For this semester, we will be collaborating with OpenMRS and AMPATH for the entire duration of the course to possibly help develop some type of new software that the association can use in their medical systems. That alone in itself is extremely exciting and I can’t wait to really begin diving into the hands-on programming of whatever software it is we will be developing because this will be the first time I am doing something that is career-based related in the real world.
What’s even more exciting is the new framework of Scrum that I have recently been introduced to. The idea of Scrum is to divide up the development cycle up into 1 to 2 week intervals known as sprints where there are goals and objectives set for each sprint that the team focuses on completing before moving onto the next sprint into the rest of whatever needs to be developed. I don’t really want to dive a lot into how Scrum actually works because I’m sure you can look it up online for a better understanding of it if you want but I am really looking forward to incorporating this framework into our collaboration with OpenMRS and AMPATH and gain further exposure to experiences I will most likely be using once I get a job as a software developer.
While I was job hunting, there were definitely a handful of companies and corporations who are looking for employees with experience in Scrum so hopefully I can add that to my resume after this course!
CS 448 Week 1 Blog (January 17 – January 23)
From the blog CS@Worcester – Tan Trieu's Blog by tanminhtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.