This sprint session was really tough for me at the beginning. I was confused as to what exactly was expected from us and was stressed for some time. Not having a sense of direction regarding which specific file to look at was a big issue. Thanks to the team members especially Rick Phillips who came out with an outline of what the team at that point need to focus on.
First and foremost, we started the sprint by deciding how we want to manage the gitHub repository. We came out with the decision that Rick Phillips should make a copy and give every team member the right to pull and edit. We also had to read the user story by the AMPATH which was quit straight forward. I did not know all these at the beginning.
Also, one most important among our task was to come up with design ideas to implement the ng2-amrs offline module and I think it is a good idea to have such a system. If my memory is right, I think we concluded with an idea that there should be a front server, intermediate and the remote server. Even though we are not sure if that will work for AMPATH, I believed we had a good idea. The intermediate server will act in between the remote server and the front server. The offline service would then be pending within the intermediate servers and anytime service is restored the front and the remote server would be updated.
Rick Phillips again draws our attention to the router component which helped us dig more to see how components are in connection with each other. With regards, we try to understand the AMPATH node paths on mapping the routes of the code in connection with AMPATH server; we together experimented some search by checking the URLs to see what component get invoked when a particular call is made. Even though things were not quit clear, I still have little ideas as to how some of the component got called. This was really helpful in understanding some of the parts in the ng2-amrs code that I do not understand earlier. Digging to the router component too has caused us as a team to do more outside the project search and tutorials to understand better how routing in angular work. Though, at this point, I cannot strongly say I understand how it works, I still had little knowledge which help me understands things to the point the team discussion has been. I will continue to explore the router component to improve on the little knowledge I had from this sprint.
Besides, per the recommendation by Jason, I had also learned a couple of angular tutorials which help in figuring out of what is going on in the app. Though it has been time consuming trying to figure out things by ourselves, the sprint has actually challenge me to learn more stuffs on angular and above all routing which I have never thought of. I believed if the team keeps up with the enthusiasm that it put into work in this sprint period, we would have more work accomplished in our future sprints.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.