Category Archives: CS@Worcester

Nurturing Software Craftsmanship

Hey everyone! In “Apprenticeship Patterns,” the authors present the pattern “Nurture Your Passion.” This defines preserving and growing one’s passion for software craftsmanship, even in unique work environments.
The authors acknowledge that as a software developer, your true passion lies in the craft itself. Unfortunately, the daily grind can decrease this passion, with factors like crushing hierarchies, “death marches,” abusive managers, and colleagues ruining your enthusiasm. The pattern suggests strategies to protect and add on to your passion. One is to focus on aspects you genuinely enjoy and dedicate time, even outside work, to pursuing these interests. The authors cite Paul Graham’s advice to “work on what you like.”
Another strategy is to seek out “kindred spirits” – joining user groups, participating in forums, and starting a blog to connect with others who share your passion. These interactions can renovate your thought process and provide a supportive community. The pattern also encourages studying the “classics” of software development literature, as you involve yourself in the great works can open your eyes to a more inspiring world.
Finally, the authors emphasize the importance of drawing your own map – being willing to move to an organization that better aligns with your goals, even if it means leaving a comfortable job. They warn about going against the “hero mentality” that leads to “death marches.”
As an aspiring software developer, I found this pattern insightful. The idea of caring one’s passion, even among adversity, resonates deeply. I appreciate the authors’ acknowledgment of the challenges and their suggestions for proactively addressing them. The priority on seeking kindred spirits and studying the classics is crucial. These activities can help renew my enthusiasm and provide a sense of purpose, even for future career challenges.
Additionally, the authors’ caution against the “hero mentality” and the importance of setting boundaries to protect one’s passion is a valuable lesson. I will be thinking of maintaining a sustainable pace and refusing to compromise my standards.
Overall, the “Nurture Your Passion” pattern provides a compelling framework for approaching my future career as a software developer. By actively protecting and growing my love for the craft, I believe I can navigate the profession’s ups and downs and maintain a granting, fulfilling, and consistent career. Thanks for tuning in!

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Blog #2: In Defense of Dynamic Testing

While writing about static testing, I spoke about my positive disposition toward dynamic testing due to its ease of access. Over the time spent writing the last blog In Defense of Static Testing, I grew to understand the benefits of testing with that approach. Now I seek to learn why dynamic testing may not be as “easy” as I once understood it to be.

One lesson I learned from the previous reading on static testing was the idea of ‘time and place’. Both testing methods are to be used under certain circumstances, rather than interchangeably. The blog post, Dynamic Testing, written by Swati Twade brings up this very idea. Twade states that due to dynamic testing’s cost, it ought to be used in effective ways. Furthermore, she warns that if dynamic testing is not used enough during the early stages of development, then there will be much more costly issues down the line. Here a certain balance must be found. The development team must use dynamic testing sparingly to reduce costs, yet must use it frequently enough to prevent larger issues from forming during the final stages of production. In these situations, static testing may be appropriate, as between dynamic testing intervals the development team can review the code and documentation to ensure that all aspects of the program are meeting their specifications. Naturally, if the team was only focused on these two aspects, then static testing could help in minimizing the use of dynamic testing however, dynamic testing captures much more than the code. According to Twade’s definition of dynamic testing, it seeks to capture both errors during the program’s runtime and how the execution of the software affects the hardware. These two focuses of testing cannot be captured by static testing, and require resources to use dynamic testing.

Through this reading, I’ve slowly begun to understand why both dynamic and static tests must be used under certain circumstances. Before researching this topic, I thought the two could be used interchangeably, without considering the resources it takes to conduct each test. Furthermore, each test focuses on reviewing specific content. Dynamic testing places high priority how on the program behaves once executed, meanwhile static testing places its priority on both the source code and documentation. Using these tests interchangeably without first understanding the conditions they work most effectively under will yield less than successful findings. Ultimately between these two blog posts, I have reinforced my knowledge of the testing processes, and have learned under what circumstances each thrives in.


Link to Original Post:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Progression by ageorge4756 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sharing Strategies for Effective Exploration!

