Category Archives: Sprint 2

WSU x AMPATH || Sprint 2 Retrospective

Sams Ships (8).pngFor my second sprint retrospective, there is something I would like to reflect on in terms of a change to my first sprint conclusion. It turns out my build environment was not completely set up properly so I had spent some time with assistance from my teammates on configuring that. I would like to note that I have a MacBook so that made things a little different to work our way around figuring out what to change or test out. A very helpful link was from a question someone asked on Stack Overflow. Through the process of not being able to install angular-cli on my mac, it led me to installing nvm, where there was another series of instructions to follow through Github.

It is very relieving whenever we get stuck on something and are able to find similar scenarios from people around the world who have run into the same roadblock and they share advice on how to work around it. Thanks to their input, I was able to resolve my terminal errors and/or warnings that resulted from trying to build something. It also helped me try and see if I could assist any of my other teammates who were running into errors as well even on Windows. I would definitely continue using the internet as a resource when I get stuck on mac-specific issues. The same thing happens when an installation that is only available in .exe files is required, I must find a mac-appropriate version.

However, if I were to proceed any differently; I would have double-or-triple-checked what is necessary to move forward. If someone else were to follow these steps; I would highly recommend checking out the links I provided above when I was unable to install angular-cli on my mac.

So far, we have been hit with some New England weather™ which shows how we were able to keep moving and working despite a roadblock that we could not control. It is very relieving to know we are now all on the same page and are working on moving forward together to contribute to the AMPATH system from now until the end of the semester. Who knew something could be more relieving than finally seeing the login screen after the ng command and going to the localhost url.

A big update is we got some more information on the AMPATH x WSU collab right around the end of this sprint so I am looking forward to exploring that with my team. It will allow us to analyze what has been given to us and decide where to move forward with the project.

Overall this past sprint included a lot more learning and collaborating with my team. I’m excited to begin watching the walk-through videos that Greg uploaded of the wire-frames. They look like they are broken down well and all of them are combined into a playlist so I would say we are going to be learning a lot more. Stay tuned for the Sprint 3 retrospective!

From the blog CS@Worcester by samanthatran and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

This reflection is based on the work done from 2/20 to now, 3/5. In this time, our team has only met two times and I missed one of those meetings, so not a whole lot actually got done together during sprint two. We met in class and made progress on 2/20, I was absent from the meeting on 2/25. On 2/27, class was expectedly canceled with the optional choice to meet in class anyway, which we decided against. We figured we could wrap up anything that we needed to work on in the upcoming Monday’s class. Yesterday, on 3/4, Worcester State canceled all classes and events due to inclement weather, and the end of the sprint is next class at 3/5.

Our workload was fairly light anyway, we only had two sprint backlog tasks; make sure every team member could build and run the project, and learn more about angular testing. We could independently conduct research into testing, and we are encouraged to branch out to find potentially helpful content, so the snow day didn’t slow us down significantly.

To study angular testing, our group particularly focused on the two programs karma and protractor. Using the trello project management board we set up in the last sprint, two links were shared for the group to look over. For karma, I used the following link:

This website explains in general terms how karma works. It loads multiple browsers and tests given code on each one, displaying the results conveniently to the developer. We will have to practice hands on with karma once we get some code and tests. For protractor, we used the following link:

All the information on protractors site is very hands on and literal. It explains steps and shows exact commands and lines for example, it should be easily set up and modified to our project. Since we downloaded the latest version of node.js in the last sprint, and have experience using npm, protractor will be a useful resource.

Our more major goal for sprint two was to have every member a working build of the AMPATH project in an IDE of choice. Right now, everybody besides me has a running project since I missed the last meeting. I will need to communicate with them for help troubleshooting and follow the same steps they took the next time we are all in class together.

At the same time, during our next meeting we will be planning for sprint three. We don’t have much on our plate currently since we’ve been making pretty good progress so far, so I’m not sure what to expect for sprint three. I think Professor Wurst will be giving us more concrete things to do, which we can add to our trello board.

We’ve also been keeping up to date on slack, every group member answers automatic check-ins two times a week. This keeps us all updated on what we’ve done since the last check in, what we are planning to do before the next check in, and state any obstacles blocking our progress.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Mikes Way by CSmikesway and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective – 28 February 2018

With now two full sprints under my belt, I think I’m beginning to grasp not only the aspects of team dynamics with which I have comfort, but also those aspects with which I have discomfort. I am glad to be encountering obstacles and pitfalls in an academic setting rather than in a much higher-stakes workplace environment.

