For this week’s apprenticeship pattern, I did a reading on “Retreat into Competence”. Retreat into Competence pattern about feeling overwhelmed, realizing how little you know about or taking on a big project and things may not be working so well for you. In this pattern it talks about how you should “pull back and then launch forward like a stone from a catapult”. What this means it to retreat to a zone where you’re comfortable with and once you feel ready, you’ll be able to launch yourself even further than before you might have felt ‘stuck’. An example I found from this pattern is pick something that can be self-contained that you know really well and stick with it, by doing this, opportunities will emerge, and it will allow you to capitalize on those opportunities and you will end with great gains.
Unlike my other blog posts, my initial reaction is not quite the same since I have yet to experience this. The closest time I ever felt overwhelmed is just the pressure of trying to find a job by graduation. Its not exactly related to what this pattern talks about but the same concept. For me, it was a matter of constantly getting rejection emails from companies, so I took a step back to look at what I may be missing. Once I was able to go over my resume and qualifications, I started to reapply and now I am starting to receive multiple invitations to take coding assessments and scheduling interview dates. This pattern goes hand to hand with ‘Expose Your Ignorance’ and ‘Confront Your Ignorance’.
The pattern has changed the way I view my profession because I never thought about needing to take a step back in programming. Maybe because I never ran into a situation where I needed to? However, after reading about this pattern I started to reflect on the things I’ve done so far and what else could I do to improve my programming skills and knowledge. I am also trying to figure out what I am really good at so I can focus a little bit more on that skill and work around it so when the time comes and an opportunity presents itself, I will be able to capitalize on it.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Michael's Developer Blog by michaelchaau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.