As a student studying computer science and software testing, I found the blog post “Mushroom Picking and Testing” to be a fascinating and insightful exploration of the parallels between the art of mushroom foraging and the practice of software testing. The author, a seasoned mushroom picker from Estonia, skillfully draws connections between the two various activities, highlighting the similarities in the decision-making processes, risk assessment, and the development of observational skills.
The blog post begins by describing the author’s love for mushroom picking, a tradition rooted in their Estonian heritage. Interestingly, the author finds this activity to be a meditative and reflective experience, where one part of the mind focuses on the task at hand while the other have multiple thoughts and ideas. It is within this state that the author discovers the similarities between mushroom picking and software testing.
One of the key parallels drawn is the concept of “choice of location vs. product coverage.” Just as the author visits familiar forests to efficiently collect a good amount of mushrooms, software testers may focus on keep on testing the same areas of a product, limiting their vision and potentially missing new or exciting discoveries. The blog post encourages readers to pinpoint a balance between depth and breadth, considering the mission and objectives when deciding how to grant their time and resources.
Another comparison I found is the importance of making preparations before starting on either attempt. The author discusses the need to gather the necessary tools and equipment, as well as staying informed about environmental factors and recent changes that could impact the success of the task. Similarly, in software testing, it is crucial to have the right tools and knowledge about the product and its recent updates to make informed decisions and effectively approach the testing process.
I would say the most eye opening aspect of the blog post is the discussion around “knowing your oracles.” The author explains the importance of recognizing poisonous mushrooms, a skill passed down through generations. This concept directly translates to software testing, where testers must develop a deep understanding of the product’s characteristics and potential issues, rather than relying on a more questioning or searching.
As a software testing student, I found this blog post to be a refreshing and wise point of view on the craft of testing. The author’s ability to draw parallels between these two seemingly unrelated activities has provided me with a new lens through which to approach my studies and future practice. The emphasis on searching for more, risk-taking, and the development of observational skills are all elements that I will strive to plug into my testing methodology. This blog post has not only expanded my understanding of software testing but has also inspired me to continue the unexpected connections between the physical world and the digital realm.

April 14, 2024

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Blog #1: In Defense of Static Testing

Recently in our course, we began an exercise in which all groups utilized static testing to find errors within a program we did not write. During this exercise, I could only think, “This would be so much easier if we could just run the code”. Rather than settling into this rut of compliance with instruction instead, I sought to find what makes static testing such a valuable approach.

Static testing is the approach to debugging where a developer (or group of developers), views the source code of a program and its related documentation. This is to find errors ranging from minor inconsistencies in naming conventions to bugs that will cause the program to break. Since static testing does not require the program to execute, developers can review the code and find errors while the compiler, among other tools, is being developed. Furthermore, all developers should be familiar with the language of the tested program, so the ‘barrier of entry’ is much lower than that of using new software to test/debug. Static testing when done in a group, can help question and apply design philosophies to the tested program. This not only helps reshape the program in the team’s ideal image but may also help developers within the group see how this design philosophy is applied.

The article What Is Static Testing, by Alexander S. Gillis, helps expand upon these aforementioned points in his work. What I found most interesting in this article was how he divides static testing into two approaches: review and analysis. Static review focuses mostly on documentation going over design, specifications, system requirements, etc. Static analysis focuses on the source code by finding errors within the structure and logic of the program. It’s important to note that both of these processes can be automated. Additionally, these types of testing, review and analysis, benefit most when used together and should not be a substitute for another. 

When done on a smaller scale, I can understand the importance of Static testing as it allows the developer to catch fundamental issues in logic or smaller bugs much earlier in the development process of the program. However, static testing may become much more convoluted as the program grows in scale. One issue that may stem from statically testing a larger program is the level of abstraction. If the code is poorly documented, or the intent of the program is unclear, then having a team review it may not be as effective. Ultimately static testing is most efficient when a team of developers understand most if not all aspects of the program, and are already familiar with both the documentation and code. If done manually, this requires much less resources than dynamic testing, allowing those resources to be used in other areas of production.


Link to Original Post:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Progression by ageorge4756 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Coding Katas: Grinding for a sharp mind.

