For this sprint my focus was to get the frontend and backend talking to each other. This worked well and now they are communicating and sharing data as seen from the commit below. During the sprint we like during the last one was on teams of three, three assigned to the frontend and three assigned to the backend. Like last time this team dynamic worked well as we were able to complete a lot of issues in a timely manner. Also, I found that the new commit scheme using commitlint made commits much easier to read. Due to the way you must commit a message, it made it so much nicer and easier to read know what type of commit they were sending such as a feature, fix, etc.
During the sprint however I did think that there was an issue with the team dynamic. On the frontend we didn’t have a lot of issues for this sprint. This sprint was mainly to focus on integration and adding files to make commits and other applications work well. For this it was mainly me and Sandesh who were working on this. Brendan did some work as well, but I thought to my self what the best team dynamic as Brendan when he would finish his issue most of the other issues were already assigned. Also, during this sprint, the backend team had their hands full with issues such as rabbitmq and making sure that it integrates with no issues. They managed to get most of the issues done as their team dynamic is structured very well and they all have a passion for working on the backend. Like the last sprint, I think that if the teams changed to 2 and 4 then every group member would have things to work on as the backend team normally has many more issues to work on during a sprint then the frontend team.
Apart from the team dynamic, I found that there were no other things that could be improved as a team. From an individual standpoint, there could be some things that could improve. Like last sprint I am still experiencing issues with too many commits. It has definitely gone down but every once in a while, when I commit work, I sometimes accidentally leave my test objects in the code which if not explained to other group members could confuse them. Due to this, I find myself sending a “fix” commit to remove all these test objects. What can be done to remedy this is to read all my code again before submitting. Like if were taking an exam, double checking my answers would ensure that every test object is removed form the code before any commit is sent through. Apart from that I really enjoyed this sprint and the work that I was submitting.
Added Commitlint to frontend repository:
Change frontend skema to match backend:
Make file for frontend:
Frontend docker container with nginx:
Fix container to reload and not crash:
Integrate frontend image with backend:
From the blog CS@worcester – Michale Friedrich by mikefriedrich1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.