What worked well:
Creating branches and merge requests was smoother compared to previous sprint. We were communicating more through comment section of issues leading to better documentation on Gitlab. We were able to come up with a system for merge requests where two people who did not create the merge request would review the code or changes and then third person would write the comments indicating the author and merge the branch into main. We were able to evenly split work and issues between team members so one person was not burdened with one type of work. Even with delays and having to learn new language and concepts we were able to complete the sprint.
We also created issues for contacting AWS and IAM team members (links below). We contacted both team members via discord and tagged them to comment section of the issues that contained questions we had for them.
Most important one is that I did not limit myself to issues only assigned to me, I was able to go over work done by my teammates and keep myself updated with new code as well as the flow of the project. API was completed so we had moved on to Backend. I created data file for cooking methods. This was difficult in its own way because we were not using MongoDB for this project. After researching backend already provided, I was able to figure out that we needed to use axios and USDA URL to call data which would return list of cooking methods or cooking methods based on its unique ID. I then wrote a main function to check if I was getting list of all cooking methods and it was successful.
Even with some setbacks, I was able to grasp the basic concepts of the new JavaScript testing framework – ‘mocha’ and JavaScript testing library ‘chai’. Since the data file and paths were completed, I created cooking method test file. With help from Jim this one completed in a week. Npm test verified that all test files were passing.
Things that did not work well:
The spring break and two consecutive cancelled classes pushed us back a little and we had a little problem getting back in sync. We were still having problems communicating and setting meetings outside of class time. Merge requests started to slow down; partly because of introductions of news framework and library – mocha and chai, verifying others work became difficult; partly because merge requests started to fail due illegal naming conventions in commits. Issue names also needed to be more descriptive with more details in sub descriptions. Issues were also not properly linked to their respective epics. We were stuck in a lot of places where we needed help from professor, and we should have been more pro-active in that situation.
We also did not hear back from the IAM and AWS team.
I wasted a lot of time researching and reading documentation on my own instead of working with my team or asking help from professor. Also lost a lot of time figuring out how to run npm and npm test. My merge requests kept failing I was not able to figure out the reason until Dahwal pointed out that I was not using conventional commits. I kept up with other people’s code but did not get an opportunity to write an endpoint myself.
Links to some issues:
Start conversation with IAM team
Start conversation with AWS team
Test file for Cooking Methods
Create Data File for Cooking Methods
From the blog CS@worcester – Towards Tech by murtazan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.