Hello, and welcome back to your least favorite corner of the internet. I want to talk about something that I found to be pretty cool, Programming Katas. To all my OG Karate Kid fans out there, programing katas are basically the “Wax-on, wax-off”‘s of the programing field.

Translating this to our world, programming katas are small, manageable coding exercises that challenge you to solve problems repeatedly, often in different ways. Each kata is designed to be tackled in one coding session, making them the perfect daily workout for your brain.

Just like playing scales can make you a better musician, regularly working through katas can make you a sharper coder. They force you to wrestle with new problems, reminding you of syntax you might have forgotten or introducing you to new methods and functions. Katas aren’t just about finding any solution; they’re about finding the best solution and then making it better. This iterative process of refining your code teaches you about the art of clean, efficient programming. It’s all about writing code that not only works but works beautifully. As you progress through different katas, you’ll find yourself picking up new programming concepts and deepening your understanding of the languages you use. Many katas come from community platforms like CodeWars, HackerRank, or LeetCode, where coders from around the world share their solutions and insights. Imagine solving a puzzle and then seeing a dozen different ways others have solved it. Boom, you’ve just struck learning gold.

Starting with programming katas is as easy as signing up for a platform that hosts them. Pick one that suits your taste and start with challenges that match your skill level. Personally I like the katas from CodeWars, the community problems and challenges push me forward to try and be better than what I was yesterday, or I just solve some problems just for bragging rights with my fellow programmer friends. Sites like have good starting exercises for people who just got in Kata’s so you might find that to be your particular cup of tea. Either way if you just find an exercise you fancy and work on that, it’s enough.
Don’t be afraid to struggle—that’s part of the learning process.

Incorporating katas into your daily or weekly routine can transform the way you code. They keep your skills fresh, introduce you to new ideas, and deepen your problem-solving abilities. Plus, they’re a lot of fun! Whether you’re a newbie looking to get better or an experienced dev wanting to stay on top of your game, give katas a try. You might just find yourself hooked, coding better, faster, and more creatively than ever before. Just remember that while Kata’s are fun and have several profits, do not fall behind on your school work or personal portfolio projects. The reason why you’re even grinding Katas in the first place is to become a better programmer for your main line of work.

Till next time,

Ano out.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Anairdo's WSU Computer Science Blog by anairdoduri and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Pairwise Testing

For this week’s blog, I decided to do more research about pairwise testing. During my search for more information I found the blog “Pairwise Testing | What It Is, When & How to Perform?” by Kiruthika Devaraj. In this blog, Devaraj breaks down the process of pairwise testing in simple steps, along with the advantages and disadvantages. She first defines pairwise testing as a “permutations and combinations based software testing technique that tests each pair of input parameters to verify that the system functions correctly for all possible discrete combinations”. It uses a minimum set of test cases to test all possible discrete combinations. The purpose of this kind of testing is to test all possible discrete combinations of inputs without the need to test every single combination. This reduces the time, cost, effort, and number of cases that need to be written. It also allows the tester to identify errors that may occur when multiple different parameters are combined which in turn increases the overall quality of the software.

Devaraj then explains the disadvantages and challenges of this testing technique. One of the disadvantages that is explained is that it can be time-consuming especially if there are a large number of test cases. Another case is where assumptions can be false because pairwise testing relies on all pairs of parameters interacting to determine the results. She explains the challenges in bullet points to make it easier for the reader to comprehend. Some of the bullets include challenges in finding meaningful inputs and the correct set of inputs. If you don’t test carefully then the test coverage may not be enough. One also needs to determine how parameters interact with each other. 

The last few paragraphs of the blog describe using pairwise testing to speed up cross-browser testing. In this example, she explains the parameters that one would test (browser, operating system, device type, and screen resolution) and how to follow through with a real-world example. The author also includes a list of testing tools to help with automation for this type of testing.

The last section of this blog is the answers to frequently asked questions like “Is pairwise testing completely automatic?” and “How effective is pairwise testing at finding bugs?”. It helped clarify some aspects of the testing technique that weren’t explicitly answered earlier in the blog. 

