A reflection
on what I learned from this week’s activities is that when the working mindset
begins it goes quite smoothly. Once everyone settles in and breaks the ice, we
are able to communicate clearly and effectively what our intentions are and how
we are to go about it. When a certain task is finished, other members are notified,
and opinions are needed before we go any further with the task or beginning a
new one. When we get proper feedback, we are able to safely continue down the
path or create a new one to account for changes.
lesson learned from this week’s activities is that members will tend to focus
on tasks that they are comfortable with first. In my case, since no one was
comfortable picking up the role on working with databases, I felt confident and
comfortable enough to pick up the task. As for the other group members, they
also went off in the direction that would prove most beneficial to the group.
This way, the group will spend less time learning material that other members
are clearly proficient enough to get started. After that, we are able to
converse and teach our knowledge with the rest of the group members which is
quite efficient.
In light of
this lesson learned, the next time there is a situation where the group is
clearly new to each other, and a project is being newly developed. It should be
safe to assume that everyone is not comfortable with each other yet and needs
time to adjust to the new environment and mindset. In this case, there is no
need to be anxious about the project over the course of several weeks as the
working process will natural come.
During this
sprint, my task was mainly focused on creating a design for the database. This involved
reviewing materials provided by the client and any requirements or constraints that
are to be noted. The chosen route when creating a database to account for Database
Management System (DBMS), as such an E-R Model is required. The chosen platform
for the database is SQLite, we noted the importance of being able to export the
database file as a CSV file and vice-versa. Being able to obtain a CSV file is
important for the client as it’s their preferred filetype for distributing
off, I noted for four entities, staff, client, inventory, and items. In the
staff entity, it contained the attribute OneCard_ID
and a composite attribute Name which
accounted for First, Middle, and Last Name of the staff member. For the
client, it contains all of the attributes of the staff entity but introduces a
third attribute called Last Visit Date,
to account for information regarding the last time the client visited the food
pantry. Then you have the inventory entity which only contains the attribute Total Weight, since the pantry uses weight
to keep track of how much food is in stock. Lastly, the items entity contains
five attributes, Item ID, Item Name, Item
Weight, and Item Stored Date. However, to account for a concern from the client
about confidentiality of information the names of staff and clients are later
crossed off from the E-R Model. In conclusion, after consulting the group, the
next step is to create and connect the database with the project in order to
fully utilize its intended function.
Starting off, I noted for four entities, staff, client, inventory, and items. In the staff entity, it contained the attribute OneCard_ID and a composite attribute Name which accounted for First, Middle, and Last Name of the staff member. For the client, it contains all of the attributes of the staff entity but introduces a third attribute called Last Visit Date, to account for information regarding the last time the client visited the food pantry. Then you have the inventory entity which only contains the attribute Total Weight, since the pantry uses weight to keep track of how much food is in stock. Lastly, the items entity contains five attributes, Item ID, Item Name, Item Weight, and Item Stored Date. However, to account for a concern from the client about confidentiality of information the names of staff and clients are later crossed off from the E-R Model. In conclusion, after consulting the group, the next step is to create and connect the database with the project in order to fully utilize its intended function.
Starting off, I noted for four entities, staff, client, inventory, and items. In the staff entity, it contained the attribute OneCard_ID and a composite attribute Name which accounted for First, Middle, and Last Name of the staff member. For the client, it contains all of the attributes of the staff entity but introduces a third attribute called Last Visit Date, to account for information regarding the last time the client visited the food pantry. Then you have the inventory entity which only contains the attribute Total Weight, since the pantry uses weight to keep track of how much food is in stock. Lastly, the items entity contains five attributes, Item ID, Item Name, Item Weight, and Item Stored Date. However, to account for a concern from the client about confidentiality of information the names of staff and clients are later crossed off from the E-R Model. In conclusion, after consulting the group, the next step is to create and connect the database with the project in order to fully utilize its intended function.
What I produced this sprint:
From the blog CS@Worcester – Progression through Computer Science and Beyond… by Johnny To and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.