Category Archives: Sprint 2


There was very little productivity during this sprint due to minimal work assigned. To keep busy our team used the time to learn about angular and testing in angular. One method that helped me learn more about angular was to do the Tour-of-heroes tutorial on the site. After doing so I understood why angular was used and what components really were and how they responded and “talked” to each other.

The final day of the sprint, we were given assignments that included creating the GUI of some sort of web application. Our team sat down and decide which interface we wish to move forward with. Before doing so we actually looked into what programs we were going to use and watched some YouTube videos on the instructions.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The IncreEdibles Sprint 2 Retrospective

This is the Sprint 2 Retrospective for team The IncreEdibles. We got assign to food pantry development, but we didn’t give any specific task. Big part of our team is design program and listen to the food pantry owner. There are two projects that we are working on, one is the make API that support other project where they can pull any information that they want. The other project is to work with Worcester State University food pantry.
As a group we decided to focus on WSU food pantry since we see more potential in this project. First, we want to know what the important features that costumers want. We learned that setup with costumers is not easy, not just to set the time and place for meeting. We have setup our communication on Slack, but most of the costumers are not in tech they don’t want to install complicate software. They want to have program where simple “plug and play”, so their energy can focus on what important to them. This is the problem that I think we always face with customers. We as developers before the meeting need to have set of question to ask, not all customers know what they want. We had meeting with Joanne, the professor who run the program. She wants to know who goes in and how much they take out the food, keeping track with the amount of food (by weight) is the main feature.
We took notes from the meeting and make email as direct communication that convenient for both parties. These features are important, but we must think of the design future features as program getting update. Features that they don’t think they need at this moment, that mean we must track data. These are sensitive data, we must be caution. The features seem not difficult as keep up with the weight of the food, but we want to have reliable program where it’s simple and easy to prepare/add feature.
There are few techs that our group need to know, OneCard swipe machine, we need to know that it is operative and how to implement to our program. How to export from the “sign up” Google Form. Export form that the costumer can export to submit to Worcester Food pantry. And most important is design our program where it is simple, clean and it do what it’s supposed to do.
Our next step is researching all the techs to make all priority feature work. Make a mock program, and present/sell it to the costumers. In this sprint we want to know how far we can get this program to work. There is other group in different section also look at this program, our problem is time difference and communication. If they have the same direction as us, we should find a way to divide the program into two parts that two group could work on. We find that the communication is one of the biggest problems even with members in the same group.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Nhat's Blog by Nhat Truong Le and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Development Capstone – Sprint 2 Retrospective

This past sprint was, to me, significantly less eventful than the first, but still very important in the progress of our capstone project. Over the past couple of weeks, I spent a lot of time focusing more on preparing for this upcoming Sprint 3, familiarizing myself with the tools and technologies that we will be using for our AMPATH project. We just received word about the kind of specific development work that we will be doing for the project, so keep an eye out for my Sprint 3 Retrospective for more information on that!

As I mentioned, Sprint 2 ended up being less productive for me, for a few reasons. We had a couple of class sessions cancelled (snow and other outside circumstances). While this fortunately did not slow our progress (everyone on our team has the AMPATH project built and running successfully!), our team has been taking advantage of each period of class time to discuss our progress, help each other out with any issues what we may be having, and planning our next courses of action. So, missing a couple of the sessions definitely slowed down some of the work that I could’ve been doing.

Another reason why this sprint has been a bit quiet is that we have not heard much about development ideas from the AMPATH team until yesterday, the final day of Sprint 2 and the beginning of Sprint 3. I’m very excited to start coding more, now that we have more of a plan, which involves mobile app development!

Our team had 2 tasks to complete this sprint – reading about Angular testing, and building and running the AMPATH project. Because I completed the second task during the previous sprint, I only had to concern myself with Angular unit testing, along with working together with my teammates to make sure that everyone could run the AMPATH project.

At the beginning of the first sprint, we had been tasked to learn about Karma and Protractor, two popular Angular unit testing tools. I, like other classmates working on development for the AMPATH project, utilized documentation for each tool in order to better understand how they work. My resource to understand Karma is found here, and for Protractor I used this source. Angular automatically incorporates Karma testing when creating any new project, so I spent more time reading about that tool. Karma and Protractor are similar, though, in that both load up servers on one or more browsers (specified when configuring) and runs the developed source code with the written tests. Then, the developer is notified whether each test passes or fails, via command line or through the browser.

