Category Archives: Oracle VM

OpenMRS: We’ve got a working build!

Throughout the week, I’ve been reinstalling Vagrant and the OpenMRS radiology puppet module in an effort to see whether the resulting Virtual machine worked at some point. On Monday, I uninstalled Vagrant and redownloaded the MSI file for the program. On Wednesday, I reinstalled both Vagrant and the puppet module. Shortly afterward, I tried running vagrant up on the puppet module, and 5 minutes later, the VM boot timed out. I reported this to my teammate, Nick, on Friday. What I received shortly after was what seemed like good news: we managed to get a working build of the puppet module on someone else’s laptop.

I’m hoping come Wednesday, I can receive a copy of the working build for my own laptop. I’ve spent countless weeks uninstalling and installing hoping that I can get a working build of the puppet module.

From the blog cs-wsu – jdongamer by jd22292 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

“Factory Reset your PC”?

Out of many things that could possibly solve my timeout issues with the OpenMRS Radiology virtual machine, one member of my team has been telling me for the past few weeks to “factory reset [my] computer and start from scratch.” As much as this might help me with the issues, I also did not want to give up other important files on my computer that I would need outside this class and outside my career.

This week was no different. Although on Friday, after what felt like the hundredth time trying to get the dcm4chee VM connected, and still unable to find the Vagrantfile where the config.vm.boot_timeout value was stored, I decided I would follow along with my teammates until I found a solution to my problem that doesn’t involve factory resetting my laptop. My only other solution at this point is to reinstall the files for the virtual machine, reinstall Oracle VirtualBox, and reinstall Vagrant. I’m hoping this solution works by Monday.

From the blog cs-wsu – jdongamer by jd22292 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Wireless Connections and OpenMRS

This week, I continued work on the OpenMRS software, and continued trying to run OpenMRS from the puppet software. I’ve even tried reinstalling all the Git files for the OpenMRS Radiology system, including the puppet files for the dcm4chee servers. Even my teammates never saw the errors I’ve been getting, especially through the Windows command prompt, which is not UNIX-based.

Turns out running the software on a wireless connection makes the virtual box more likely to time out depending on how long vagrant’s timeout value is (I had it set to the default 300 seconds). I am going to try running the software on a wired connection next week. I’m hoping it all goes well.

From the blog cs-wsu – jdongamer by jd22292 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.