Category Archives: CS448

Sprint 3: Reflections on Learning & Work Products

This sprint was the most successful yet.  I think we are all starting to really get the hang of things in our group and daily scrum meetings each week.  We are now at the point where we have been assigned issues from AMPATH and are diving head first into the openMRS code.  My big obstacle this week was trying to figure out why it was saying I had the wrong login credentials for the AMPATH standalone server.  I realized half way through the sprint that I was stuck on the issue for too long, so I decided to go to my teammates for help.  In a few days, one of my team members actually found the solution to the issue.  All I had to do was switch my web browser to google chrome and download a plugin I was missing.  The lesson I am going to take from this sprint is to not spend too much time getting stuck on something without asking for help.  It is always a good idea to try and figure out a problem by yourself but if it’s coming to the point where it is taking you a little too much time, you should always ask for help.  This semester is pretty short, so I don’t want to waste any time that I could be focusing on something else.  This next sprint I plan to get more done then I did this sprint.  I am not completely satisfied with the amount of work I accomplished this sprint and wish to improve.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Comp Sci Blog by alexsblog13 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Ch. 13 and Ch. 14

This week I read the final two chapters of Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder.  These chapters were not very long and only covered a couple topics.  In fact I only took away two points from chapter 13 on “Teams and Projects.”  These two topics were on the “Gelled Team” and “Velocity.”  A quick overview on Martin’s “Gelled Team” is a group of about twelve programmers, testers, analysts, and one project manager, who have worked long enough together to develop a symbiotic relationship.  I have worked closely with a few students during my time at WSU and we have certainly developed something close to what Martin described.  I know how these students think and work, and it aligns well with my process.  Martin describes “velocity” which my group and I have been experimenting with and adjusting as we figure out how much work we can accomplish over our sprints.

Chapter 14 was entitled “Apprenticeship, and Craftsmanship” which focused on the idea that school does not prepare programmers for the field.  To be honest I am concerned that I have not accrued enough knowledge to be an effective programmer in the field.  Martin suggests a system in which there are Masters, Journeymen, and Apprentices, where the more experienced teach the less experienced.  I like this idea, where for the first year, the Journeymen teach the Apprentices, and over time the Journeymen become Masters who orchestrate the entire process.  Martin also discusses the idea of Craftsmanship, which he calls “a mindset of values, disciplines, techniques, attitudes, and answers,” which are handed down from the experienced to the inexperienced.

Well that wraps up, The Clean Coder.  Stay tuned for more posts starting next week on a whole new text!

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Learning Reflection – Sprint 3

I was studying the ngpoc-184 issue and I figured there are basically two modules that we need to work with: clinic-dashboard and main-dashboard. I also found a few questions in stack overflow useful in helping us develop the feature requested. We did not do anything else during this sprint.

I wish we could move faster as a team and take on more issues, but everyone else is still learning Angular 2 so we can’t move any faster.

From the blog CS448 – The blog about software by Sudarshan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder (Chapters 13 & 14)

Chapter 13 of The Clean Coder discussed the importance of being able to work in a team, the right way.  Having the ability to work well in a properly formed team is very important in life, and especially as a computer programmer.  This chapter talks about something the author calls, a “gelled team”.  A gelled team is basically the idea that all team members will learn each other’s quirks, strengths, and weaknesses; which will then lead to the team beginning to “gel”.  As a team you need to work together and be aware not only of yourself, but also everyone else on your team.  There is no “I” in team!!  This chapter goes on to talk about how a good team will take the time needed to “gel” so they can progress and get as many projects done as smoothly as possible.  A gelled team is not formed around a specific project.  The author describes a gel team to have the ability to “accept many projects simultaneously and will divvy up the work according to their own opinions, skills, and abilities.”  I agreed with this chapter and agree 100%.  From my personal experience, being in a team that works well and fluently together has always been a much more successful experience then being in a team where everyone is kind of off on there own, and not communicating with one another.  It was interesting that the author talked about the idea of not forming a team based off of a project, but forming a team based off of being able to finish anything.  I really liked that idea, and it’s something that I personally have not seen in the workplace.  In my software engineering internship, the teams were mostly formed around a specific project.