This sprint really made me appreciate the quality assurance testing course that I took last semester. Learning about Java unit testing and its basic framework made the comprehension of this newer concept a bit easier.

Once again, I’m looking forward to posting more about progress that our team makes during this upcoming sprint! We have a lot of exciting ideas to discuss and potentially work with.

Thanks for reading!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hi, I'm Kat. by Kat Law and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

For this week, I have finished up Sprint 2 and I would glad to be talking about it.

What I wish I could done throughout this sprint was to finding








From the blog CS@Worcester – Onwards to becoming an expert developer by dtran365 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective Blog Posts 2

Welcome back everyone to another CS 448 blog post. Today topic is going to be about the second sprint retrospective. This second blog post is going to about the recent actions that I been learning in the class, the work and work products that I am producing during the second sprint. The second sprint was very informative we worked on researching many topics that can potentially relate to our projected plan like Angular testing, Ampath, etc. During this sprint, I already had the Ampath to run on the personal computer but there were a few group members that were having minor issues when building the Ampath project, so I prioritize some so my time towards having Ampath running on every member in the group personal computer. I research many of Unit testing for Angulars like Karma and Protractor and found it important to learn for a solid foundation when testing in Angular. There was really much work again during this sprint as we were waiting for more information about objective for the Ampath project but meeting on this sprint we finally got some clarity in the project. We added more task in our sprint backlog like figuring if we will get access to Ampath on our computers, keeping an eye out for Zeplin shared folder and finding out more about mocking the database. There were also some videos from Gregory Schmidt that we had to watch which I finish which gives the main idea on which we should create during this semester. I found these videos easy to understand and after I feel more anxious and clearer on what must be done. I saw that Gregory Schmidt was developing an android application and now curious if we can create the Ampath application in another platform like IOS. My thoughts on the project are that the project will be a simple application that records and stores data. I will be continuing to do more research on this project during the break and found out more about the developing environment and programming language that we will be using. I researched briefly on how to save data into a database and I found that in IOS developing you can use SQL to create a database and then import the database into the swift project. I believe that you can probably apply the same concept with another other environment and programming language. Other than this information, I really haven’t done any significant towards the Ampath project. Also, if anyone is still having trouble getting the Ampath project to run on their personal computer just follow the lists of steps that I and the members of my group posted on slack. During the sprint, our group work well and perform great together as a team. I learned a lot of important information about testing and application development during this step. I am planning on applying some the stuff that learning in application developing in Swift towards the Ampath project. All in all, this is what happen and the things I learned during this sprint.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Phan's CS by phancs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

For this week’s blog, I will be talking about our second sprint working on the open source food pantry project. This sprint was a bit unique as to the first one since it is mostly about communicating with the customer.

In this sprint, I learned a lot about the communication between us, the developers, and the customer. I learned that it is not a simple process. At first, I thought that it would just be a simple interaction, they give us what they want or how it should look like, and then we try to create it and meet their demands. But that is not how it goes at all. There was a lot of interaction that we needed to do since the customer does not know what they really wanted. There is also the issue of communication. Most of the time, it is hard to get hold of the customer and we have to wait for them to respond to us before we could even move on with what we are doing. I also learned that starting a new project is like an open-ended question. while planning on this project and asking the customer questions as to what they want, it just seems like they do not really know what they want.

During this sprint, we have decided to change our focus from making the foodsaver REST API onto making the food pantry software since the other team has already made it. This sprint was mostly about communicating with our customers. The first meeting with the customer is with Serena. Serena works on Thea’s food pantry and knows how the pantry operates.  During the interview, we asked how the pantry operates. They have a google form that is filled out once by every student that goes there. It asks about the number of people in their household, their income level( whether they qualify or not), and what kind of help or services they are already receiving. If they already filled out the form, they only need to swipe their card preferably but for now, they just take note of the student’s ID number. Then they weigh the items that are being taken by the student and record it. They only keep track of how much weight is taken and how much weight is left on the pantry. 

The second meeting that we had was with Joanne, she has been helping guide the student-led-food-pantry initiative. Before our meeting with her, we tried to come up with questions to ask. Most of the questions we came up with was just a clarification on the information we got on the first meeting. In our meeting with Joanne, we asked her again about the forms and what kind of information they are storing. Since they cannot give us private information, we asked if she could just blur out the pieces of information and leave the column headers. This meeting was mostly trying to learn what the food pantry does and how they get food in and out. This meeting also opened the topic with the one card system and how they want it to show information about the student once they swipe.

