Category Archives: CS@Worcester Blog


Hi, and welcome to the Sprint Retrospective Blog. I have completed these tasks on GitLab for the group project; the team and I have been assigned to decide whether to implement these changes when necessary. For myself, I have done there is one activity that does require modifications, while the other three do not. These ISSUES weight totals are reasonable and easy to do once getting to the mindset of the work and practice.

 The Issues:

My challenge concerning these works is that I took the time to review the codes, and everything seems to be great, so it does not require any modification. Even if it means setting aside some time so that you can go to the next activity or task in the sequence. On the other side, it makes it appear that all I have done is read the codes and determine that there is no need to update them, making me feel bad because I haven’t worked as hard as I should have been working on this project. To improve myself as an individual to have goals that include conquering negative emotions, recognizing that the quality of the job has been maintained, and making additional recommendations to the team regarding acceptable actions. In the upcoming year, is to improve my time management abilities and all of these measurements so that I can finish all of my work within the assigned time window. I need to improve my technical skills and knowledge to contribute to the team significantly.

The team and I had a rough start in completing all the tasks on the sprint backlog; we encountered some challenges along the way. We faced several technological challenges during the development process, leading to delays. Additionally, some communication breakdowns led to misunderstandings and duplication of efforts. To improve on those issues by strengthening our technical skills and knowledge. This work can be achieved through regular training and knowledge-sharing sessions. We also need to establish better communication channels to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. Additionally, we need better tracking and monitoring mechanisms to ensure we are on track with our goals.

In conclusion, our team had a rough start, but we got through a lot of success during the first sprint. We overcame some of the obstacles while working through the sprint backlog and completing some of the assignments.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hi, and welcome to the Sprint Retrospective Blog. I have completed these tasks on GitLab for the group project; the team and I have been assigned to decide whether to implement these changes when necessary. For myself, I have done there is one activity that does require modifications, while the other three do not. These ISSUES weight totals are reasonable and easy to do once getting to the mindset of the work and practice.

 The Issues:

My challenge concerning these works is that I took the time to review the codes, and everything seems to be great, so it does not require any modification. Even if it means setting aside some time so that you can go to the next activity or task in the sequence. On the other side, it makes it appear that all I have done is read the codes and determine that there is no need to update them, making me feel bad because I haven’t worked as hard as I should have been working on this project. To improve myself as an individual to have goals that include conquering negative emotions, recognizing that the quality of the job has been maintained, and making additional recommendations to the team regarding acceptable actions. In the upcoming year, is to improve my time management abilities and all of these measurements so that I can finish all of my work within the assigned time window. I need to improve my technical skills and knowledge to contribute to the team significantly.

The team and I had a rough start in completing all the tasks on the sprint backlog; we encountered some challenges along the way. We faced several technological challenges during the development process, leading to delays. Additionally, some communication breakdowns led to misunderstandings and duplication of efforts. To improve on those issues by strengthening our technical skills and knowledge. This work can be achieved through regular training and knowledge-sharing sessions. We also need to establish better communication channels to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. Additionally, we need better tracking and monitoring mechanisms to ensure we are on track with our goals.

In conclusion, our team had a rough start, but we got through a lot of success during the first sprint. We overcame some of the obstacles while working through the sprint backlog and completing some of the assignments.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hi, and welcome to the Sprint Retrospective Blog. I have completed these tasks on GitLab for the group project; the team and I have been assigned to decide whether to implement these changes when necessary. For myself, I have done there is one activity that does require modifications, while the other three do not. These ISSUES weight totals are reasonable and easy to do once getting to the mindset of the work and practice.

 The Issues:

My challenge concerning these works is that I took the time to review the codes, and everything seems to be great, so it does not require any modification. Even if it means setting aside some time so that you can go to the next activity or task in the sequence. On the other side, it makes it appear that all I have done is read the codes and determine that there is no need to update them, making me feel bad because I haven’t worked as hard as I should have been working on this project. To improve myself as an individual to have goals that include conquering negative emotions, recognizing that the quality of the job has been maintained, and making additional recommendations to the team regarding acceptable actions. In the upcoming year, is to improve my time management abilities and all of these measurements so that I can finish all of my work within the assigned time window. I need to improve my technical skills and knowledge to contribute to the team significantly.

