Sprint 1 has come to an end, and it’s time for the sprint retrospective. For the first sprint of this semester, I worked on issues for AddInventoryFrontend for the Inventory System. The following are links showing my activity for the project:
- https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/addinventoryfrontend/-/issues/9. This addressed the creation of developer documentation that was not previously present in AddInventoryFrontend but is present in GuestInfoFrontend, and I made sure that it had the licensing files, and added the linting files, and edited the .gitattributes file.
- https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/addinventoryfrontend/-/issues/10. This addressed the revision of the directory structure in which I compared files in AddInventoryFrontend to GuestInfoFrontend and created any files that GuestInfoFrontend had that AddInvenoryFrontend did not have and renamed and relocated files, or created folders to match GuestInfoFrontend.
- https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/addinventoryfrontend/-/issues/12. This addressed the updating of the pipeline/CI files in which I updated the package.json and .gitlab-ci.yml files.
I have also reviewed a merge request from a teammate in which I checked if they created the necessary files with content similar to GuestInfoAPI: https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/inventoryapi/-/merge_requests/5
What worked well with the group is that we all separately worked on the same type of issue. If one member had difficulties with the issue, then another member who figured it out would be able to guide them. For example, we all worked on updating pipeline/CI files and there were some cases where a few people working in frontend had the same errors like issues with using commads/build.sh and were able to work it out with each other. We also had great team communication and were able to freely communicate what we were stuck on or working on, and could easily reach each other outside of class.
We cooperated well as a group and didn’t seem to have any issues. We had just technical issues rather than teamwork or workload issues. Even then, we did help each other out and I took note of what we may need to remember moving on. When I was stuck facing some errors on an issue, a teammate helped by picking up an issue for AddInventoryFrontend that I was too preoccupied to handle.
To improve as a team, we could work more on projects at home and also try to branch out more. We sort of stuck to our own projects–for example, I handled most of the issues for AddInventoryFrontend, one person worked on InventoryAPI, one for CheckInventoryFrontend, one for CheckOutGuestFrontend, and one for InventoryBackend. It might be more fair to work on different areas for people who ended up working on an area they didn’t want to work with.
In terms of improving as an individual, I could put more time outside of class into my issues–but of course this would happen naturally since this next sprint would have more “intensive” work rather than some copy-pasting situations we had for issues this sprint. I should also be less afraid to make some changes thinking it could mess something up.
I think this first sprint went well with our communication and team support system.
From the blog CS@Worcester – CS With Sarah by Sarah T and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.