Category Archives: CS@Worcester Blog

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

Hi, my name is Abdullah Farouk and this will be my first blog of the semester and it is based on the readings from chapter 1 and the introductions of chapters two through six.

I did not know what apprenticeship actually means until after reading these chapters. From what I understand, It is basically learning from more “experienced” coders on how to be a better developer. Dave’s story was pretty cool and awesome to read as it gives me more motivation and I can see how good it is to get some help sometimes. From the three stages he provided for us in a developer’s career, I think most people are stuck between an apprentice and a journeyman with very few people in the masters category. An apprentice is someone who still has a lot to learn and wants to improve their way of doing things. I believe I am at this level right now because I still have some areas in my field that I need to upgrade or work on with my team or the professor. This gave me extra motivation because I want to be in the journeyman stage, at the very least by the end of this semester. Our professor would be in the “masters” category because he is very advanced in his area, performs the roles of a journeyman and is focused on moving the industry forward by teaching us and advancing the Worcester state pantry website. I do agree with these roles but I do think that there should be another category because there is a lot of difference between a journeyman and a master and that gap should be filled and made its own category. I like the idea of always wanting to improve and adapting based on the feedback people give you. The author talked about “a belief that it is better to share what we know than to create scarcity by hoarding it.” I found this quote very interesting and I 100% agree with him but I feel like this only is true in the computer world since people go off each other’s ideas and make changes to improve it. After reading the introduction for chapters two through six, I think I have found what my next blog is going to be about so it is giving me something to look toward and forward too. I will see you on the next blog, hopefully. 


From the blog CS@Worcester – Farouk's blog by afarouk1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Copyright and licenses in Software creation.

In today’s technology-driven world, software development has become a cornerstone of innovation. Whether you’re a professional software engineer or just a hobbyist coder, understanding the legal aspects of software creation is crucial. This blog post explores copyright and licenses in the realm of software development, shedding light on how they affect developers and users alike.

  1. Copyright in Software

Copyright law plays a pivotal role in protecting the intellectual property of software creators. When you write code, you automatically gain copyright protection over it. This means that no one else can copy, distribute, or modify your code without your permission.

Key points about copyright in software:

  • Copyright protection is automatic: As soon as you create code, it’s protected under copyright law, without any need for registration.
  • Exclusive rights: Copyright grants you exclusive rights to control how your software is used, reproduced, distributed, and modified.
  • Duration: Copyright protection typically lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years, or for a set period in the case of works created by corporations.
  1. Open Source and Licensing

While copyright protects software by default, developers often choose to use open-source licenses to specify how others can use their code. Open-source software is critical to the tech industry, fostering collaboration and innovation by allowing others to use, modify, and distribute the code.

Key points about open-source licensing:

  • Types of licenses: There are various open-source licenses, including the MIT License, GNU General Public License (GPL), Apache License, and more. Each has its own terms and conditions.
  • Permissive vs. copyleft licenses: Some licenses are permissive, allowing for wide usage, while others, like the GPL, enforce certain restrictions to ensure derivative works remain open source.
  • Attribution: Many open-source licenses require users to give credit to the original author when they use the code.
  1. Proprietary Software Licenses

Not all software is open source. Proprietary software is protected by strict licenses that limit how it can be used, modified, and distributed. These licenses may restrict users from viewing or modifying the source code.

Key points about proprietary software licenses:

  • Closed source: Proprietary software is typically closed source, meaning the source code is not freely available for inspection or modification.
  • End-user agreements: Users must agree to terms and conditions specified in end-user license agreements (EULAs) before using the software.
  • Restrictive vs. permissive licenses: Proprietary software licenses can vary widely in terms of the restrictions they impose on users.
  1. Dual Licensing

Some software developers choose to offer their software under both open-source and proprietary licenses. This approach allows them to provide a free, open-source version while also offering a commercial version with additional features and support.

Key points about dual licensing:

  • Monetization: Dual licensing provides a way for developers to generate revenue from their open-source projects.
  • Flexibility: Users can choose the license that best suits their needs, depending on whether they want a free, open-source version or a commercial one with extra features.
  1. Compliance and Enforcement

Both open-source and proprietary software licenses come with rules and conditions that must be followed. Non-compliance can lead to legal action and damages.

