Category Archives: CS@Worcester

Software Quality

Software quality is something that I discuss with a lot of my friends who are also interested in software engineering/developing. One of the main points that all of us make sure to implement in our projects is always clean and readable code. When working on each others code-bases, it has become so much easier when our style’s have become more similar in terms of quality and cleanness, obviously not everyone will have the same style of coding, but people should definitely follow certain guidelines when working on a product.

For the start of all of my projects now, I immediately make the layout in a specific way so that anyone who has to view or navigate the project will know exactly where to look. All packages written will be descriptive enough of what they will contain, all classes will have proper name cases as well, if it creates something it will usually be a factory, if its an object class, its a wrapper, and for core functionality we use services. There have been plenty of times where I’ve had to work on someone else’s code-base and I was immediately lost, everything was all over the place, packages didn’t have good naming conventions, classes didn’t belong to their own packages, even the code itself was just nasty.

This leads me to the next part of software quality, which is usually the most important part, code quality. If you’re coding and you use some obscure or weird naming conventions, that should probably stop. Working in production usually means someone else will eventually have to take a look at your work, and if they can’t even figure out what you were doing, that means you did a terrible job. Everything needs to be readable, now obviously someone may not initially understand what the code does, but that may just be a difference in experience, if someone at your skill level reads your code, they should be able to identify what each variable, method, class, ETC… does for the product and how they cant test it to make sure it all works.

Since I started learning more about code quality, making any sort of project for production has become way more optimized for myself. I’m thankful that I had friends there to help me understand where I was going wrong in the first place with poorly structured code. Instead of having to take time remembering how a project should look, its not basically ingrained in my head how to do, which I hope other developers do as well.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Blog by Mike and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 6: Boundary Value vs Equivalence Class Testing

This week we learned about boundary value testing and equivalence class testing. Boundary value testing focuses on making sure the values in, out, and around the expected boundary works as it should. Equivalence class testing does the same, but also tests the function itself.

I wanted to know more about the two methods and found a blog post that explains them a little more in depth. The author, Apoorva Ram, says they are more thought processes than testing methods really. The thought process of boundary value testing is self explanatory: testing the edge boundaries of the function. The thought process of equivalence class testing is organizing every possible input into groups of expected outputs and testing the result from each.

Ram also explains the benefits of the methods and how they can be used in software testing. The two seem to go hand in hand. Planning your tests before writing them and knowing the expected output makes the testing process a lot smoother. You know what points you need to hit and have a plan to execute them. Additionally, knowing all the points you need to hit allows you to prioritize ones that are more important.

For example, say you have a boolean function that looks for the input value to be between 15 and 30, but accepts values from 0 to 100. Boundary testing would test the values of xmin-, xmin, xmin+, xnom, xmax-, xmax, and xmax+. In this case: -1, 0, 1, 50, 99, 100, and 101. It mostly makes sure the 0 and 100 boundaries work. But equivalence class testing breaks down the function into classes of values that will give every result: invalid inputs (under 0 and above 100), false cases (between 0-14 and between 31-100), and the true case (between 15-30). In this case: -1, 12, 20, 45, and 101. This method tests the valid ranges as well as the function ranges.

In my opinion, equivalence class testing is better than boundary value testing because it actually tests the function and not just the illegal argument exception, and it eliminates redundant tests like xmin+, xnom, and xmax-, all testing for the same output without actually testing the function. Though ideally, a mix of both would probably be the method I choose. For this example, I would test each equivalence class and its boundaries: xmin-, xmin, xmin+, xtruemin-, xtruemin, xtruemin+, xtruemax-, xtruemax, xtruemax+, xmax-, xmax, and xmax+ (-1, 0, 1, 14, 15, 16, 29, 30, 31, 99, 100, 101).