The team and I had a rough start in completing all the tasks on the sprint backlog; we encountered some challenges along the way. We faced several technological challenges during the development process, leading to delays. Additionally, some communication breakdowns led to misunderstandings and duplication of efforts. To improve on those issues by strengthening our technical skills and knowledge. This work can be achieved through regular training and knowledge-sharing sessions. We also need to establish better communication channels to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. Additionally, we need better tracking and monitoring mechanisms to ensure we are on track with our goals.

In conclusion, our team had a rough start, but we got through a lot of success during the first sprint. We overcame some of the obstacles while working through the sprint backlog and completing some of the assignments.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hi, and welcome to the Sprint Retrospective Blog. I have completed these tasks on GitLab for the group project; the team and I have been assigned to decide whether to implement these changes when necessary. For myself, I have done there is one activity that does require modifications, while the other three do not. These ISSUES weight totals are reasonable and easy to do once getting to the mindset of the work and practice.

 The Issues:

My challenge concerning these works is that I took the time to review the codes, and everything seems to be great, so it does not require any modification. Even if it means setting aside some time so that you can go to the next activity or task in the sequence. On the other side, it makes it appear that all I have done is read the codes and determine that there is no need to update them, making me feel bad because I haven’t worked as hard as I should have been working on this project. To improve myself as an individual to have goals that include conquering negative emotions, recognizing that the quality of the job has been maintained, and making additional recommendations to the team regarding acceptable actions. In the upcoming year, is to improve my time management abilities and all of these measurements so that I can finish all of my work within the assigned time window. I need to improve my technical skills and knowledge to contribute to the team significantly.

The team and I had a rough start in completing all the tasks on the sprint backlog; we encountered some challenges along the way. We faced several technological challenges during the development process, leading to delays. Additionally, some communication breakdowns led to misunderstandings and duplication of efforts. To improve on those issues by strengthening our technical skills and knowledge. This work can be achieved through regular training and knowledge-sharing sessions. We also need to establish better communication channels to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. Additionally, we need better tracking and monitoring mechanisms to ensure we are on track with our goals.

In conclusion, our team had a rough start, but we got through a lot of success during the first sprint. We overcame some of the obstacles while working through the sprint backlog and completing some of the assignments.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective- Sprint 1

In this Sprint the Biggest take away I had was coming to the realization that every aspect of working in the class either it be doing the research required or diving directly into the code itself it must be recorded and accounted for was time spent working. Being able to properly weigh the tasks that we had to do on the first time around was tricky as we always seemed to spend much more time on issues that we thought would take only a couple of minutes, but the beautify of it was that we could always go back and adjust the weight of the issues afterwards.

            The thing that worked the best for us was being able to delegate issues to ourselves and others who had the capacity to solve those issues relatively quickly and with little to no support required from others that would take away from the time that they would spend on their own work. The other big aspect that worked for us was being able to come together and support one another when we had issues in our separate tasks. I can think of many times where kelvin offered his support when I was having Problems with my committing in the backend issue I was working on during the sprint, and I can say that others in the group stumbled at moments when someone else came and gave input that allowed for the issue to be solved.

            The biggest change we would need to make as a team would be to definitely work on creating more issues when we are planning our Sprint, when we started this one we were under our target weight at around 28, in order to make sure we hit out goal weight we need to make issues no matter how simple we think the solution to issues may be. When we looked over all the issues, we had on our boards we realized that some of the issues we created could be broken up into more issues and some could even be weighted more.

            The change I would make as an individual is to focus more on the smaller issues as well as doing research on the bigger overarching issues that require more attention. Front end was the longest I had spent on issues during the sprint was looking over the front end as it was the one aspect the GuestInfoSystem that I had not touched, even in the previous class. I spent most of one week just doing as much research into VUE as well as how to navigate the front end and it was still difficult to wrap my head around what needed to be done for the issue. While this research was important and necessary I could have also spent time completing issues on other aspects of the System of which I had more experience on, however I was interested in seeing if I would be up to the task of taking on the FrontEnd.

This issue was solved removing any of the Get/guest parameters from the GuestInfoAPI, which was found primarily in the listGuests.yaml

This issue was solved by removing many parts of the guest.js file as well as using the updated API from the other repository and importing it into this backend.

