Here is the Link to the repositories that contains everything we worked on Sprint-2. Backend, Frontend, Event system, and Keycloak.
RabbitMQ Docker container: Created a Docker container for Reporting Team
Learn how to get messages from Queue: Learned How to send and receive messages using JSON object
Meeting with other Event System Team: Met with the other teams to discuss the format and schema
Review CSS and HTML: Reviewed CSS and HTML for the Frontend design.
Work with Backend/Database for MQ: Worked with Database and Backend to figure out the Receive file.
For the Sprint, I worked mostly on the Event System components with the Backend person. We figured out how to properly send and receive messages using the JSON object.
What worked well / did not work well
For the Sprint, I worked mostly on the Event System components with the Backend person. We figured out how to properly send and receive messages using the JSON object. I noticed that working together with the team has improved our work productivity significantly and working together helped us to solve problems as a team. For this Sprint there were still a lot of confusing elements. Especially, we had a hard time understanding how the report worked and what the data was involved in the report. Also, the issue description on Gitlab was not precise enough or was not broken down into steps. We were lost in some aspects and did not know what questions to ask. However, it is almost the end of the semester and everyone is busy with exams and project from other classes
What changes could be made to improve as a team?
As a team, we should be communicating more with each other and the professor whenever there is confusion or questions regarding the materials. Also, breaking down the task into small issues will help the team tackle problems one by one. I think it will be great for our team to talk with the other group for example all the FrontEnd people can meet and talk more about the issues and problems they are facing. The same goes for the backend, this will help improve as a team. We also need to add more info to the cards which solve the issue of any confusion regarding who is doing what task.
What changes could be made to improve as an Individual?
As an Individual, I should be talking with my team more rather than just doing the issues that are assigned to me. If I am struggling with something, then I should ask my teammate or the professor for help rather than just waiting and trying to figure out myself. Since it towards the end of the semester and since every class, I have a project, I should be planning or a schedule to work on individual tasks rather than doing everything at once.
Overall, this was a great learning experience. I think the second sprint was a success and we got a lot of working parts done for the project. I’m looking forward to seeing what the reporting team will accomplish towards the end of the semester.
From the blog Derin's CS Journey by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.