Blog post referenced:

From the blog ALIDA NORDQUIST by alidanordquist and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

JUnit 5 Testing


This week we learned about Junit test cases. Coming from a C++ background it was a bit difficult to order my tests and to use one global object that runs before all other tests. In C++ the tests run in the order that you write them, and I learned that in java that is not a thing unless you specifically use order(N) N being the order number. This way of testing makes you able to order your test cases in whatever way you want. Also, I learned that you can just make a setup function with a single object and by using “Before All” this means the set up will run before any other test which helps with repetitive tasks of making objects over and over. I personally would rather create a fresh object for each test, but it was a nice experience learning that java just randomly tests and does not have an actual order unless stated otherwise.

Looking through the Junit 5 user guide when doing the homework I also learned that you can use “Before Each” for tests that you want to run before each test sort of like a for loop. One very interesting thing I have never encountered is that you can use lambda in order to compare variables using in objects. This makes it nice and compact for simpler tests because this can all be done within one line.

In class I also learned that gradle will give a different output for the test’s cases compared to vscode. I also encountered that when I would hit the checkmark in vscode for individual test cases they would pass and then other occurrences where they would not pass. Also, the same with running them globally all together. This confused me and took me a few hours to figure out why, but I realized it was due to my global object that I created. I also noticed that gradle would give me a different result as well, but it was much better and consistent than running the tests individually.

Source: JUnit 5 User Guide
Source: Writing Templates for Test Cases Using JUnit 5 – GeeksforGeeks

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cinnamon Codes by CinCodes and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

On CI/CD Pipelining

 In this post, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on an article I found on the Ministry of Testing website titled “An introduction to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for software testers.” This piece really stood out to me because it highlighted the importance of integrating testing into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I’ve been learning about automated testing and CI/CD practices, and this article helped me better understand how testing can be embedded into each phase of the development cycle to ensure high-quality software and faster release times.

One key point that really resonated with me was the idea of shifting left, which means testing early in the development process. The author explained that integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline allows teams to detect bugs and issues earlier, rather than waiting until the end of the development cycle. This makes perfect sense to me because I’ve seen firsthand in my career how much more efficient the development process becomes when tests are automated and run continuously. Instead of waiting for a bug to be discovered during a manual testing phase late in the process, CI/CD testing enables teams to catch those issues as they happen, significantly reducing the risk of production bugs and minimizing the effort needed to fix them. When things build up, business units accrue a lot of technical debt, and I end up having to hound them to fix 20 different things at the same time, instead of them being able to handle them as they appear, which CI/CD pipeline testing may help them with.

By incorporating automated tests into the pipeline, I can quickly get feedback about the code I’ve written, allowing me to catch mistakes early. However, I also realized that the article pointed out a very important note that I agree with: not all tests can be fully automated. There are still areas, such as user experience or complex edge cases, that may require more manual or exploratory testing. This balance of automated and manual testing within CI/CD pipelines is something I’ve experienced while developing a public facing status page, where it is not just functionality that needs to be tested, but also human elements, like how the page looks.

The article also discussed how testing within the CI/CD pipeline encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Each time a test fails or catches an issue, it provides an opportunity to address potential gaps in the process and refine both the tests and the code. I think this aligns perfectly with the idea of being a “Software Apprentice,” always looking for ways to improve and enhance the quality of the product, no matter how far along in the development cycle it may be. Overall, this article reinforced the idea that CI/CD testing is not just about speeding up development—it’s about focusing on quality, where testing is an integral part of every stage.

From the blog Mr. Lancer 987's Blog by Mr. Lancer 987 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

On CI/CD Pipelining

 In this post, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on an article I found on the Ministry of Testing website titled “An introduction to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for software testers.” This piece really stood out to me because it highlighted the importance of integrating testing into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I’ve been learning about automated testing and CI/CD practices, and this article helped me better understand how testing can be embedded into each phase of the development cycle to ensure high-quality software and faster release times.