Key points about compliance and enforcement:

  • Legal consequences: Violating a software license can result in lawsuits, injunctions, and monetary damages.
  • Compliance tools: There are tools and services available to help developers and organizations track and ensure license compliance.


Understanding copyright and licenses in software creation is essential for developers and users. Whether you’re contributing to open source, building proprietary software, or using software created by others, awareness of these legal aspects is vital for fostering collaboration and innovation while respecting intellectual property rights. Always be sure to read and adhere to the terms and conditions specified in software licenses to avoid legal complications and contribute positively to the software development ecosystem.

From the blog cs@worcester – A Journey through CS by mgl1990 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Learn How you Fail – week 13

This pattern focuses on being able to identify why and the ways you make mistakes to learn from them. The big message of the pattern is that you will naturally not be good at everything and sometimes you will have to spend a lot more time on something just to only be a little bit better at it which is ok, as long as you are making advancements to improving something you lack or feel needs work than do as much as you can.

In my experience I find it difficult to start new projects as I feel I am not yet qualified or experienced enough to finish or even make a large dent in the project. Not only is this a issue with the confidence I have in my work but moreover how I view how difficult the projects and issues tend to be, however eventually when I build up the courage to finally start I notice that I am much more capable than I thought I was. Even when I do end up making a mistake, I can see what I made a mistake on and work around it in order to be able to fix it and prevent it from happening in the future. The best way to go about it is like the pattern says, be conscious of the mistakes that I make and on what parts I make them on. A method the pattern speaks of is creating test classes for a method before you run the method at all so that you can look at all the mistakes at its raw form without testing. This will give you a good idea of what you fresh work looks like and where you seem to fumble. One method that I know still needs work on is my documentation especially on larger projects. Making more notes and comments of work I have done will allow me to keep better track and organize my thoughts.

While it sounds like being over critical about what kind of work you can accomplish being aware of what you can handle will allow you to better understand you limits so you can make a effort to move past them and be even better than you once were.

From the blog cs@worcester – Marels Blog by mbeqo and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


This is my final blog for the university, where I work hard for four years, hoping to become a software developer. The team and I finished most of the tasks for the project “Reporting. System”; it was challenging for our learning experience. There are struggles and realizations from mistakes and trials of multiple attempts that help and benefit understanding for further the learning experiences. Those learning experiences from the tasks were interesting and challenging to complete becoming more difficult than others for unexpected.

I am currently making a presentation and adding details from looking back at the tasks that the group and myself for how much we accomplished. Also, looking forward to graduation. After the team and I adjusted to the issue board required for the work and practice. I have done these issues over the semester for weight assignments that have been changed with a total weight of 2-3 is reasonable and practicable. Some are easy to do and understand, but others are challenging.

The Issue:

  • Remove MongoID leftover – Backend (changes). There are still MongoIDs available, and I will investigate this further. After I asked for feedback or assisted in making certain adjustments, the result seemed to be an improvement, and the team concurred.
  • backend — Write a test suite for API (changes); This activity writes tests in Chai, ensuring that the backend works with the API while ensuring you get a file back in .xls format (get the simple tests working).

My still challenge concerning one of these tasks is researching the topic of “Chai.” the topic is still questioning the existence of a library written in JavaScript with different test frameworks. It provides that your code continues to work as intended by attaching to the assertions set up. Like npm install chai, chai-HTTP, chai-as-promise, etc. Those additions make the process simpler, but it doesn’t look good. It has already gone through the potentially functional aspects, even after the review, code addition/construction, and code comparison phases.

After I got the chai working correctly, I learned the backend server kept shutting down due to missing files, leading to some codes not passing. The team and I backed up the system by going back to find those files and running for testing; the first half is working (the version number), and the second half won’t. (missing data from the database). 

For improvement, I prepare to find information about this issue from my group members and others by asking others who have had this experience issue before. Even though the team and myself ran into more mixed technical problems during the development process, like missing files, which resulted in more delays that shifted the focus on the specific problem. Even that problem can help us better comprehend and learn new specialties to avoid misleading and repeated attempts. 

In conclusion, in the third and last university sprint, our team had a good time discussing and executing the tasks, though we tried to do some things to perform wildly well after the second-Sprint. We still faced some obstacles that became a fun learning experience for new topics.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.