Hi everyone, my name is Abdullah Farouk, for those who didn’t know, and this is going to be my first sprint retrospective of the semester. First, I will start out by saying, considering this whole thing is brand new to us, we did a great job working with this new style and adapted quickly to all the changes. Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of room for improvement from everyone in the team, but we successfully passed through the first sprint. This sprint consisted of us getting familiar with libre food pantry more and to see how this scrum framework actually go. The first thing we did in the beginning of the semester was weighing the different issues and breaking some epics into smaller issues and assigning it to our team. We then organized the issues on which one we wanted to do first and so on. I worked on most of the issues during class time, which worked out nicely because I had my teammates there to help me with things just in case, I got stuck, which I did sometimes. I liked meeting in person instead of virtual meetings, as I think we do more work when we see each other instead of behind a computer screen.
One thing that I would say didn’t work out well was how we weighed the issues in the beginning. Some of the issues took less than what we had anticipated, and some took way longer, to the point that we finished only half of the last issue left for the sprint and therefor had to leave the issue to next sprint. Another thing that we were struggling with was communicating outside of class time. I take some of the blame myself as I do not have discord installed on my phone and therefore, I only check it at night time or when I get home from work. Some of the issues we had made, we didn’t add a description to it, so it was a little harder for me to figure out what they want me to do just from the title, so I had to ask classmate to double check.
Other than those minor issues, I think me, and the team did a great job going through these issues and completing them on a timely basis. To improve as an individual, I will try to check discord more often to communicate better with my team. To improve as a team, I think we should start adding a description of the issue under the title just so we don’t get confused and be more organized I would say.
- Moved “commands” to “bin” and added a cspell folder to make sure the spelling are right. Merged and pushed the issue.
- I sat up to work with VS code in Gitpod rather than devcontainer which was a little bit tricky because I didn’t know what gitpod was until that moment.
- Me and one other classmate looked at the check inventory frontend and examined the code to see what it was missing and what it could get better at.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Farouk's blog by afarouk1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.