One key point that really resonated with me was the idea of shifting left, which means testing early in the development process. The author explained that integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline allows teams to detect bugs and issues earlier, rather than waiting until the end of the development cycle. This makes perfect sense to me because I’ve seen firsthand in my career how much more efficient the development process becomes when tests are automated and run continuously. Instead of waiting for a bug to be discovered during a manual testing phase late in the process, CI/CD testing enables teams to catch those issues as they happen, significantly reducing the risk of production bugs and minimizing the effort needed to fix them. When things build up, business units accrue a lot of technical debt, and I end up having to hound them to fix 20 different things at the same time, instead of them being able to handle them as they appear, which CI/CD pipeline testing may help them with.

By incorporating automated tests into the pipeline, I can quickly get feedback about the code I’ve written, allowing me to catch mistakes early. However, I also realized that the article pointed out a very important note that I agree with: not all tests can be fully automated. There are still areas, such as user experience or complex edge cases, that may require more manual or exploratory testing. This balance of automated and manual testing within CI/CD pipelines is something I’ve experienced while developing a public facing status page, where it is not just functionality that needs to be tested, but also human elements, like how the page looks.

The article also discussed how testing within the CI/CD pipeline encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Each time a test fails or catches an issue, it provides an opportunity to address potential gaps in the process and refine both the tests and the code. I think this aligns perfectly with the idea of being a “Software Apprentice,” always looking for ways to improve and enhance the quality of the product, no matter how far along in the development cycle it may be. Overall, this article reinforced the idea that CI/CD testing is not just about speeding up development—it’s about focusing on quality, where testing is an integral part of every stage.

From the blog Mr. Lancer 987's Blog by Mr. Lancer 987 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

On CI/CD Pipelining

 In this post, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on an article I found on the Ministry of Testing website titled “An introduction to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for software testers.” This piece really stood out to me because it highlighted the importance of integrating testing into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I’ve been learning about automated testing and CI/CD practices, and this article helped me better understand how testing can be embedded into each phase of the development cycle to ensure high-quality software and faster release times.

One key point that really resonated with me was the idea of shifting left, which means testing early in the development process. The author explained that integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline allows teams to detect bugs and issues earlier, rather than waiting until the end of the development cycle. This makes perfect sense to me because I’ve seen firsthand in my career how much more efficient the development process becomes when tests are automated and run continuously. Instead of waiting for a bug to be discovered during a manual testing phase late in the process, CI/CD testing enables teams to catch those issues as they happen, significantly reducing the risk of production bugs and minimizing the effort needed to fix them. When things build up, business units accrue a lot of technical debt, and I end up having to hound them to fix 20 different things at the same time, instead of them being able to handle them as they appear, which CI/CD pipeline testing may help them with.

By incorporating automated tests into the pipeline, I can quickly get feedback about the code I’ve written, allowing me to catch mistakes early. However, I also realized that the article pointed out a very important note that I agree with: not all tests can be fully automated. There are still areas, such as user experience or complex edge cases, that may require more manual or exploratory testing. This balance of automated and manual testing within CI/CD pipelines is something I’ve experienced while developing a public facing status page, where it is not just functionality that needs to be tested, but also human elements, like how the page looks.

The article also discussed how testing within the CI/CD pipeline encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Each time a test fails or catches an issue, it provides an opportunity to address potential gaps in the process and refine both the tests and the code. I think this aligns perfectly with the idea of being a “Software Apprentice,” always looking for ways to improve and enhance the quality of the product, no matter how far along in the development cycle it may be. Overall, this article reinforced the idea that CI/CD testing is not just about speeding up development—it’s about focusing on quality, where testing is an integral part of every stage.

From the blog Mr. Lancer 987's Blog by Mr. Lancer 987 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

On CI/CD Pipelining

 In this post, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on an article I found on the Ministry of Testing website titled “An introduction to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for software testers.” This piece really stood out to me because it highlighted the importance of integrating testing into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I’ve been learning about automated testing and CI/CD practices, and this article helped me better understand how testing can be embedded into each phase of the development cycle to ensure high-quality software and faster release times.