The last and final chapter of The Clean Coder is chapter 14.  The final chapter of this book definitely summed up a huge aspect of what it truly means to be a computer programmer.  The whole point this chapter made was that school can of course teach you the theory of computer programming, but it will never teach you the discipline, practice, and skill of being a craftsman.  School is very helpful in getting the main idea of what you will need to be doing as a computer programmer.  School will teach you a lot of technical things like design patterns, algorithms, and how to code in general.  It is very important to know these technical and theoretical things as an engineer.  The chapter goes on to discuss that after we graduate from school and our on our way to the workplace, we are now the new mentors and guidance for the next generation of computer programmers.  When you are in the workplace you need to have the knowledge to be able to mentor the younger developers coming in.  As computer programmers we need to realize this is our job and soak in all we know now so we can later guide others.  You should pass your craftsmanship down to the younger people so they too will have the knowledge we have.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Comp Sci Blog by alexsblog13 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder (Chapters 13 & 14)

Chapter 13 is short and the chapter can be summarized as follows: teams are hard to build, it better to use the same team  for different projects rather than form teams around a single project.

Chapter 14 is about mentoring, apprenticeship and craftsmanship.  I found the Degrees Of Failure section funny. How does somebody go through a master’s degree in CS without knowing how to code? I was surprised to hear that there are CS master’s candidates who do not know how to code! Damn! !

The rest of the chapter was about mentoring, the importance of learning and what it means to be craftsman. I completely agree with the author that the process of becoming a software engineer must be more like the process of becoming licensed doctor. I also agree with the author on the idea of craftsmanship. I takes years of learning, practice and tutelage to gain true mastery of software development.

From the blog CS448 – The blog about software by Sudarshan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder(Week 6)

This blog post will revolve around chapters 11 and 12

Chapter 11 is all about pressure. Professionals thrive under pressure. If you look at athletes like, Tom Brady, Steph Curry, Lebron James  and others you can see that they thrive in this kind of environment. This is what makes them great. One may say that it’s impossible to avoid pressure, but I beg to differ. One way to avoid pressure is to do your work early, on time, and don’t make commitments that you can’t see through.


Chapter 12 talks about collaboration. When I first started programming, I noticed a lot of people working alone. I always preferred working with others, because it’s efficient and if you get stuck on something, the other person can help you out. You can’t do everything on your own, but with the help of collaboration, you can achieve greatness.


From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder (Chapter 11 & 12)

Chapter 11 of the clean coder book is about pressure and how to deal with it as a professional. According to the author of the book the best way to stay calm under pressure is avoid situations that cause pressure.

Other ways to avoid pressure:

  1. Commitments (avoid committing to deadlines you are not sure you can meet)
  2. Staying Clean (The best way to go fast  and keep deadlines is to write clean code)

If you find yourself in a pressure situation, you can do the following:

  1. Don’t panic (Think the problem through and plot a course to recovery)
  2. Communicate ( Tell your team of your troubles; avoid creating surprises. Surprises multiply pressure by ten.)
  3. Get Help ( When the heat is on, find an associate who will pair program with you. You can get things done much faster this way)


Chapter 12 is about collaboration. It is highly important to collaborate with people. Software development is more dealing with people than programming.

Both of these chapters  pass on  some useful and common sense ideas.

From the blog CS448 – The blog about software by Sudarshan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 6: The Clean Coder (Chapters 11 & 12)

This week I read chapter 11 & 12 of The Clean Coder.  Chapter 11 discussed how to handle pressure.  I really enjoyed reading this chapter because at some point everyone is going to feel like they are under a lot of pressure.  The most important thing this chapter taught me is that you need to stay clam and don’t panic.  Panicking will cause you to be too stressed and not be able to think clearly.  This is not good for anyone.  You need to just stay focused and do what you can do.  A little tip I always think about when I am stressed out about school or something is that it’s not the end of the world.  Even if you can’t get something done, most people are very understanding of certain situations. However, you always need to COMMUNICATE.  This chapter talked about how no one likes surprises and that is very true.  If you are open and explain why you can’t get something done ahead of time, there will be no surprises when the due date comes along.  Many times people are willing to help.  One point that the chapter talked about that stuck out to me was to always avoid pressure.  You can do this by not committing to something you can’t finish and keeping your code as clean as possible.

