lesson.  As I have read through this book I found that I have been hesitant to believe what Martin has been saying because of the lack of specifics and the overall theoretical nature of the topics.  However, these past few chapters have really started to pull the previous lessons together in a way that makes the whole seem more legitimate.  With only four more chapters to go, I hope that the useful information continues to flow.

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Chapters 7 & 8

Definition of “Done”, Acceptance Testing are both built off of communication. This is key when trying to convey your programming needs to a developer or vice versa. The definition of Done in my opinion and in what the author presented us is a moral of “Done” means many things to many people and it is important to establish your system/meaning of “Done”.

The next big topic was Agreement Testing. From personal experience I know how in a corporate environment the managers may not know exactly what they want until you build what they ask for. Then as the author tries to emphasis that they will always have changes. This is said to be because now they how more information on how it looks and what they can perceive to be most efficient. Also Agreement Tests are NOT Unit Tests…..its explained pretty clear that the access points for execution are expected to be different for a Agreement test. This also is where he went into a useful tangent to point out that the underlying framework for your GUI should be consistent but the GUI layout itself can change fluidly.

Chapter 8 discussed more about testing.Of course I think this author has unrealistic benchmarks yet they are great to strive for. He seems very stern in the words used to state Quality Assurance should find nothing. This is a topic we discussed in depth in our last semester course on integration testing, unit testing, what defines a unit etc.Yet the important point he stresses is that unit tests are for the programmers. The component tests are for the Agreement Test, and the integration testing is for large systems when piecing many components together, and the System test is where the entire program is tested from an outside perspective that is all works as one system.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.