One key point that really resonated with me was the idea of shifting left, which means testing early in the development process. The author explained that integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline allows teams to detect bugs and issues earlier, rather than waiting until the end of the development cycle. This makes perfect sense to me because I’ve seen firsthand in my career how much more efficient the development process becomes when tests are automated and run continuously. Instead of waiting for a bug to be discovered during a manual testing phase late in the process, CI/CD testing enables teams to catch those issues as they happen, significantly reducing the risk of production bugs and minimizing the effort needed to fix them. When things build up, business units accrue a lot of technical debt, and I end up having to hound them to fix 20 different things at the same time, instead of them being able to handle them as they appear, which CI/CD pipeline testing may help them with.

By incorporating automated tests into the pipeline, I can quickly get feedback about the code I’ve written, allowing me to catch mistakes early. However, I also realized that the article pointed out a very important note that I agree with: not all tests can be fully automated. There are still areas, such as user experience or complex edge cases, that may require more manual or exploratory testing. This balance of automated and manual testing within CI/CD pipelines is something I’ve experienced while developing a public facing status page, where it is not just functionality that needs to be tested, but also human elements, like how the page looks.

The article also discussed how testing within the CI/CD pipeline encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Each time a test fails or catches an issue, it provides an opportunity to address potential gaps in the process and refine both the tests and the code. I think this aligns perfectly with the idea of being a “Software Apprentice,” always looking for ways to improve and enhance the quality of the product, no matter how far along in the development cycle it may be. Overall, this article reinforced the idea that CI/CD testing is not just about speeding up development—it’s about focusing on quality, where testing is an integral part of every stage.

From the blog Mr. Lancer 987's Blog by Mr. Lancer 987 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

On CI/CD Pipelining

 In this post, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on an article I found on the Ministry of Testing website titled “An introduction to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for software testers.” This piece really stood out to me because it highlighted the importance of integrating testing into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I’ve been learning about automated testing and CI/CD practices, and this article helped me better understand how testing can be embedded into each phase of the development cycle to ensure high-quality software and faster release times.

One key point that really resonated with me was the idea of shifting left, which means testing early in the development process. The author explained that integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline allows teams to detect bugs and issues earlier, rather than waiting until the end of the development cycle. This makes perfect sense to me because I’ve seen firsthand in my career how much more efficient the development process becomes when tests are automated and run continuously. Instead of waiting for a bug to be discovered during a manual testing phase late in the process, CI/CD testing enables teams to catch those issues as they happen, significantly reducing the risk of production bugs and minimizing the effort needed to fix them. When things build up, business units accrue a lot of technical debt, and I end up having to hound them to fix 20 different things at the same time, instead of them being able to handle them as they appear, which CI/CD pipeline testing may help them with.

By incorporating automated tests into the pipeline, I can quickly get feedback about the code I’ve written, allowing me to catch mistakes early. However, I also realized that the article pointed out a very important note that I agree with: not all tests can be fully automated. There are still areas, such as user experience or complex edge cases, that may require more manual or exploratory testing. This balance of automated and manual testing within CI/CD pipelines is something I’ve experienced while developing a public facing status page, where it is not just functionality that needs to be tested, but also human elements, like how the page looks.

The article also discussed how testing within the CI/CD pipeline encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Each time a test fails or catches an issue, it provides an opportunity to address potential gaps in the process and refine both the tests and the code. I think this aligns perfectly with the idea of being a “Software Apprentice,” always looking for ways to improve and enhance the quality of the product, no matter how far along in the development cycle it may be. Overall, this article reinforced the idea that CI/CD testing is not just about speeding up development—it’s about focusing on quality, where testing is an integral part of every stage.

From the blog Mr. Lancer 987's Blog by Mr. Lancer 987 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

On CI/CD Pipelining

 In this post, I’ll be discussing my thoughts on an article I found on the Ministry of Testing website titled “An introduction to Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines for software testers.” This piece really stood out to me because it highlighted the importance of integrating testing into the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I’ve been learning about automated testing and CI/CD practices, and this article helped me better understand how testing can be embedded into each phase of the development cycle to ensure high-quality software and faster release times.

