This issue was to create a Backend Rest Api that could communicate with both our database and Front End UI.
This issue was done early in the sprint to see if MongoDb was a viable option to use for our project.
This issue was to create a definition of done for our issues so that the team had a better structure to follow when working.
In sprint two our team excelled in taking on the correct work load. Sprint one left us with too little work and we had to add things while we were working and even did some work without creating issues. However, in sprint two we proposed our work with proper weight classification and so we had just enough work. Our workload reflected our Sprint length well and we were able to split up the workload well between team members. This time around we took large tasks that had several parts and instead of weighting them higher we broke the issue down into several smaller issues. This way we were able to spread the workload out throughout the team and didn’t leave anyone working on one large portion of work for too long. I think this worked to our advantage because it was easier to formulate a plan and track our progress this way. As we completed more smaller issues we could see how far along we were with progress and dictate work to team members better.
We didn’t have much of a problem at the beginning of the Sprint, although, towards the end when school was moved to online classes only we began to have some issues. It may not be within our power to control but the move to online classes was a detriment to our work ethic and communication as a team. Having a second week of spring break that otherwise would have been a week of working was a blow to motivation and the team’s communication was lacking. Now that we have returned to classes online we have gathered ourselves well and are ready to work. However, the removal from our work for twice as long as we had originally planned deemed to be a detriment to our momentum. We still completed the work load we had planned but we felt rather scattered.
Moving forward we need to work on our communication as a team. Before the national crisis we would meet in person as a group weekly and work for three or more hours together. This synchronous work ethic proved to be our most productive environment. Now that we cannot meet in person I think we could plan for synchronous online meetings to help aid our disconnect. Even if we are not collaborating on issues I believe it could help morale and productivity to know we are all working simultaneously.
As an individual I believe I just need to get back in the groove. Hopefully, with the help of my team we can create a schedule to add some structure to our workflow and get back into a forward momentum.
From the blog cs@worcester – Zac's Blog by zloureiro and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.