Category Archives: LibreFoodPantry

Karl R. Wurst 2023-01-03 07:40:20

Starting a day and a half of AWS training to learn how to deploy LibreFoodPantry on K8s! A former (20+ years ago ?) student is now working for AWS and volunteered to do the training for our coordinating committee. And thanks to AWS for providing credits for open source projects!

From the blog Karl R. Wurst by Karl R. Wurst and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Karl R. Wurst 2022-12-30 17:00:02

(Mostly) sorted the configuration for MegaLinter on one of our projects. Now I just have to duplicate/modify that across 20 more projects! (And, eventually, fix some of the issues that MegaLinter was flagging…)

From the blog CSWorcester – On becoming an Eccentric Professor… by Karl R. Wurst and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


The idea of working with an open source project has always scared me a lot. The way we have been doing projects since freshman year – trusting the professor as our main if not only guide and him being confidential with our bugs, errors and insecurities has been a great comfort and way for me to grow. However, an open source project is completely different and I didn’t know how to get started with it. When reading about the 16 FOSSisms as values of the LibreFoodPantry, I learned so much about the benefits they bring to us as student learners, understood how valuable it is to serve the community with our knowledge and embrace the process of learning instead of being scared of not doing enough or doing things wrong. These values will allow us to do and be our best in this amazing project.

16 maxims from free and open source culture for education |

LibreFoodPantry | LibreFoodPantry

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Intellect by rkitenge91 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


I was reading the items linked in the LibreFoodPantry website and I was mostly interested in the Code of Conduct. It is important to know that the community is protected and valued. That anything inappropriate is not tolerated and that everyone from everywhere is accepted just the way they are. That sense of safety and protection is important because when the community feels safe, even their work is done perfectly. I can tell that the community of LibreFoodPantry offers and guarantees security which is very essential. Safety is the most important factor in any company, community because when it’s not the case, no one would want to be in such an environment.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Gracia's Blog (Computer Science Major) by gkitenge and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.