From the blog cs-wsu – Computer Science by csrenz and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

This week’s Sprint was relatively uneventful due to a combination of reasons. First, due to the weather, we had snow days which interrupted our meeting. Second, we had issues communicating with the Ampath people, and we had classes cancelled for a week, so there were no concrete assignments for us to add to the product backlog to create our definition of done to deliver value. Finally, and this is a more personal reason, I caught a stomach bug so I was unfortunately not able to show up to the few classes we met up in.

Even though we weren’t able to produce any solid units of work, we still kept our team on track for our Scrum related tasks such as our stand-ups and kept our overall plan pretty solid. We are still in the process of completing the tour of heroes tutorial for angular, as well as installing and finishing the tutorials for the two testing frameworks Karma and Protractor.

After we began that, we took a look further at the tutorial for Karma, and installed the code into our computers. The Karma tutorial is relatively short, although we are expecting to have to allocate some extra time to researching about the Jasmine framework and syntax that both Karma and Protractor use in their testing commands. One thing we noted while looking through the tutorial is the fact that Karma tends to look similar to junit unit tests, so we are hopeful that Karma will feel somewhat intuitive when designing our unit tests.

The first major decision our group made based on the tutorials was that we are going to go with the tour of heroes for brushing up on our angular skills. We are allocating the most amount of practice time to completing the tour of heroes because we all believe that brushing up on our angular skills will be the primary force behind our whole project, while we can learn the testing frameworks slightly easier, is what we are hopeful for.

In light of the fact that our group was not able to produce any direct value this sprint, I still believe that we will be an efficient team. Even though we had no tasks, a few of our team members kept us on track for due dates of stand-ups, CATME surveys, and blog posts. The rest of us kept on track for preparing for when we had work to do so everyone in our group would be ready to hit the ground running.

So what I learned is that even though we did not contribute anything to the project during this sprint, I do not believe that we need to change anything about how we proceed or group organization or splitting of tasks. I am happy to have learned that team roles are naturally starting to develop due to the personalities of our team members, as one of us is adept at time management and keeping the group on track, while some of us can help out more with technical skills and troubleshooting skills. That is great because we will have less difficulties.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Bit by Bit by rdentremont58 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective #2

During our second sprint we were still focused on learning about the tools we will be using as we have not yet received actual work to do for AMPATH. There were two things that I focused on: testing with Karma and Protractor and the Angular Tour of Heroes tutorial.

Karma and Protractor are the two testing tools that we will be using for this project. Karma is used to write unit tests while Protractor is used for end-to-end testing. My teammate Ryan put together a very useful Google Doc that includes all of the basic information about these two tools including how they work, how to use them, and helpful links to learn more. This is the main resource I used because it includes pretty much everything I wanted to know about Karma and Protractor.

The following link provides a good overview of what Karma is and how it works:

Karma works by creating a web server that executes source code against test code. The test results are examined and displayed through the command line so the developer can see which tests and browsers passed or failed. Karma looks like it will be an incredibly useful tool for unit testing our code.

Protractor also uses a web server to run browsers that will test the code. It simulates user interaction with Angular applications in order to test system dependencies. The following link is a good tutorial that helped me get familiarized with Protractor and learn the basics of how it works:

Other than learning about these two testing tools, I also started doing the Angular Tour of Heroes tutorial in order to re-familiarize myself with Angular. I have previously done this tutorial in Software Construction, Design, and Architecture. However, I wanted to go through it again to make sure that I remembered the specifics of Angular and Typescript. Even though I haven’t gotten incredibly far in the tutorial, much of the information is coming back to me. I think the Tour of Heroes is one of the best coding tutorials I’ve ever used. Everything is explained clearly, there are links for more complex topics that come up, and all of the code you should have is displayed at the end. There are also summaries at the end of each section that review everything that was learned. I’m glad that I started doing this tutorial because I now feel more prepared and also eager to start actually coding.

Overall our second sprint was still all about preparation. While I do wish we could have started working on something during this sprint, it’s good that we have had plenty of time to learn about the tools we will be using so we aren’t caught off guard when we have to actually produce code. During this sprint I learned a lot about testing with Karma and Protractor and relearned information about Angular. I’m excited for the next sprint as it looks like AMPATH has finally sent us information on the work that we will be doing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Blog by rydercsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Reflection 2

On our second sprint, Team FIG definitely got more of the ball rolling with our progress on the project. Following a meeting with a representative from the food pantry, we were able to discuss some of our stories and tasks and what each member was going to work on, and were able to begin in earnest. I felt a lot better going into this sprint as it seems our goals were becoming more clear and it felt like I knew what I could do to make progress.

