Sprint 1 is now over and overall I believe my team and I did a good job for our first sprint. I think there are lots of things we did well but there is still plenty of room for improvement.
The first thing our team did that I thought worked well was breaking up and weighing our epics. We took the larger epics like updating the documentation or revising the directories and split them up so each problem subgroup would have one. This worked well because each team member got to work on a piece of each epic which gave a good experience to everyone. Everyone working on similar issues was also good because when one or more of us ran into a problem the others were able to help or the team members working on frontends were able to tackle a problem together since what we had to do for this sprint was very similar. Our weights for the issues were also a pretty good estimate. We were able to get the full 35 points of work done right in time for the end of the sprint.
Something our team can do to improve for the next sprint is to spread out the work better. In this sprint, we mostly worked in a single subgroup but I think switching things up would benefit us. Since we only worked in a single subgroup only three of our group members got to work on the frontend, one person got to work on the backend, and the last member only worked on API. For our next sprint, we want to switch these roles so every team member can get experience in each area.
I worked on the CheckOutGuestFrontend as well as reviewed and merged code from other team members. The issues I worked on are the following:
The first issue I had was to update or add the files for the documentation, licensing, linting configuration, .gitignore, and .gitattributes to match the inventoryAPI.
The next issue I worked on was revising the directory structure to match the inventoryAPI again.
I then worked on updating the devcontainer files to match the inventoryAPI.
The last issue and the most difficult one I worked on was updating the pipeline/CI files.
A change I could make to improve as an individual is spending a little more time outside of class working on issues when I get stuck instead of waiting for the next class to ask about the problem. Some issues need more direct help to figure out but I think spending more time trying to figure out an issue instead of asking for help after a short time would be good for improving my problem-solving skills. I think another individual issue that can be improved is getting over the fear of completely breaking the code since I am unfamiliar with how certain things work. Sprint 2 seems like the work will be less trying to match the code up to already existing code so having to dedicate more time outside of class will be necessary.
Overall I think sprint 1 was very successful but there is always room for growth. By doing the changes the team discussed I think sprint 2 will be even more successful.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Ryan Klenk's Blog by Ryan Klenk and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.