One key point that really resonated with me was the idea of shifting left, which means testing early in the development process. The author explained that integrating tests into the CI/CD pipeline allows teams to detect bugs and issues earlier, rather than waiting until the end of the development cycle. This makes perfect sense to me because I’ve seen firsthand in my career how much more efficient the development process becomes when tests are automated and run continuously. Instead of waiting for a bug to be discovered during a manual testing phase late in the process, CI/CD testing enables teams to catch those issues as they happen, significantly reducing the risk of production bugs and minimizing the effort needed to fix them. When things build up, business units accrue a lot of technical debt, and I end up having to hound them to fix 20 different things at the same time, instead of them being able to handle them as they appear, which CI/CD pipeline testing may help them with.

By incorporating automated tests into the pipeline, I can quickly get feedback about the code I’ve written, allowing me to catch mistakes early. However, I also realized that the article pointed out a very important note that I agree with: not all tests can be fully automated. There are still areas, such as user experience or complex edge cases, that may require more manual or exploratory testing. This balance of automated and manual testing within CI/CD pipelines is something I’ve experienced while developing a public facing status page, where it is not just functionality that needs to be tested, but also human elements, like how the page looks.

The article also discussed how testing within the CI/CD pipeline encourages a mindset of continuous improvement. Each time a test fails or catches an issue, it provides an opportunity to address potential gaps in the process and refine both the tests and the code. I think this aligns perfectly with the idea of being a “Software Apprentice,” always looking for ways to improve and enhance the quality of the product, no matter how far along in the development cycle it may be. Overall, this article reinforced the idea that CI/CD testing is not just about speeding up development—it’s about focusing on quality, where testing is an integral part of every stage.

From the blog Mr. Lancer 987's Blog by Mr. Lancer 987 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns

This reading presents an insightful perspective on software craftsmanship, emphasizing apprenticeship, perpetual learning, and skill mastery. The concept of learning through mentorship and practical experience, as illustrated in Dave’s story, was particularly interesting. It highlights the importance of hands-on work, exposure to real-world challenges, and the necessity of a growth mindset in becoming a great developer. The reading has influenced my perspective on professional growth. It reinforces the idea that mastering something comes from deliberate practice, seeking out mentors, and embracing failure as a learning opportunity. I believe this is what makes a good developer. One point I disagree is the romanticization of craftsmanship. While the focus on individual skill development is inspiring, modern software development requires collaboration with teams. Balancing skilled craftsmanship with effective teamwork is important. In chapter 2, I find the story of the Zen master and the young philosopher was provoking. It talks about the importance of maintaining a beginner’s mindset, or “emptying your cup,” to fully absorb new knowledge. I think this is important in apprenticeship. The idea that experience can sometimes be a barrier to learning is interesting and that applies to many fields, including software development.

Dave’s realization that true mastery comes not from credentials but from continuous learning and engagement with a community of experts is highly relevant. The story also highlights the importance of humility in learning. Even the most skilled developers acknowledge that they are still learning, which serves as both an inspiration and a challenge to those just starting out. The idea that learning is a lifelong journey rather than a destination is a valuable takeaway. I resonate a lot with this point because I often feel like this is a lifelong journey of continuously learning and adapting to new technologies. In terms of how I work, the idea that certifications and formal training are only steppingstones, not the final proof of competence is true. I’ve learnt that while training can provide foundational knowledge, real expertise comes from practice, engagement with peers, and continuous learning. One thing that I found interesting was the analogy of “the big fish in a small pond”. It is a powerful way to describe the risk of complacency for those who learn quickly. It’s a reminder that achieving success in a limited environment may feel rewarding, but true growth comes from recognizing the wideness of the field and challenging yourself to bigger things. I’ve learnt that it’s important to stay challenged and continuously learn. It’s easy to become comfortable in an environment where your highly competent, but it’s important to seek out mentors that can further challenge you to be even better than you already are.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.