Overall I think this blog was helpful in understanding pairwise testing especially because the author included a lot of examples. It gave me a better understanding of a testing technique that I may use in the future when I have to test a complex system that has multiple input parameters and multiple possible values for each parameter. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black-Box vs. Gray-Box vs. White/Clear-Box Testing

TestFort published a blog (,in%20a%20non%2Dintrusive%20manner.) that does a great job breaking down each black-box, gray-box, and white/clear-box testing. By understanding each one individually, you can clearly see the differences between them. The blog also provides two other useful pieces of information for each of the software testing methods. Those being the most common design techniques and pros and cons.

Testing is done by an independent team that has no knowledge of the code. The purpose of this testing method is to test the user interface’s functionality and usability. This testing method uses the users point of view to test the expected behaviors of the application.
The first example of black box testing that comes to mind is video-game testing. Testers are often given a demo of a game to play and give feedback on. These testers have no knowledge of the game’s code, however by playing the game they are testing for bugs and evaluating the user interface.

Testing is done by developers that have a great understanding of the application’s internal structure. This testing method’s purpose is to test and analyze that internal structure and its logic using the developers point of view. Developers commonly use tools to help analyze and debug code.
As I am only beginning my journey into developing tests I don’t have much experience with using debugging tools outside of ones provided inside some video games. However, when developing my own code I would commonly add print statements to verify variable values in the middle of the code. This would typically help me catch when values were being assigned incorrectly, scope issues, or simple off-by-one errors.

Testing can be done by developers, testers, and users with a similar testing approach as black box testing. Test cases are designed by an engineer that has decent knowledge of the internal structures. These test cases provide the testers with a glimpse into the software’s architecture without direct access to the source code. This form of testing aims to find defects and vulnerabilities in the structure of the code while combining the advantages of both black and white box testing.
This testing method is the one I have the least experience in, and is therefore the hardest for me to fully understand. My current understanding from this blog is relating it to when I would test software in the military. For obvious reasons, source code was hidden, however the functionality of each feature was documented so that testers could have a clear understanding of what the software was doing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Learning by kbourassa18 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-448: Week 10

Expose Your Ignorance

In the world of software development, everyone is under a great amount of pressure to meet deadlines and deliver software. Because the entire team is under the pressure of meeting deadlines, the managers look for confidence when asking how long a feature will take to finish. Due to the new developer’s inexperience, they are unsure how to answer because they are not familiar enough with the technologies to be able to quantify how long the process will take. This pattern is called “Expose Your Ignorance.” In this pattern, it discusses the situation of a new developer who is unfamiliar with some of the required technologies their team uses, and is afraid to look incompetent.

Software developers tend to build their reputations through strong relationships with their clients and colleagues. Building strong relationships require honesty, and not just telling the client what they want to hear. Rather than pretending to know something, it is better to reassure the client by emphasizing the ability to learn new technologies and being able to apply them. Reassuring in this manner allows relationships to be built based on the ability to learn and adapt rather than based on what is already known.

The most obvious way to expose ignorance is to ask questions. The hardest part about asking questions is the fear of appearing incompetent. However asking questions and being direct is the easiest and most straightforward path down the software craftsman’s journey. Becoming comfortable with this process of learning, by asking questions to mentors, helps to prevent us from being locked into one domain of software development. An action that can be done to help with this process is to keep a list of what is unknown. Keep this list in a place that is public to the rest of the team to hold accountability and/or to help with understanding. Being in the habit of updating this list is also important to ensure continuous learning. Ultimately, possessing the ability to learn is one of the most important traits of a craftsman.

I found this pattern to be helpful because it provides a way with confronting feelings that may be uncomfortable when becoming a craftsman. I found the solution of making a list of what is unknown, and keeping that list public was interesting and changed the way I view the pattern because that is something I would not do. I would rather keep this to myself and work on it separately, but keeping this list public allows the team to hold accountability. This is because if the list has not been updated for a while, then that means the learning process has halted. I do not disagree with anything in this pattern.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Zack's CS Blog by ztram1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Be the Worst

For this week’s blog I decided to talk about the pattern from chapter 4 called “Be the Worst”. This pattern describes the situation where you have taken every opportunity to learn and eventually have outgrown your team. In this situation, it is important that you find developers that are better than you. When you take this route you will need to put in a lot of work because your aim is not to stay at the bottom but work your way up. You will be able to use multiple methods like mimicking other developers until you are on the same level and them. 

