Category Archives: Sprint-3

Sprint 3 Retrospective

This week marked the end of Sprint 3, and during this sprint I feel like thus far this was easily the most productive sprint. Although we did not spend too much time writing code, we did do a substantial amount of planning. I think that the planning that we’ve done will make producing our component that much easier and because of this I am looking forward the the following sprint that much more.

Although the majority of the following sprint was spent planning among our team and others, I still learned some things from it. Our team spent time trying to understand the way that they currently do authentication and what changes we’d need to make to be able to do it offline. Investigating the auth code forced us to go deep into the code. We started from the ui and followed the code until we found the REST call that is made to the server to authenticate. Having followed the code to this extent, the team and I now have a very clear understanding of how it works. This investigation has also revealed to us that we may need some access to their server code as to understand better exactly how the user authentication data is queried from their end.

Had we known from the beginning that we would’ve needed some access to their server code, we could have asked them from the beginning of the sprint and save some valuable time that was wasted searching for it.

As usual, the team worked very well together we did a great job breaking the tasks down and evenly spreading them out among team members. As for performance, we completed more tasks this sprint than previous sprints but the best thing that I think came from the sprint was the discussions that we had, every member of the group contributed their ideas and it really helped us see different potential solutions to some problems and pick out which one is best going forward. Individually I think I performed well, I contributed some useful ideas and helped the team come to some key design decisions. The previous sprint, time was a slight issue for me so I feel as if I did not do as much as I could’ve, but with the time that I did have I think that I used it very well. Going forward I think that we need to continue doing what we’ve been doing and build on the great sprint that we’ve just had.

The following sprint will involve a bit more documentation as we clearly layout our interface and make sure it coincides with that of the team doing the database component. Another big part of the next sprint will be communicating with AMPATH and asking them for the server code and asking for their thoughts on some of our current data designs, hopefully we can communicate quickly and get our answers so we can begin implementing because we intend to spend the majority of the following sprint  getting a large portion of the implementation complete.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lphilippeau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint-3 Retrospective

Sprint 3 has been very challenging due to the weather interruption of our meetings. In my opinion, this print has not been effective even though we individually learned or did something that was geared toward accomplishing our task for the sprint. In this regards, I think our goals for this sprint has not yet been met. For instance, we started sprint 3 planning by deciding on what service to work as a team. We chose the offline data capture service to work with. this service  was chosen with the mindset that the app is to collect data in the remote location where there is no internet access, so that when the user comes back to a network zone the data that has been gathered is either automatically synchronized with the main server or manually update the server to add up the new data.

Also, the team was again, assigned to work on refactoring the online tracker component of the app into a service that will include an indication as to whether the user is online or offline. This service will include an indication in the form of green light signaling the user is online or a red light for offline. This will basically tell the user whether he/she is connected to internet or has no internet connectivity.  Thanks to Jason, this aspect of the work has been completed and ready to push back for consideration. He has re-factored that part to work exactly as we wanted it to do.

In order to achieve this goal we then tasked ourselves to go research into offline data services that uses angular platform as the AMPATH app is an angular based app and study pouch db to acquire knowledge of  how to synchronize the data captured remotely to the local server. With regards, I spent quit amount of time studying tutorials on pouch db and couch db which I think will work well with synchronization of our work if properly implemented.

Again, Jason and Rick Phillips came up with the idea for implement the local storage which I think is working well with AMPATH app. We can remotely save data into it. We are now working on synchronizing the data into the server which I think this a part that pouch db come in to play. I am pretty much sure based on my little knowledge with the pouch db, it’s going to work out for us. I am confidence about that because in my exploration of the pouch db, I noticed that pouch db got doc count and update sequence. The update sequence tells you how many revisions have been made to the entire database and this is the thing that help synches all the databases together. It also has a function such db.changes which keeps pulls changes to the database.  And to do that, live have to be true. Live true tells it to keep pulling the changes to the database.

The only area I haven’t looked at and didn’t want to commit myself to saying something about it is the encryption part of the data. As the data captured needs to be encrypted for security as well as privacy policy, we are yet to figure out how to add that to our locally captured data.

Besides, per the recommendation by Jason, I had also learned a couple of angular tutorials which help in figuring out of what is going on in the app

Though it has been a rough print taken into consideration the snow storms that kept the team out of meetings, I believed the team kept up with the enthusiasm that it put into work in the previous sprints and we are on the way to having more work accomplished in our future sprints.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective Blog 3

This sprint was particularly rough. Every time we were planned to meet, we had a snow day. Communication was lacking at this time because some people lost power and we definitely couldn’t go drive. Not meeting up with the team left me unmotivated because I had questions and errors that I would of benefited from asking the team questions in person. My team is working really well together. We are all included in a group chat where we remind each other of standups, CATMEs, and tasks we need to get done. We communicate often over texting. I learned that communication is key, especially in person. The reason why in-person meetings are important is because it raises the morale of the team and reassures the team that we are making progress. Now that I know this, in person meetings are much more valuable to me.

I will be honest and say I feel a little bit behind after this retrospective. I am not picking up this new framework as quickly as the rest of my team, but I am trying to get to the point they are at in their knowledge. What is great is that my team will share anything with the group that they think is useful. Caleb was able to get a working implementation of PouchDB into the Ampath App which is an excellent start to our task. Once we were all together we tried to store some data and it worked! It wasn’t exactly what we were looking for, yet, but we are just trying to understand how the PouchDB database works. I think our team has been taking the right steps to getting this project done, I am just frustrated that it is only my computer that the errors can’t be resolved. I could of definitely put more time into getting this to compile and I am working on doing that now. I will be proceeding differently by being proactive and on top of tasks. I don’tlike feeling behind, so I am going to correct that from now on.

