Category Archives: #Post-5

Mockito – Using Spies

Seeing as we are continuing our learning with Mockito, specifically going into spies in Mockito, figured it would be worthwhile to do some research into them. I found this article ( from Baeldung by Eugen Paraschiv detailing spy usage and complexities which I found very useful. It begins with a description of spies and then goes into examples of usage.

The first example is used on a real object – a list – which a method is then called upon twice, and then Mockito’s verify is called twice with the same method. This allows for “spying” upon an object, hence the name spies. There is then some detail about the @Spy annotation, stubbing a spy, and then the actual differences between a Mock and a Spy. Chiefly, this difference is that a mock uses the Class of a Type, like a “base-bones shell instance,” while a spy “will wrap an existing instance” and can track it in various ways. This is also followed by a blurb about the NotAMockException from Mockito, which wasn’t immediately necessary for my purposes I don’t think.

Overall, I thought this was a great, useful article. It prepped me for continued learning within Mockito and I felt comfortable understanding it. I think I have a good basic understanding of spies and would be ready to begin using them in testing. They’re a good way to analyze object/method behavior and have useful applications for when a project is only partially written. I look forward to using spies in the future. Most of what I’ve learned within the world of Mockito has been super interesting thus far.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Testing: The Best Testing Tool

As stated in my previous post, I did a group honors project where each member covered a different software testing tool. The primary reason for this was to determine which tools were useful for what purpose, one of which, being Jacoco, I covered in the previous post as well. But, after having heard each group member’s analysis of their tools it begged the question, which tool is best? To properly discuss this I will be examining the pros and cons to each of the tools my group member’s covered in addition to a brief summary of Jacoco.

First there is PIT, which is a mutation testing tool. I was not familiar with these different types of tests, so I will give a quick explanation of what they are. Mutation testing involves the tool essentially making multiple copies of the code which are then given faults, these being the titular mutations. Tests are then run against each mutant with the result being the mutant’s death, meaning the tests failed, or the mutant surviving, meaning the tests passed. The quality of these tests is then determined by the amount of mutants that could be killed. This method of testing is very robust and covers code coverage as well, but this results in these tests being slower than others. PIT is advantageous as it is the fastest of the mutation tests, and has a lot of support from build tools. The other type of testing covered was Programming Mistake Detector, or PMD for short. This tool focuses on finding more expected flaws, like unused variables, useless objects, empty catch blocks, and other such errors we are all familiar with. In addition to this it can also spot any duplicated code with a copy-paste-detector. This is all handled by rules used to test source code, which are grouped into rule sets. Unlike mutation tests, this is much more lightweight and easy to run from a command line, additionally you can run multiple rulesets at once. However this is a less robust testing method, not accounting for any runtime issues or a way to match a ruleset with its generated error easily when running rulesets on a file. So what is the verdict?

Ultimately, there is only really one type of testing that seems sufficient to be used in and of itself, this being mutation testing with PIT. If you are looking for the most condensed testing tool that can do the most in one package, this would be the answer. However you will want to ensure that using mutation testing is necessary, as if you are only really concerned about code coverage Jacoco would be easier and more efficient. Simultaneously, if you want to check the code itself to ensure there are not many errors and do not care about the coverage, you can implement PMD. The answer will ultimately vary from system to system, and if you want to read more about these tools I have provided some resources below. If you want to read about Jacoco be sure to check my previous post!

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Bizarre Coding Adventures by Michael Mendes and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Testing with MOCKING

Having learned about mocking it was finally time to put it to test. We were given some code and exercises to work with and learn by practice, I love that by the way, POGIL is awesome. We were given a Mocking Framework called Mockito to use and it seems like it is a very useful tool for testing.
I am still a little bit confused about Mockito and its use (practical side) but that is fine, there is plenty of knowledge base right on their own website here. Yes their logo is a Mojito…. I have read few things and it helped me to better understand the framework, the website also has links to FAQ and blogs by the creators. I believe anybody will be able to work with Mockito after doing some reading and maybe some practice.

From the blog #CS@Worcester – Pawel’s CS Experience by Pawel Stypulkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.