Chapter 7:
Chapter 7 is titled Acceptance Testing. Well that is kind of strange because one of the chapters in the book for Software Quality Assurance and Testing was all about this and I wrote a blog Post about this very topic. Acceptance Testing is the process of asking the customers about what they really thing the software you are making should do, IE its behavior. This will give you a set of requirements that you can use to create acceptance tests. Then these would be used to set a proper definition of done, like he explained in an earlier chapter. So when the software behaves correctly and passes the tests you are finished. This way of testing helps to clear up any trouble in the beginning and end of a project. This helps everyone get on the same page. The developer and the customer will understand what the software should do and how it should behave.
Chapter 8:
Chapter 8 was titled Testing Strategies and guess what? You guessed it! This chapter is all about Testing Strategies. This chapter helps to outline some good strategist to use when testing. One of which is to develop tests so QA isn’t necessary. What I mean by this is if you find no bugs then QA can focus on harder problems and everyone helps to make a better product. The author then details the Test Automation Pyramid. Sadly it’s not a transformer. But they do include a nice diagram of the pyramid.

This pyramid looks quite daunting but it really isn’t. The bottom layer is Unit test which are written by programmers and for programmers. These test should be run constantly as a part of continuous integration. Next is component tests, these tests encapsulate a component. These tests are written by QA and Business with assistance from development. Integration tests test how well the assembly of components work together. System tests are automated tests that are executed against the whole system some tests in this section are throughput and performance tests. Finally Manual Exploratory tests are human made tests to explore the system for unwanted behaviors. In summary all parts of a company should work together and have a good strategy when it comes to testing.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Conundrums In Computing by patrickgrahamblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.