Where last sprint was primarily concerned with setup tasks, this sprint was more geared toward design – be it the design of the user interface, the program structure, or the module as a whole. We determined as a team during our first meeting that we would take responsibility for developing the Offline Data Storage service. Much of the remaining class period was spent looking over user stories, and looking into the suggested service for offline storage: PouchDB. Over the next several meetings, we worked toward three goals in particular. Firstly, we wanted to figure out the best way to transition from the online state of the application to the offline state of the application. To this end, we drew up a few of our ideas, and posted a number of them to Balsamiq. In addition, we sought a better understanding of PouchDB, so many of us spent ample amounts of time doing online exercises from the PouchDB website and making small, basic offline applications for practice. Perhaps least importantly – but certainly still relevant – is that we spent time during each meeting reading through the code that Ampath has already written. We focused on their data storage service that is already in use for their online storage, and are looking to see if we can translate ideas from those sections of code to the ones we develop.

As far as my contributions to the team this week, I would say that the largest part I played was in the dissection of Ampath’s code, and in the assistance with PouchDB growing pains with the exercises. I would have liked to have spent more time working out a foundation of a plan for our service’s implementation. In the sprints to come, I hope to dedicate more resources toward the actual building of the service, so that we can get the ball rolling with the code.

The biggest takeaway I came to from this week is that self-management is a critical skill in the field of software development. Although we are not yet at the stage of writing the actual classes for the project, it is clear that each of us is not used to having a large task with no overseer. While Ampath is technically available via Slack, we haven’t had much success in getting additional information from them, such as a UML diagram for the existing project (which we were told does not exist). As a result, we have had to maintain a degree of discipline on our own without the extrinsically motivational forces we have grown used to. Going forward, I hope to develop a more productive and attentive attitude, and believe that such a change will greatly benefit the project.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Studio H by Connor V. and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective 2

This week’s sprint retrospective we finally figured out what we are doing.  We started to talk about what we wanted to do for the project. Looking at the Trello board there were quite a few options. However, since Eric had some experience with encryption services we decided to work on the encryption for the website. While we were reading the google doc to see what they wanted us to do for this project. We noticed that they wanted to be able go to download a certain patient information before they were to go out onto the field because whenever they were to work on the field the internet would cut off and it would impact their work dramatically. So, we know that since they are taking sensitive information with them outside they have the risk of it getting stolen.  With this information, we wanted to have an encryption that is not just some username password but also a keygen so that way it would last a few weeks or however long the doctor would want the information on the tablet to be accessible on the tablet but after that it would get locked out where you would not be able to access the information at all. We then started to look up what kind of library’s we could use to make this encryption such as crypto-js, forge, bcryptjs, and webcrypto. We sent a message on the slack asking what kind of encryption that they have already used or would like us to use and they are fine with us choosing. We then set up on our Trello board what each and everyone has to research and write a sample project with the assigned library. Moving forward we just want to be able to work on our communication with each other and how we would be able to share the information that we have with not just each other but also with the rest of the class. Throughout the week all I have done was read though the code and to see what it does. Reading though the code it looks like they have some kind of implication for security however it looks very basic.

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Road of CS by Henry_Tang_blog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retro

The second sprint has just finished, and though this one was not as involved as the last one, I still learned a whole lot about software design and javascript itself. While the last sprint was very informative due to the environment set up, and generally getting familiar with the new tool, this sprint was informative in the sense that it taught me some of the challenges that come with breaking down a very big task. As developers, we want the tasks to be broken down and very clearly defined for us from the start when in reality, that is never really the case. As frustrating as that is sometimes, it is a lot is learned when you are able to break down and design a task yourself. I would say that was the most important thing that I learned from that sprint, because having to work as a team and breaking down a task that we barely understood forced us to ask some questions that we probably wouldn’t have if the task was handed to us like “here, code this”. I think that this ambiguity is ok to an extent when it leads you to ask questions that give you a clear picture, it is very easy to be too ambiguous where it leads to time being wasted since it feels like there is no starting point.

Work wise, I think that this sprint was a bit lacking (since it was mostly planning and design), so our team worked through that very well. As a team we bounced ideas off of each other and asked questions that helps clear up some ambiguities. More impressive than that is how well our team worked with other teams, we know that class-wide communication will be needed to complete this project and I thought our team asked the right questions to get a good idea of how we will integrate some of the key functionality (like how does the app know that it is offline). I thought that my participation in this was sizeable because I threw out a few ideas on potential ways that we could implement this offline detection functionality.

