Category Archives: Design Patterns

Enhancing Development with Software Design Patterns

“Design patterns represent common software design problems and well-tested solutions to those problems.” This is a line from my class’s first exercise introducing us to design patterns. In it we learned that in order to have scalable code, certain types of solutions, design patterns, are used. They are the culmination of previous developers’ struggle adding functionality to already existing code.

When we learned about design patterns in class and the homework, we handled singleton, strategy, simple factory design patterns. This GeeksforGeeks article adds onto the classwork by first separating their list into Creational, Structural, and Behavioral types. Creational patterns address when objects are made by separating how the object is formed from how it is implemented. Included in this type are the Factory and Singleton patterns we had already seen as well as new patterns called the Prototype, Builder, and Abstract Factory patterns. Under the Structural category are methods that handle class/object composition, so they utilize inheritance and help to structure efficient interfaces or implementations. Here they included the Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Facade, Proxy, and Flyweight patterns all brand new to me. Finally came the Behavioral patterns that at first brush sounded like it was primarily focused on solely on the responsibility of objects and classes but actual include how these objects and classes communicate with each other. In this section returned the strategy design pattern along with Observer, State, Command, Chain of Responsibility, Template, Interpreter, Visitor, Mediator, and Memento patterns. At the end of this article is an FAQ section where they explain things such as how you can compare algorithmic solutions to design patterns in terms of computational solutions and structural solutions.

I chose this article because it showed me an entire new category of design patterns that tackle interface creation, something that I personally find to be a weak point in my understanding of OOP design. I actually clicked into the Bridge design pattern because it allows for abstraction and implementation to be developed separately. So when you have multiple subclasses of subclasses, their example used ProduceBus and AssemblyBus under the Bus class under the Vehicle class, you have an issue any time you wish to modify the middle level (Bus) class. The Bridge pattern says to separate the Produce and Assembly bus implementations into their own subclass of an interpreter called Workshop that works on objects of the Vehicle class. This way changing the Bus class doesn’t directly change how the Produce and Assembly portions work, which thus saves time.

I have thus bookmarked this page so that until I can pull these patterns from memory I can make use of these numerous proven solutions. It is an amazing resource since it has links to more in depth explanations of each design pattern so that readers can truly grasp just how these tricks work in practice.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Coder's First Steps by amoulton2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introduction to Pattern Designing


This article is titled “Introduction to Pattern Designing.” In regards to software development, “pattern designing refers to the application of design patterns, which are reusable and proven solutions to common problems encountered during the design and implementation of software systems.” These reusable design patterns showcase relationships that occur between classes or objects. They are language dependent, so they can be described as an idea that makes code flexible and overall speeds up the process of development. Their purpose is to solve common problems. There are three main kinds of design patterns, creational, structural, and behavioral. “Creational design patterns abstract the instantiation process.” Creational design patterns offer a sense of flexibility in regards to “what gets created, who creates it, how it gets created, and, when.” Knowledge about which concrete class is being used is encapsulated and the way instances of classes are created is hidden. “Structural design patterns are concerned with how classes and objects are composed to form larger structures.” Inheritance is used to create interfaces/implementations. Structural design patterns are good for when you want to make independent class libraries collaborate effectively with one another and offer flexibility regarding object composition. “Behavioral design patterns are concerned with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between objects.” Patterns of communication are being described here. Inheritance is used to divide behaviors between classes, object composition is used for behavioral object patterns, and the object patterns encapsulate behaviors in objects. Overall, the benefits of pattern designing are reusable solutions, scalability, and abstraction/communication. The downfall of it however is that there is a learning curve while you try to understand the patterns, there may be concerns with when you should apply the patterns in your code, and if patterns aren’t implemented consistently and in correlation with the advancement of the system, maintenance issues may occur. But regardless, they are a great way to solve common problems during the development process.

I chose this topic because the idea of design patterns was in the syllabus and it interested me. We learned about design patterns such as Factory, Strategy, and Singleton, but reading about the larger terms of creational, structural, and behavioral patterns offered deep insight into the topic. The supposed benefits of common methodologies in software development are always presented but it is also good to know about the downfalls, which I am glad this article showed about the design patterns. When I am working on a team or in the workforce, I will definitely reference these design patterns to improve the maintenance capability and scalability of my code, and do so in a way which I am able to avoid the downfalls of implementing them incorrectly. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Shawn In Tech by Shawn Budzinski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Design Patterns

Design patterns are essential tools for software developers, providing standardized, reusable solutions to common coding challenges. Rather than developing unique solutions every time a familiar problem arises, developers use these templates to write organized, efficient, and adaptable code. Design patterns are not complete blocks of code but instead serve as blueprints, guiding the structure of code in object-oriented programming and enhancing overall project organization.

according to the published article on GeeksForGeeks, the article mentions about A key advantage of design patterns which is reusability. Patterns can be applied across different projects, which saves time and effort by eliminating the need to repeatedly solve similar issues. This flexibility also allows developers to apply patterns quickly in various scenarios, accelerating development. Another benefit is standardization; design patterns create a common vocabulary among developers, which simplifies communication and collaboration within a team. By recognizing these patterns, all team members can quickly understand and follow the structure of the codebase.

