Following sprint 2, I will start off by saying what worked well. I think we are a little more comfortable with how the sprint process works. An improvement from the last sprint was that we knew what needed to be done for this sprint. We as a team decided to try and flesh out the backend and get it working before we start building the frontend. I think that we went into the sprint strong as everyone sort of picked up issues and started right away. Personally, I spent most of the sprint time working on the removeInventory endpoint and trying to wrap my head around how it would work. I had to look back on past endpoints that I worked with to try and find something to base it off of and ended up with something that made sense to me. For the most part, everyone finished their respective issues and we ended the sprint with a more structured backend.
Of course there is always room for improvement so I think we could definitely improve in terms of communication. There wasn’t much communication between class sessions, mostly reporting back to the team during the standup meetings. While it wasn’t detrimental to the workflow, it should definitely be something to keep in mind, myself included. In the second half of the sprint, we were trying to get the endpoints in one place so that inventory.js could be written and tested. There were some inconsistencies that I found between the endpoints and inventory.js so we should’ve definitely coordinated to decide on function names. We also ran into some issues trying to run the backend container so we couldn’t actually test it this sprint. For the next sprint we will need to test the backend and make it function as intended.
Based on my previous statements, we should make a point to increase communication outside of class time. During this sprint it wasn’t a major issue since we were mainly focusing on our own issues and only needed to coordinate once everything was done. That being said, we should make sure to notify teammates when we finish working on things so that we can carry on smoothly. Since we will need to get the backend working for the next sprint, I think coordination between those who worked on the endpoints will be essential.
I will say that I am guilty of the lack of communication. I should have just sent a quick message to the discord when I had created a merge request or had an issue in need review. In this case, once the removeInventory endpoint was completed, I should’ve let Sebastian know since he was writing Inventory.js and I could’ve coordinated with him on the function names. Throughout the sprint, I essentially only worked on one issue, which was creating the endpoint. I would like to be more productive, finish issues within their set weights, and then move along with the development. I know what needs to be immediately done for the third sprint so we should be going in strong. I look forward to getting the backend tested and moving onto frontend work.
Issue #25 in the backend involved creating the removeInventory.js endpoint, where I referred to the API and existing endpoints to create.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Null Pointer by vrotimmy and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.