From the blog cs@worcester – Marels Blog by mbeqo and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I want to say hello in the fifth week of my blog and write a new entry. March is my favorite month, so I’ve enjoyed myself as much as possible. In Boston, there are many things to do, including drinking and attending social and entertaining events simultaneously. I have an upcoming spring break relatively soon. It will be enjoyable to go over everything and take care of tasks in preparation for the impending graduation from college.

Now that I’ve finished the information presented in chapter 4, I will go on to the fifth chapter, which is about ongoing education. Throughout my research, I encountered an important theme: “Reflect As You Work.

This pattern appeals to me since it is relatable to anyone who puts in the effort and gets things done; that way, people may reflect on what they’ve learned and how they’ve improved. This pattern appeals to me since regular introspection and questioning of one’s practices are vital to preparing for elevation to senior posts. Regular introspection and questioning of one’s courses are something I do. Even with explicit reflection and noting changes in one’s set of methods, it is possible to develop fresh ideas by observing more experienced developers and reflecting on their rules.

But, I disagree with other components of the practice by not believing that experience automatically equates to expertise; becoming proficient should be the aim.
On the other hand, it is possible to urge individuals to sketch out a Personal Practices design to investigate and challenge existing practices and contemplate the possibility of adopting alternative methods of accomplishing goals.

Have you noticed that the way you think about the work you want to do in the future or the career path you want to take as a whole has changed due to the practice?

In engaging in the “Reflect As You Work” exercise, I can get insight into the things I have accomplished, the shifts I have made, and the areas where there is room for improvement and enhanced quality of life. When it comes to employing this strategy sets the stage for my future profession, as it will allow me to save some time and avoid some hassle while also providing me with a fresh learning experience that I can share with others who face the same challenge.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I want to say hello in the fifth week of my blog and write a new entry. March is my favorite month, so I’ve enjoyed myself as much as possible. In Boston, there are many things to do, including drinking and attending social and entertaining events simultaneously. I have an upcoming spring break relatively soon. It will be enjoyable to go over everything and take care of tasks in preparation for the impending graduation from college.

Now that I’ve finished the information presented in chapter 4, I will go on to the fifth chapter, which is about ongoing education. Throughout my research, I encountered an important theme: “Reflect As You Work.

This pattern appeals to me since it is relatable to anyone who puts in the effort and gets things done; that way, people may reflect on what they’ve learned and how they’ve improved. This pattern appeals to me since regular introspection and questioning of one’s practices are vital to preparing for elevation to senior posts. Regular introspection and questioning of one’s courses are something I do. Even with explicit reflection and noting changes in one’s set of methods, it is possible to develop fresh ideas by observing more experienced developers and reflecting on their rules.

But, I disagree with other components of the practice by not believing that experience automatically equates to expertise; becoming proficient should be the aim.
On the other hand, it is possible to urge individuals to sketch out a Personal Practices design to investigate and challenge existing practices and contemplate the possibility of adopting alternative methods of accomplishing goals.

Have you noticed that the way you think about the work you want to do in the future or the career path you want to take as a whole has changed due to the practice?

In engaging in the “Reflect As You Work” exercise, I can get insight into the things I have accomplished, the shifts I have made, and the areas where there is room for improvement and enhanced quality of life. When it comes to employing this strategy sets the stage for my future profession, as it will allow me to save some time and avoid some hassle while also providing me with a fresh learning experience that I can share with others who face the same challenge.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I want to say hello in the fifth week of my blog and write a new entry. March is my favorite month, so I’ve enjoyed myself as much as possible. In Boston, there are many things to do, including drinking and attending social and entertaining events simultaneously. I have an upcoming spring break relatively soon. It will be enjoyable to go over everything and take care of tasks in preparation for the impending graduation from college.

Now that I’ve finished the information presented in chapter 4, I will go on to the fifth chapter, which is about ongoing education. Throughout my research, I encountered an important theme: “Reflect As You Work.

This pattern appeals to me since it is relatable to anyone who puts in the effort and gets things done; that way, people may reflect on what they’ve learned and how they’ve improved. This pattern appeals to me since regular introspection and questioning of one’s practices are vital to preparing for elevation to senior posts. Regular introspection and questioning of one’s courses are something I do. Even with explicit reflection and noting changes in one’s set of methods, it is possible to develop fresh ideas by observing more experienced developers and reflecting on their rules.

