This week for CS448 – Capstone, I read about the “Breakable Toys” Individual Apprenticeship Pattern; while I did not know it when I selected this pattern, it relates back to two other patterns I analyzed earlier in the semester: “The White Belt” and “Confront Your Ignorance”.
The “Breakable Toys” pattern encourages craftsmen working in high-risk environments intolerant of failure to create personal projects, referred to as ‘Breakable Toys’. These projects are typically smaller in scope but similar in toolset to work systems, providing a safe space for experimentation and learning through failure. The pattern advises building tools like wikis, calendars, or address books, which may be overengineered but allow for trying new ideas without significant consequences. Given the book’s original publishing in 2009 and the progression and advancement of technology/platforms since then, other tools and platforms may be more applicable and resources like Git make tracking and controlling versions easy.
The focus is on personal growth, skill development, and enjoying the learning process, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of tools and encouraging continuous improvement. In this way, this pattern is similar to “The White Belt” and “Confront Your Ignorance”, but focuses on building off of prior knowledge in a low-stress environment rather than ignoring it.
I really enjoyed reading about this pattern and its benefits as it is one of my favorites to implement – actually, while reading it I realized how many skills I have picked up using this method. As an individual, when I learn new skills/tools I naturally want to practice them and their non-instructed limitations as well as just generally play around. While a lot of what I learn may not be directly related to my initial task, I usually pick up a few things that are unbelievably useful later on and give me an advantage in addressing challenges.
The clearest example of this which comes to mind immediately is learning Apache POI and PDFBox early in my Computer Science degree/education. I had a lot of experience with basic Microsoft Office applications and was beginning to understand the power of OOP through my Java learning, so the summer after my first semester I decided to learn how to connect the two. By the end of my project, I was confident in reading/manipulating data from Excel, generating new files or report generation, format text and images in PDF documents, and more. All of this was possible because I took it upon myself to research and create my own “breakable toy” environment to learn in.
Sources: Hoover, Dave, and Adewale Oshineye. “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman.” O’Reilly Media, 2009.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Tech. Worth Talking About by jelbirt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.