Design patterns further promote efficiency by offering solutions that have been tested and refined over time. Since developers do not need to invent new solutions for frequently encountered problems, they can progress faster with fewer errors. Additionally, design patterns are designed to be flexible. They are adaptable templates, meaning they can be customized to fit specific project needs, making them a versatile tool for a variety of applications.

Types of Design Patterns

Design patterns fall into three main categories: Creational, Structural, and Behavioral.

  1. Creational Patterns focus on managing object creation to keep systems flexible and independent of object-specific creation logic. Examples include:
    • Factory Method: Allows creation of objects without specifying the exact class.
    • Singleton: Ensures only one instance of a class exists globally.
    • Builder: Breaks down complex object construction into simpler steps.
  2. Structural Patterns emphasize organizing classes and objects to create efficient, larger structures. Examples include:
    • Adapter: Enables incompatible classes to work together by adjusting their interfaces.
    • Facade: Simplifies complex systems by providing a unified interface.
    • Decorator: Adds extra functionality to objects without altering other instances.
  3. Behavioral Patterns focus on defining how classes and objects interact within a system, streamlining communication in complex applications.

In summary, design patterns help developers produce clear, maintainable, and scalable code. By adopting these patterns, developers can approach recurring problems with reliable solutions, improving collaboration, reducing development time, and creating codebases that are easy to expand and adapt. In the fast-paced world of software development, design patterns serve as a stable foundation for building robust, flexible applications


From the blog CS@Worcester – The Bits & Bytes Universe by skarkonan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Don’t Spend So Much Time Coding Cleanly!

There comes a point in every developer’s career where they transition from “make it work” to “oh my God I need to make this look decent”. Initially, our goal is to create a functional Hello World program. However, as we develop, we slowly begin to learn proper code styles and naming conventions. After reading enough Stack Overflow Forums, we start to become self aware of how our code looks and we begin to focus on code aesthetics. While there’s merit in that, we often focus on the wrong things.

This video does a great job of explaining just that: there isn’t really any such thing as clean code. Now, that isn’t to say that there aren’t wrong ways to code. I’m sure we can all name plenty. That being said, the main point is that we shouldn’t spend our time trying to code perfectly the first time.

The best way to code is to do so as well as we can without spending too much time overly focused on getting everything right the first time. If you know you have the opportunity to do something right or cut corners, do it right. However, if you’ve spent 10 minutes trying to name a variable, give it some placeholder name and worry about it later. The first priority is functionality. Later on, you can review and refactor your code.

The main goal of refactoring is readability. In a compiled language especially, there is only so much efficiency the programmer can add. Compilers do a remarkable job of optimizing code by themselves, so your main goal should be readability. Make sure that other developers, as well as your future self, can read and understand your code. Add comments where necessary, but aim for self-commenting code. If your code is its own comment, that helps save space.

In conclusion, focus on simple and readable code. Don’t waste your time doing something that can simply refactored later, within reason. With that being said, try to do things right the first time if it’s obvious how to do it right.

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Introspective Thinker by David MacDonald and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Adapter Design Pattern

I’ve always found Derek Banas’ channel really useful. In late middle school, I started watching his tutorials for how to code. So it’s really interesting to go back and watch his videos, to say the least.

I feel like the adapter design pattern is something that shouldn’t really need to be used. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very useful. Like real adapters, however, the problem itself shouldn’t really exist. That’s especially true with code; it seems as though adapters become required when interfaces aren’t abstracted well enough. In his video, for example, he has an EnemyAttacker interface that represents some kind of enemy. However, the methods are very specific and presume certain characteristics about the attacker. We then need to use an adapter to get around that specificity. It seems to me that writing the interface more generally to begin with would be more ideal. But given that it’s a bad idea to modify old working code, an adapter is a great solution.

In principle, an adapter does exactly what you expect it to: it adapts code. It takes one “interface” and connects it to another “interface”. That’s the colloquial interface as opposed to a coding specific interface. We use adapters every day. The best example is a phone charger. It converts (or adapts) 120V AC power to a low DC voltage. It also adapts the physical plug into USB type-c. All of the functionality is hidden inside of the charger and from the perspective of a user, it’s literally plug and play.

An adapter in code acts the same. I honestly like the example he gave so if you want to see an example of actual code, check out his video. Conceptually, one description of an adapter is the following: We have two interfaces A and B that have many differences, but are conceptually similar. We can create an adapter so we can use any A as a B, or vice versa. It’s okay because of their similarity (or perhaps they need not even be similar!). Really, it’s an incredibly basic pattern so the specifics aren’t that important.

Fundamentally, an adapter is just code that allows other code to operate together. Again, I think the best way to conceptualize it is through the imagery of any real life adapters. However, it should ideally not be necessary in scenarios such as the one from the video. Abstraction, within reason of course, should be prioritized ahead of time.

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Introspective Thinker by David MacDonald and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.