The article I found today that I want to write about is titled “My 5 Biggest Screw-Ups as a Scrum Master”. I chose this article because the title of it really jumped out and resonated with me when I read it. I figured it would give me some good insight on what it’s like to be a scrum master and possibly have some good tips or tricks on how to avoid common mistakes when you’re new to it.
The article mentions his five major mistakes and how he fixed them, which I’ll get into below.
For the first mistake, he mentioned how when he heard differing viewpoints than his own, he would be upset. He fixed this by putting himself in the other people’s shoes, and trying to understand why they were seeing it how they were. For his second mistake, as it sort of ties into the first one, any feedback he got was very tough to swallow. To fix this, he actively sorted out as much feedback as he could in order to get used to it and learn from it. For the third mistake, he pretty much just simply allowed his group to “self-manage” on their own, but it led to a lot more confusion than anything. To fix this, he set goals and clear responsibilities for all members of the group but still allowed for the sense of freedom that self-management implies. As he says “it gives a sense of direction and vision for the state they want to achieve”. The fourth issue was missing out on signs of lack of trust; meaning not realizing the group members may have issues with each other. For his solution here, it really seems he doesn’t really have one. He tried everything he could but, at the end of the day, the two group members were never going to get along. I guess the takeaway here is to just recognize this and either reconstruct the group or direct your energy elsewhere. The fifth issue, working beyond his experience, was simply just that. He thought it would be a piece of cake to be a scrum master, but it was far from it. He learned you must expand your comfort zone by going into uncomfortable situations with the intent to learn, and that honesty is extremely crucial.
Although we learned about Scrum in class, this article did a good job summarizing and explaining the issues you may experience within it, especially as a first time scrum master. It’s honestly probably something I would have never thought of and I probably would’ve made the same mistake as the writer by thinking it would be a piece of cake. Because of this article, I now know a little bit more as to what to expect whenever I have my first big project as a scrum master and HOPEFULLY I can avoid some, if not all, of the mistakes made by the person here.
From the blog CS@Worcester – RBradleyBlog by Ryan Bradley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.