The most important thing that came away from this sprint was each team coming away with an understanding of the modules that will be needed, a general understanding of how they will fit together, and starting to get a feel for which component in particular they intended to work on. We accomplished this by talking to each other and staring at the code the learn how it works and sharing that knowledge with each other. If we could have done something different it would be going into that deeper level of detail much sooner in the sprint, but now that we know how well this works we will improve on that for the next sprint.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lphilippeau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retro

The second sprint has just finished, and though this one was not as involved as the last one, I still learned a whole lot about software design and javascript itself. While the last sprint was very informative due to the environment set up, and generally getting familiar with the new tool, this sprint was informative in the sense that it taught me some of the challenges that come with breaking down a very big task. As developers, we want the tasks to be broken down and very clearly defined for us from the start when in reality, that is never really the case. As frustrating as that is sometimes, it is a lot is learned when you are able to break down and design a task yourself. I would say that was the most important thing that I learned from that sprint, because having to work as a team and breaking down a task that we barely understood forced us to ask some questions that we probably wouldn’t have if the task was handed to us like “here, code this”. I think that this ambiguity is ok to an extent when it leads you to ask questions that give you a clear picture, it is very easy to be too ambiguous where it leads to time being wasted since it feels like there is no starting point.

Work wise, I think that this sprint was a bit lacking (since it was mostly planning and design), so our team worked through that very well. As a team we bounced ideas off of each other and asked questions that helps clear up some ambiguities. More impressive than that is how well our team worked with other teams, we know that class-wide communication will be needed to complete this project and I thought our team asked the right questions to get a good idea of how we will integrate some of the key functionality (like how does the app know that it is offline). I thought that my participation in this was sizeable because I threw out a few ideas on potential ways that we could implement this offline detection functionality.

The most important thing that came away from this sprint was each team coming away with an understanding of the modules that will be needed, a general understanding of how they will fit together, and starting to get a feel for which component in particular they intended to work on. We accomplished this by talking to each other and staring at the code the learn how it works and sharing that knowledge with each other. If we could have done something different it would be going into that deeper level of detail much sooner in the sprint, but now that we know how well this works we will improve on that for the next sprint.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lphilippeau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective 2

During Sprint Retrospective 2, I learned more about the OpenMRS REST endpoints that Ampath uses for it’s core services. I learned more about what the Ampath team is looking for in terms of an encryption service if we are using open source code. In general they are looking for stability: i.e. number of contributors, number of commits, recent activity, any big name (Google, Microsoft, etc), and adaptability. I learned there is a standard Webcrypto that most browsers use as a standard and that we should stick to that standard. I learned more about time planning, and the need to do a better job documenting what we are doing, and splitting up tasks for individuals to work on.

The team worked well, I’m more productive when we are all together going through the code on the projector. It’s nice to have others looking at the same material you are, sometimes they notice things you don’t and it helps everyone on the team learn. I try to participate and offer any tips or advice I might have. I try being prepared for the sprint by trying to understand what is going on and how the services on the application work. I think we need to do a better job documenting everything we do and making sure to share it with those who it might help, with the addition of the documentation thread on slack, it will make sharing that information easier. Next sprint I am going to keep a log of what I am doing, or ideas I have as a personal log to help me organize and write my sprint retrospectives. Now that we have more of an idea what our team should be focusing on, we can start getting into the details of implementing the encryption service and how that ties in with the other functions being added by other teams.

During Sprint Retrospective 2, our team organized our trello board and began to add tasks we thought we could complete during the sprint. We planned on walking through some of the ng2-amrs services, looking into the REST endpoints (with the postman app), checking out Balsamiq, and to coming up with design ideas for implementing an offline service for ng2-amrs. We started our work by walking through some of the services in the openmrs-api folder. We went through some of the endpoint in the OpenMRS Rest Web Services API wiki. We looked into the service that sets a users location, the patient search function, the offline / online indicator, and we began to see how those services work with the front end, and the OpenMRS api that performs a lot of the functions on ng2-amrs. We began to turn our attention to finding out how to implement a service that encrypts and decrypts data. We did some research online for possible solutions and found a few options that we shared with the Ampath team asking for their input: bcryptjs, forge, crypto-js. We are going to look more into forge because it seems to have the most activity.

The post Sprint Retrospective 2 appeared first on code friendly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – code friendly by erik and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS@Worcester – Fun in Function 2018-02-28 22:30:35

For most of this sprint, we tried to make progress on coming up with specific design ideas to implement the offline module. We didn’t accomplish much concretely on this front, since generating design ideas was so broad of a task that it left us without much direction. The sheer size of the application makes it difficult to parse. I believe the documentation being consolidated in the new channel about how AMPATH works will be very helpful in the coming sprints.