Chapter 12 talked about yet another extremely important topic of the computer science world.  It talked all about working together.  Programming is literally all about working together and being able to collaborate your work together to make a great product.  The chapter talked about how you need to learn to talk to people and work together.  I know there are a lot of people who would rather work alone, but as a programmer you are almost never working alone.  I can already relate to this chapter.  Even just in my computer science major classes, most projects and group activities consist of us working together.  I personally work well in a team and I like working with people.  Collaborating with others has never been an issue for me!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Comp Sci Blog by alexsblog13 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 5: The Clean Coder

This week I read chapters 9 & 10 of The Clean Coder.  Chapter 9 talked about a very very very important topic; time management.  A big thing this chapter discussed that I do agree with is that attending every meeting you are invited to is a simple waste of time.  During my internship, there was meetings I didn’t even attend because it wouldn’t have benefitted me in anyway.  You need to use your time wisely and not attend a million meetings a day, and then only have 3 hours to do your work.  It was very interesting that the author talked about your caffeine intake during this chapter.  During the work day, I tend to sometimes overload on caffeine. Although it does really help to keep me awake and focused, I can agree that I sometimes get a little too hyper.  If you are all cracked out on caffeine, you may start to focus on the wrong things which isn’t good to do.  I agreed with pretty much everything this chapter talked about.  I learned first hand that meetings can be an incredible waste of time, too much caffeine can be a not so good thing, and long walks and getting out of the office can really help.

Chapter 10 of The Clean Coder  discussed the topic of; estimation.  As a computer programmer, you need to be aware of what you can and cannot get done, and how long it is going to take you.  The book states, “Professionals draw a clear line between estimates and commitment.” This quote stuck out to me because that is extremely true.  A professional person wouldn’t make it seem like they were committed to finishing something if they knew they couldn’t get it done.  Computer programmers are human, and even though you should get something done by a certain date, sometimes it’s just not doable.

“They do not commit unless they know for certain they will succeed. They are careful not to make any implied commitments. They communicate the probability distribution of their estimates as clearly as possible, so that managers can make appropriate plans.”

The paragraph above was the most important thing said in the whole chapter.  I will definitely take this with me in my work in the future.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Comp Sci Blog by alexsblog13 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder Ch. 11 and Ch. 12

Another week, another two chapters from Robert C. Martin’s The Clean Coder.  This weeks installment were chapter’s 11 and 12 which were entitled “Pressure” and “Collaboration” respectively.  They combined for eighteen pages of fluff.  Each contained the signature Bobby Marty anecdote which ate up a large portion of both chapters.  In my last post about The Clean Coder I said that I was starting to enjoy his chapters.  I guess I spoke too soon.

So chapter 11 was about pressure.  Martin writes about avoiding pressure and handling pressure.  I found it interesting that Martin thinks maintaining discipline is both a way to avoid pressure and to handle pressure.  He uses TDD as an example.  The problem with TDD is that it is time consuming.  Not only do you have to think of the code you need to write, but you need to write tests that the code will eventually need to pass.  This means that you will be writing twice as much.  His idealistic position on deadlines is unrealistic.  Sometimes you need to make adjustments in order to make deadlines, and in those cases, disciplines must adapt.  TDD may be the best way to do something, but sometimes sacrifices must be made.

Chapter 12 was about collaboration.  It is asinine to resist collaboration for the greatest accomplishments have not been achieved by a single person, but a group of people.  The overall message of this chapter is that working with other people is important, and I don’t think that many people would disagree with that.  I found his section on cerebellums to be superfluous and poorly labeled.  Cerebellum has very little to do out of the context of that billboard he read, and thusly carries little weight outside of that chapter.  I also found that his take on collective ownership interesting.  I feel as though it needs a qualifier.  Collective ownership is certainly the best way to go, IF and only IF you can trust the people you are working with AND you are using a version control system.

From the blog cs443 – TayNock's Blog by taynock and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.