But, I disagree with other components of the practice by not believing that experience automatically equates to expertise; becoming proficient should be the aim.
On the other hand, it is possible to urge individuals to sketch out a Personal Practices design to investigate and challenge existing practices and contemplate the possibility of adopting alternative methods of accomplishing goals.

Have you noticed that the way you think about the work you want to do in the future or the career path you want to take as a whole has changed due to the practice?

In engaging in the “Reflect As You Work” exercise, I can get insight into the things I have accomplished, the shifts I have made, and the areas where there is room for improvement and enhanced quality of life. When it comes to employing this strategy sets the stage for my future profession, as it will allow me to save some time and avoid some hassle while also providing me with a fresh learning experience that I can share with others who face the same challenge.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I want to say hello in the fifth week of my blog and write a new entry. March is my favorite month, so I’ve enjoyed myself as much as possible. In Boston, there are many things to do, including drinking and attending social and entertaining events simultaneously. I have an upcoming spring break relatively soon. It will be enjoyable to go over everything and take care of tasks in preparation for the impending graduation from college.

Now that I’ve finished the information presented in chapter 4, I will go on to the fifth chapter, which is about ongoing education. Throughout my research, I encountered an important theme: “Reflect As You Work.

This pattern appeals to me since it is relatable to anyone who puts in the effort and gets things done; that way, people may reflect on what they’ve learned and how they’ve improved. This pattern appeals to me since regular introspection and questioning of one’s practices are vital to preparing for elevation to senior posts. Regular introspection and questioning of one’s courses are something I do. Even with explicit reflection and noting changes in one’s set of methods, it is possible to develop fresh ideas by observing more experienced developers and reflecting on their rules.

But, I disagree with other components of the practice by not believing that experience automatically equates to expertise; becoming proficient should be the aim.
On the other hand, it is possible to urge individuals to sketch out a Personal Practices design to investigate and challenge existing practices and contemplate the possibility of adopting alternative methods of accomplishing goals.

Have you noticed that the way you think about the work you want to do in the future or the career path you want to take as a whole has changed due to the practice?

In engaging in the “Reflect As You Work” exercise, I can get insight into the things I have accomplished, the shifts I have made, and the areas where there is room for improvement and enhanced quality of life. When it comes to employing this strategy sets the stage for my future profession, as it will allow me to save some time and avoid some hassle while also providing me with a fresh learning experience that I can share with others who face the same challenge.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I want to say hello in the fifth week of my blog and write a new entry. March is my favorite month, so I’ve enjoyed myself as much as possible. In Boston, there are many things to do, including drinking and attending social and entertaining events simultaneously. I have an upcoming spring break relatively soon. It will be enjoyable to go over everything and take care of tasks in preparation for the impending graduation from college.

Now that I’ve finished the information presented in chapter 4, I will go on to the fifth chapter, which is about ongoing education. Throughout my research, I encountered an important theme: “Reflect As You Work.

This pattern appeals to me since it is relatable to anyone who puts in the effort and gets things done; that way, people may reflect on what they’ve learned and how they’ve improved. This pattern appeals to me since regular introspection and questioning of one’s practices are vital to preparing for elevation to senior posts. Regular introspection and questioning of one’s courses are something I do. Even with explicit reflection and noting changes in one’s set of methods, it is possible to develop fresh ideas by observing more experienced developers and reflecting on their rules.

But, I disagree with other components of the practice by not believing that experience automatically equates to expertise; becoming proficient should be the aim.
On the other hand, it is possible to urge individuals to sketch out a Personal Practices design to investigate and challenge existing practices and contemplate the possibility of adopting alternative methods of accomplishing goals.

Have you noticed that the way you think about the work you want to do in the future or the career path you want to take as a whole has changed due to the practice?

In engaging in the “Reflect As You Work” exercise, I can get insight into the things I have accomplished, the shifts I have made, and the areas where there is room for improvement and enhanced quality of life. When it comes to employing this strategy sets the stage for my future profession, as it will allow me to save some time and avoid some hassle while also providing me with a fresh learning experience that I can share with others who face the same challenge.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.