My tasks was to begin work on a front-end system that the food pantry could use to keep track of the weight they are giving out and automate some of the process of filling out an intake form and determining the proper amount of food in weight. I referred a lot to my final project from CS-443 last semester, developing a sort of “back-end” that enabled me to test the functionality of my front-end. After that was squared away, I began developing the front end. Since exactly what the customer wants still doesn’t seem crystal clear to me, I thought it would make the most sense to take the provided intake form and try to implement it in an online application.

After I wrote all the functions to allow adding/changing of data in the back end, I developed the HTML part of the front-end, adding the input boxes and buttons for submission and making sure they used the right commands. Things I still need to add to the front-end are error messages for incorrect submissions (missing data, wrong input type, etc). It might also be prudent to add some way for authorized users to change customer information that has already been entered, in case of a mistake or changing information. I have also not began working with the CSS, as it has been low priority for me, and I have questions to ask about what sort of style we should be going for. I also have not done anything with keeping a running weight total or adding/removing from that total.

The current issue I am dealing with is a ‘fatal’ error preventing me from committing to GitHub that says the line endings need to be replaced with LF from CRLF, which seems to be an issue with the way Windows handles line endings. I decided this was a good place to stop anyways, as I was having trouble fixing the issue and had done a lot of work without being able to review it with my group. It is unfortunate that we have had three classes cancelled, as it definitely hurt my groups ability to meet up and their motivation to do so.

The biggest task our group has to work on now is creating a functional back-end that will be able to store the information. We have not determined exactly how this will be done yet, but it is something we will definitely discuss so we can begin work on it in Sprint 3.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Let's Get TechNICKal by technickal4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint-2 Retrospective Blog Post

This semester for my Software Development Capstone course we are working on a AMPATH project working on a point of system by Ampaths Clinic. For this semester I will be working on this with a team. This blog is actually Sprint-2 Retrospective blog post. As part of our assignment we are assigned to complete a Sprint Retrospective blog post at the end of each sprint. As of Today, March 7th, 2019, we have completed Sprint-2. During this second sprint we were able to get everything we intended to get done during this second sprint cycle.  For sprint-2 everyone in the team had the same task except they where more individual kind of task. These task were:

  1. As a developer working with ng2-arms I need to set up my development environment so I can build/run ng2-amrs.
  2. As a developer working on ng2-amrs I need to learn about testing in angular. In order to be able to write test for our new code.

From the list of task above I was able to complete both task listed. Although, there is more to learn about testing in angular I was able to at least learn the basic of it. I learned about testing in angular by following the karma and protractor tutorial. These tutorial were very informative and straight forward. In my opinion, from the task of this week… learning about karma and protractor was not as complicated as trying to build/run ng2-amrs. Trying to build/run ng2-arms on my PC took a lot of researching and configuring in order to be able to successfully build/run ng2-arms. During this sprint I had better luck… where I was able to get the ng2-arms project to successfully build/run on my PC.

During sprint-2 I learned about testing in angular using karma and protractor. Karma taught me how to unit test on angular, and protractor taught me about end-to-end testing and its basics. These are testing tools that are going to help me test the code develop by my team and I. During this sprint I also, learnt a lot of different ways to handle problems when trying to build the ng2-amrs and the different ways to fix a problem when trying to build/run ng2-arms. I also realized that not everyone might run into the same problem when trying to build/run ng2-arms. What worked for me was opening Git bash in the ng2-amrs file typing “npm install”, I then “ng build”. When I did that came across a problem that stated I did not have “@angular-devkit/build-angular” so, I had to type “npm i @angular-devkit/build-angular” on the git bash command prompt. I then was able to “ng build” and “ng serve” successfully. I had a few error I did had to fix and things I needed to install. However, I don’t remember all the error and problems I came across. For this sprint I found a lot of useful information and help on the ampath slack channel, and on stackOverflow with the help of Google.

Thank you for your time. This has been YessyMer in the World Of Computer Science, until next time.

From the blog cs@Worcester – YessyMer In the world of Computer Science by yesmercedes and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.