I agree with the solution for this scenario. I have found that I learn a lot when I am the weakest on a team. I am able to study the code written by the stronger members of my team and get insight on their choices. I found that learning from another person also speeds the process along. During this process, its important to avoid bothering your other team members too much. Although it can be convenient to just ask others, you need to establish a way to learn on your own so you can avoid prohibiting thew progress of others.

As one can guess, this method has risks like dragging the team down and running the risk of being fired because your productivity is not as expected. I have experienced pressure to avoid bringing the team down along with a lack of confidence in my own abilities. The first steps to follow this pattern is to develop confidence in yourself and focus on learning. Second, I think it is important to have open conversations with your team members and speak up when you may be falling behind. As mentioned in my other blogs, I have worked on past teams where I had to learned from other members. During this process, we all kept each other updated on our progress and it was crucial for us to work together to finish by our deadline.

 I think this pattern aligns well with the way I’ve been developing my professional skills and I cant say that I disagree with anything. Following this path will definitely help with self-assessment because the more you know, the more you know what you don’t know. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Live Laugh Code by Shamarah Ramirez and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Beginner’s Guide to Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) in Computer Science

Are you a budding developer eager to dive into the world of software development methodologies? If so, you might have stumbled upon the term “Behavior-Driven Development” or BDD. Don’t fret if it sounds like a mouthful – we’re here to break it down for you in simple terms.

Behavior-Driven Development, or BDD for short, is a software development approach that focuses on defining the behavior of software through examples in plain English. It’s like telling a story about how your software should behave, but with a technical twist.

What’s the Buzz About BDD?

Imagine you’re building a house. Before you start hammering nails or painting walls, you’d want a clear blueprint, right? BDD acts as that blueprint for software development. Instead of diving headfirst into writing code, BDD encourages developers to first define the behavior of the software from the user’s perspective.

How Does BDD Work?

BDD revolves around three main players: stakeholders, developers, and automated tests.

  1. Stakeholders: These are the people who have a vested interest in the software – clients, users, product managers, etc. In BDD, stakeholders collaborate with developers to define the expected behavior of the software through examples called “user stories.”
  2. Developers: Armed with the user stories, developers translate them into executable code. But here’s the catch: the code is written in a way that aligns with the behavior described in the user stories. This ensures that the software behaves as expected.
  3. Automated Tests: In BDD, automated tests are the guardians of software behavior. Developers write tests based on the user stories, and these tests are executed automatically to validate that the software behaves as intended. If a change in code breaks the expected behavior, the tests will catch it.

Why Bother with BDD?

BDD offers several benefits that make it an attractive approach for software development:

  • Clarity: By describing software behavior in plain English, BDD makes it easier for stakeholders and developers to understand what the software should do.
  • Collaboration: BDD encourages collaboration between stakeholders and developers, fostering a shared understanding of the software requirements.
  • Quality Assurance: With automated tests validating the behavior of the software, BDD helps ensure that bugs are caught early in the development process, leading to higher-quality software.

Getting Started with BDD

Ready to dip your toes into the world of BDD? Here’s a simple roadmap to get you started:

  1. Learn the Basics: Familiarize yourself with the core concepts of BDD and its key principles. There are plenty of beginner-friendly resources available online, such as tutorials and articles.
  2. Choose a BDD Framework: BDD is supported by various frameworks and tools in different programming languages. Explore popular options like Cucumber (for Ruby and Java), Behave (for Python), and SpecFlow (for .NET).
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: The best way to learn BDD is by doing. Start by writing simple user stories and translating them into executable code using your chosen BDD framework. Don’t worry if it feels challenging at first – practice makes perfect!
  4. Seek Feedback: Share your BDD efforts with peers and more experienced developers. Feedback is invaluable for improving your understanding of BDD and refining your skills.


Behavior-Driven Development may seem like a complex concept at first, but with a bit of practice and perseverance, you’ll soon find yourself harnessing its power to develop software with clarity, collaboration, and quality assurance in mind. So why wait? Start your BDD journey today and watch your software development skills soar!


From the blog Discoveries in CS world by mgl1990 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.