Category Archives: object oriented programming

FOSS and IRC and Blogging, OH MY!

So, today was my first real experience with chatting in IRC. As a class, my Object Oriented Programming/Design classmates and I joined an IRC channel to edit some Wikis and get some information flowing about FOSS projects that we may want to work on. For the most part it was a bunch of silliness but there were some really cool ideas thrown out. One of my classmates suggested a project called irrlicht that seems pretty neat. Another couple of ideas that were tossed around were GIMP and Inkscape. The one that people seemed most interested in towards the end of class was a suggestion by someone outside of the class that happened to be in the channel; a project working with Eucalyptus.

Cloud computing seems to be the way of the future and it would be AWESOME to get in on a project involving the cloud before I even graduate. We’ll have to see what the class decides on in the next week. Whatever we decide to do this class promises to be an amazing experience for all of us involved.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.