Category Archives: cswsu

Wednesday, 12 April 2017 Sprint 5

It turns out we all were wrong in both what the issue was and the solution.Dan the man has completed this issue with a simple observable to wait for the requests responce to log the user out. The main issue that we noticed after this was fixed is that if you logout and get rerouted before the credentials clear you will look like you are still in the application. Refreshing reveals that you are actually logged out but it was a small gap in time that allowed it to seem like we did not log out. The issue was simply to log the user out once the prompt had been clicked to leave the drafted form. What was needed was the response from the pop up that asks if the user is sure. The logout button would just log you out and ask anyway so the prompt was useless but in the application prior to our work on this issue.

Great to have an issue done, I hope we get to work on more and have a better understanding right out the gate.

From the blog CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CSWSU – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017 Sprint 4

Since Spring break was last week I did not focus much time into experimenting with the NGModel. I hope to continue more tutorials to try and apply the NGModel to our issue. Tyler and Dan have reason to believe that we are looking at this issue all wrong. We have many theories yet no real solutions. We noticed that the request respose is what we need to investigate to get an idea of what the code may look like as well.

This has proven to be slow moving but learning a whole lot about angular and other JS tools.

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 7: Wednesday, 8 March 2017 Sprint 3

We have finally reviewed and selected our Issue. NGPOC-185, this issue essentially is that we want the user to be able to log out but if they are editing a form then they must be prompted to exit without saving the form data or to stay at the page and continue their work.

We are not sure yet how this should work but we know we must use the Materialize CSS library since the interface for Ampath is made with this CSS package. This issue could also involve detecting if a user has ‘touched’ the form. This is a feature of the NGModel: This allows angular to detect if the form is ‘dirty’  been changed, ‘touched’ if it was edited but not altered. and ‘untouched’ if the user did not touch the form yet. Looking forward to seeing how to implement this models capabilities.

We have decided to regroup and collaborate our ideas that we may have found towards this idea. We do not fully understand the project structure so this may take some time.


From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 6: 23rd February – 30th February

This week we have finally connected with our Project admin Johnathan Dick. We are now added to the Ampath Jira software, it is great to be exposed to these issue tracking and continuous integration tools such as Travis CI. We need to connect to the test server they have set up so we can have some data to play around with in the Ampath application.

Looking forward to starting work on some issues

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 5: 15th February – 22nd February

This week has been slower than last week. I have rewritten the authorization module, yet I feel as though I am copying and pasting their code. It is a simple module that really has the imported Open MRS Auth. Module to do the heavy lifting and take care of the passing of credentials. This leaves the routing and the request observer for login. None of this code is really changeable so I am hoping to dive deeper into the core of this application. Class has been slow moving at this point, but we are reviewing angluar 2 issues, tutorials and development in general.

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 4: 7th February – 14th February

This week was more exciting since we began to work with Open MRS AMPath. Building the project was like any other node application. In the terminal, I navagted to the root app folder and used “npm install”, and “npm server”. This started the ng2amrs test local server and was easy to log into. It seems you can not halt the server forcfully or you will not be able to restart it unless you reboot your machine. I have watched hours of tutorials and look forward to rewriting the Authorization Module. It does not seem complex since they import the OpenMRS authorization Module making the hard work already complete.

Let see what this next week brings!!

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3: 31 January – 6 February 2017

This week was a slow week out of the semester since we were finishing our tour of heroes.

We have learned a lot about routing, two way binding and the nifty features angular provides. It is sad to note that Angluar does not have a built in sorting algorithm since it added complexity and making a flexible application framework requires light weight and freedom for developers to implement proper efficient algorithms for their use. This is kind of a cop out yet shows that every developer should know how to make efficient sorting algorithms for their programs.

Looking forward to working on Ampath.

From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 4 Reflection

This sprint started off well, then we experienced how the description of an issue don’t always convey the full story. Our team “finished” what we needed to do on the issue that started in sprint 3 and carried over to this sprint. The issue we chose had to do with the location of a button on the screen. The description read, “Users are requesting if the back to drafted form button can be moved to a more convenient place for easy navigation e.g near the control menu.” With this description in mind one of the team members moved the button. I then merged the change with the latest version of the AMPATH project, set up Travis-CI, and deployed the change. After program built on Travis-CI we put in a pull request. We received a response the next day stating that they would actually like the button to stay in a fixed location on the screen while scrolling like the top bar and side bar. I believe this was a good example of the importance of communication

From the blog CS@WSU – :(){ :|: & };: by rmurphy12blog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Reflection

This sprint was the most productive so far. Each member of the team was given access to the AMPATH JIRA site. The AMPATH team uses JIRA to track issues and layout tasks than need to be completed. Now that we have access to the issue tracking system, a member of the AMPATH team picked a list of issues he though the class could handle. The issue we decided to tackle was not an issue with the code but a request by the users to move a button. The process of moving the button started off slow as we could not locate the button in question with in the system. This problem was further complicated by the fact that we could not load the forms on the site. After messaging our main contact at AMPATH we had an idea of what needed to be done but still were having issues locating the button. After some exploring we finally found the button. The button is to return to a form draft, this button is only visible if there is a form that has been open but not submitted. Our initial efforts to find the button were destine to be fruitless as we could not load any of the forms.
I believe the coming sprint will be the the first sprint where we can fully experience the Scrum process and see how the team works together. The past weeks have been good but with only smaller tasks it there was no sense of urgency. Now that we have an issue to work on team members will need to take responsibility of there individual part.

From the blog CS@WSU – :(){ :|: & };: by rmurphy12blog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Reflection

Over the past two weeks our Scrum team has been working through the the sprint backlog. I was able to complete all of the tasks on the first day with the exceptions of rebuilding the login module. The tasks involved installing and setting up OpenMRS as well as AMPATH. The next task was to get the two systems to talk to one another. This task took a little bit of experimentation because the two sites did not want to interact at first. The issue was caused by cross-origin resource sharing. This error is a result of one site request content from a second site. In this case the origin, which consists of the domain as well as the scheme and port number. There were two solutions found, the first involved installing an extension in Google Chrome called Access-Control-Allow-Origin. The second options, the one I am currently using, required a small amount of XML be added to the Tomcat server’s configuration file web.xml with in OpenMRS. By the end of the sprint all these tasks were completed by each member. The one item that was not finished was rebuilding the login module for practice.

Over all I believe the team is working pretty well together. getting the two programs running took some a bit longer than others but with a little help all were successful. I think the team will grow stronger and work better together once we have a list of tasks we can split up. There was not too much motivation for rebuilding the login module because it was already working and there was no ore waiting on it. I look forward to the coming sprint as it looks like there will be some bugs that need fixing.

From the blog CS@WSU – :(){ :|: & };: by rmurphy12blog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.