The concrete tasks we did manage to get done included getting ng2-amrs built on everyone’s computer and getting everyone’s local version connected to the server. We checked out Balsamiq and the wireframes there as they got added. We all read the user stories and their associated tasks.

In our most productive work class, we worked on figuring out how ng2-amrs checks whether it’s connected to the internet. We wanted to see if there was an easy way to know whether an internet connection is available and decide which version of the app a user should see and interact with based on that, for the requirement that transitions between offline and online states should be seamless. We discussed this with the group behind us, and we worked together for a bit searching for the files containing the relevant code and attempting to understand how it functioned. We also tried to decide if we should be constantly checking the status of the internet connection when we write that piece of the offline module, or if there was a more efficient way.

Although writing and submitting abstracts for posters at several events were tasks for this sprint, we ultimately decided not to do them in favor of working on tasks that applied to the application itself.

Our team worked well together this sprint. We all showed up for both work days during the week. We shared information and communicated our ideas and concerns more easily. Toward the end of the sprint, we started feeling that we wanted to focus on the offline login and offline data storage task for the offline module. We discovered on the day of the retrospective that another team had also been focusing on this task. Since they had gotten further than we had on the offline storage aspect, we decided to take the offline login piece of the task. Going forward, we’re going to make sure we have a clear understanding of what work we’re doing in relation to other teams and narrow our focus.

Mostly what I learned during this sprint was the necessity of outside research. In future sprints, I am going to dedicate more time to acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for the tasks we’re working on. Our path forward is clearer. The AMPATH team provided some links to give us ideas for offline authentication in the google document containing the user stories. I plan on taking a look at them and working on creating something that can successfully encrypt and store a salted password locally, even if it’s not what ends up getting used in the offline module.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fun in Function by funinfunction and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Capstone Sprint #2 Retrospective

During the second sprint of my software development capstone class, it had a very unique feel to it for various reasons. One of the reasons on why it had a unique feel to it is because my team and I had to create some of our own side tasks in addition to the ones that we were assigned. Considering that this is the second sprint, it didn’t contain that many tasks to do besides getting use to some new applications that were introduced such as Balsamiq which is a nice tool provided by AMPATH.

What I learned in this week’s sprint was learning how to use Balsamiq, learned the fundamentals on how an offline module works, and learned how to map the node paths to understand how the AMPATH server communicates to a router module to fetch patient data. Learning how to map the node paths from the AMPATH code was one of the side tasks that I my team and I wanted to do because we felt that it would put the team as well as the rest of the class in a good position to prepare for what could come next in the upcoming sprints. Keeping that in mind, I think that this portion of work that my team and I are doing can benefit the other teams in the class because the ideas or information that my team and I come up with might be useful to other teams and vice-versa.  Looking back on how I’ve learned these things with my team, I think I did a great job and I don’t see anyway to approach this differently.

The team performance was good and the CATME Team Evaluation in my opinion was accurate.  Everyone in the group participated in all the tasks that were assigned for them to do. My performance fell under the category of completing a fair share of work, if not a little more. I assigned my personal task to be making sure that the team trello board was up to date on what tasks each person should be doing. That will be my personal task moving forward with the upcoming sprints in addition to other tasks assigned to me. As far as it goes for my teammates, they all did well. Rick and Jason contributed heavily in trying to understand the node paths in the AMPATH code. Jeremiah reminded the group to not forget to do the standups that we needed to do on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Everyone contributed to the work fairly and I think we established an organized way to keep track on what person is doing, and making sure that they are doing something. I don’t we could’ve approached this differently.

The tasks the got done was reading the user stories for offline modules, and checking out the node paths. The one thing that I would consider that didn’t get done was figuring out the node paths. Although my teammates and I did find how the server communicates and we also got a brief idea on how it talks to the router module, I would consider this task an ongoing or work in progress. The steps that we took to approach this task was that first, we tried to search for patients, but no data returned to us. So that made us think that there might be a connection issue to the routing server in the code. In order to test that theory, we tried to locate the router module in the code, and from that point we made that our task in understanding how the communication between server and router module worked to fetch the data within a database provided by AMPATH. We succeeded in getting ideas from dissecting the code and drew a path diagram in Balsamiq on how might the communication takes place. I would say that we failed in a sense that we couldn’t fully figure how it actually communicates within the time given in this sprint. We chose this course of action by trying to fetch patient data.

Overall, the team and I were satisfied with this sprint. One thing that improved from the last sprint was communication between team members. Everyone knew what to do and everyone knew what each person was doing which promoted quality work.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Ricky Phan by Ricky Phan CS Worcester and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

From the blog CS@Worcester – BenLag's Blog by benlagblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.