Category Archives: DB

OpenMRS DB issues

I wrote a detailed blog on what I have done since my last entry and in an attempt to undo a paste I hit cmd+z and it deleted everything I wrote. In my anger and frustration I will not be redoing it in as much detail. Essentially what I have been working on was trying to get the correct configuration for the mySQL database. I initially installed mySQL with homebrew. I think this led to some configuration issues so what I did was uninstall the homebrew version of mySQL and re-installed it with the mySQL .dmg that is provided from the mySQL official page. Once this was done there were several steps to take to configure mySQL. I used the instructions provided here for the installation, and here for the post installation configuration. Finally I followed the instructions here to change the root password. Once mySQL was all set up I started tomcat and hit the openMRS site. This launched the initial configuration to the DB, I chose the simple setup with the demo data. Once this was complete I found that I did not seem to have any of the data. To solve this I followed the instructions here. Once the data was added I was able to search for a patient and find one. After that I was able to add a drug regiment which was what we needed to be able to test.

Once we added the drug to a patient we could see where the drugs that a patient is on are populated and the buttons that come along with them. This lead us to decide to redesign how our functionality was implemented. We added a button at the bottom that will have a box open where you can select a drug that a patient is on (a feature that we found doesn’t work as we thought), modify the dosage and how often they should take it. We want to move this box up so that it comes more inline with the buttons that are present with each drug.

This is how it currently looks:
You click the button next to the green arrow and the content in the green box comes up.

We want it to look more like this:

This is what we will be working on now.

From the blog A blog about things by TRStaake and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.