Yesterday was the last sprint review for the semester and the conclusion of my work on the UpdateGuest project (at least as required for my software development capstone course).
During this sprint our team worked on putting the whole UpdateGuest service together.
This sprint I helped to review many of the merge requests associated with my teammates branches and I worked on both making decisions and helping implement the Angular form for our frontend.
Specific issues I worked on this sprint are:
- Reviewing the Angular Testing issue from our last sprint and learning more about this topic.
- Reviewing and adding comments and suggestions for the merge request for the branch that implemented the endpoints in our backend.
- Reviewing a merge request for adding in additional requested endpoints for our backend.
- Creating a discussion for what needed to be tested in our frontend.
- Working on the implementation of the Angular form for the frontend, this included a lot of different merge requests and reviews as we split up the work by component.
I think our team did a really good job this sprint. As Dr. Wurst commented yesterday, our team did really well this sprint with communicating and looking back at the different issues and merge requests from this sprint, I completely agree. Additionally, I was very impressed and excited about the work we accomplished during Sunday when the team met on Discord and worked together to rapidly implement, review, and merge different features.
I think that some things could have gone better too for our team. This includes improving when we work on our issues and working on issues ahead of deadlines, along with having everyone on the team working on reviewing merge requests.
There are a few areas I think I could improve on personally. This includes improved time management and keeping track of overall project progress. This was almost a problem for our team as we had a very last-minute meeting the day before our sprint review to finish our implementation of the frontend and make it work with the backend. I take responsibility for this and I should have setup a meeting to work on this much earlier than Sunday morning, especially as this was suggested by my teammates earlier in the week. Another area I want to improve on is consistently working on issues. This sprint there was a week where I didn’t do any of the work I needed to do for the project and that undoubtedly didn’t help, along with also waiting too long to work on issues. Finally, another issue I would like to improve on is finding a balance between reviewing others’ work and working on my own implementations. This sprint in particular I found that I spent a lot of time reviewing and learning about my teammates work. While I do think this was helpful and led to more refined code getting merged, I think it led to me spending much less time on my own implementations, which I am not as happy about.
Some of the areas I think our team could improve on if we were to continue working together largely relate to some of the issues I could personally improve on. I think both personally and as a team we could further improve on our ability to refine issues and improve on how we estimate the weights for issues. This problem specifically occurred with the implementation of the Angular form where I think it took a lot more time and had more issues than we originally anticipated. Additionally, I think our team could improve on keeping track of overall project progress for meeting deadlines and maybe work towards setting estimated deadlines in all issues with times and dates for issues to be completed. Again, this would help to avoid a last-minute meeting where a lot of work needs to be done in a single day to finish features (or the project). Finally, I think that everyone in our team could work on reviewing more merge requests so that this work is more evenly split and gives others (including me) time to work on their own features.
Overall, I am very happy with the progress our team made during this final sprint and I am especially impressed with how everyone worked together Sunday to finish all of the features we needed for this project to be in a good and working state.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Chris' Computer Science Blog by cradkowski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.