With the end of my first ever sprint experience, I would like to reflect back on what worked, what didn’t work, and what changes could be made. To be honest, I felt like we were kind of just thrown into the first sprint with little time to prepare, but as the sprint progressed, my team ended up getting the hang of it. As a team we managed to create enough issues to work on throughout the sprint and everyone took up different issues to work on. We were swift to approve merge requests and review other members’ changes, so I think we worked efficiently on that part.
As for me individually, I took on three issues, all of them involving the rearrangement of the file structure for each of the frontends. Issue #3 involved refactoring the file structure of checkInventoryFrontend where I based it off the MicroServices example. Issue #4 involved refactoring the file structure of addInventoryFrontend where I based it off the MicroServices example. Issue #6 involved refactoring the file structure for CheckoutGuestFrontend where I based it off the MicroServices example. I didn’t have much of a problem with them, as they were not complicated to complete.
As for what didn’t work well, overall, I think we as a team spent a lot of time trying to understand what everything was supposed to do. From each of the frontend to the backend, there was basically nothing implemented nor functional. I think because there was the daunting task of having to create the inventory system from the ground up, I had trouble actually picking out what needed to be done for this sprint. That aside, we managed to dedicate this sprint to preparing the files for implementation so that we would be able to start working in the next sprint.
As a team, I think we were able to come together and get work done. Some of the members of my team are people I have yet to work with, but there was no issue there. I am happy that I was able to help a fellow teammate resolve an issue they were having with the API. Aside from that, there was not much else communication between teammates during work periods as everyone was focusing on more individual tasks. This first sprint was more focused on the housekeeping tasks so there wasn’t much need for collaboration in the first place. I think in the next sprint, we will be able to greatly benefit from more communication and asking for help when needed.
What I can improve on individually is to come up with more meaningful issues. This last sprint, I only created a handful of issues, all of them involved creating or moving files around. Now that this coming sprint will be more hands-on, it will give me a chance to come up with more specific issues, focusing on parts of the project that need to be implemented. I would like to work more efficiently, finishing issues within their estimated weight time. Overall, I am looking forward to the next sprint now that I have an idea of how the entire sprint process goes.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Null Pointer by vrotimmy and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.