The reason I feel behind is because of the struggles I am going through to get the dependencies to install correctly. I have tried every method that team members suggest but to no avail. I have tried installing pouchDB first, then all of the other dependencies our project needs. That made the webpack fail to compile. Next I installed all of the original dependencies, ran npm install, then tried to install the pouchDB dependency into the project and the webpack failed to compile again. I have tried almost every combination of these installs and they all made the webpack fail to compile. I became sick of the errors. I cloned Caleb’s directory into a new folder and copied all of his files into my existing project. I then reinstalled all the dependencies into the project and ran it, it worked perfect (without pouchDB), as soon as I installed pouchDB I got a slew of errors. It’s like the pouchDB dependency is removing some of the packages that  I still need and I am working on how to prevent that.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

This sprint, I learned about pouchdb, some about crypto-pouch, about the way that JavaScript handles asynchronous behavior, and how to create typescript classes to wrap objects that return from function calls.  My group worked well to distribute and plan our work for this sprint, but we were interrupted by multiple snow days and found that we work better when we’re all present to bounce ideas off of each other.

At the beginning of this sprint, we found five different encryption services that we could potentially use for the AMPATH app.  We decided to build a spike solution for each one, and each took one of them to work on.  I ended up with crypto-db, which is a small encryption extension for the pouchdb database system that other teams are using for offline data storage.  My plan was to follow the simple setup instructions at the pouchdb site to build a local database with one or two items, display the result of a database access without encryption, display the result of a database access with encryption but without the appropriate key, and display the result of a database access with encryption and with the appropriate key.  I also wanted to find one or two different ways to derive salt to use for additional security.

Unfortunately, it didn’t end up quite that simple.

The first step was setting up an Angular CLI project – it turns out Angular CLI updated recently to remove the ng init command, which made it harder to follow guides for project setup.  I also needed to install the dependencies and types for pouchdb, which was a little tricky — they needed to be installed after a general npm install, otherwise they were overwritten.  Once that hurdle was dealt with, I needed to learn how to actually use pouchdb.  Fortunately, there are instructions (linked above).  However, in order to understand them I needed to dig into what a Promise entails in JavaScript.

A Promise is, as I understand it, an object that allows asynchronous functions to exist.  JavaScript won’t run multithreaded, so in order to keep the scripts running properly a function must return something so that the script can continue, even if that return is delayed by a database access.  When the database access actually does come back, the Promise is able to execute a function of some kind (for example, set some object fields to values pulled from the database).

Once I had figured that out, I ended up stuck at another problem: the data that was returning from the database access could print to the console, but would only print [object Promise] when I tried to convert it to a string and display it.  On Monday, Dr. Wurst showed me how to wrap the return (which, for pouchdb, is a JSON) in a class that has the appropriate fields so that I can copy it to a local instance of that class and then access its fields from my html file.  I did not have time to implement this or get farther with my plan this sprint.

My group also had trouble of various kinds working through our spike solutions, so we decided in our retrospective and planning for the next sprint to push our current set of tasks forward.  Hopefully we will actually be able to meet during our designated work times; if not I think we will need to find a way to meet (or schedule digital meetups) so that we can accomplish our goals.

From the blog CS@Worcester – orscsblog by orscsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

Now that we are at the end of Sprint three and about to start Sprint 4 we are really starting to get into the thick of things. I am looking forward to really starting to dig in and try to implement what we have been working on the past sprint.

Sprint three went smoothly for the most part. Everyone has been really good about the standups and I think people are getting a feel for how much information they need to provide. The statuses are brief and informative. I feel we are also starting to get more done in the class time we have together. We are continuing down the right path. Having the snow days on Thursday and Tuesday set us back a little as I feel it is critical to have that face to face communication. The standups do a good job at keeping each other up to date on what each team member is working on; it is just no substitution for face to face communication and collaboration. However, that is not to say we weren’t able to accomplish what we wanted to get done this sprint…

The biggest goal of this sprint was to understand how APATH currently implements the logon process. This was my primary focus this sprint because we believe we should be able to leverage a lot of what they already have in their code to help implement the logon process. At this point I feel I have a better understanding of how their logon process works, but I don’t feel I have a full understanding of it yet. There code is relatively organized, but it is quite overwhelming. The biggest challenge is understanding how each service and module interacts with one another. Unfortunately, the code is lacking comments, further adding to the challenge of trying to understand what is happening. It would be nice if they had some sort of high level design architecture type diagram/documentation. I think it would go a long way in painting a picture of how everything intertwines.

Although I still don’t have a very clear understanding of how all of the code works, I feel myself and the team has a good enough understanding to make an attempt at implementing the offline login process. We were able to put together a high level diagram using Balsamiq on how we want to go about implementing this design. I think the diagram helped in painting a better picture of what we want to do.  We also collaborated with the ‘Field Idiots’ to get and understanding on how they are going to implement the offline database. We are going to need to leverage their work to store the  user credentials, so it is important that we stay on the same page. I am a bit concerned that we may have a dependency on their database being up and running. I am not sure if there is any way to “mock” that. We also briefly talked with ‘Everyone Else’ a regarding the encryption process. All of these teams need to mesh together so we can ensure all of our work will work with one another’s.

Lastly, we also took some time to look into the bridge pattern, as it seems we are heading down the road of that type of design. There is a ton of documentation of this online so it was pretty easy to find the information we needed.






From the blog CS@Worcester – README by Matthew Foley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Capstone Sprint #3 Retrospective

During the third sprint of my software development capstone, my team and I were assigned the task to figure how an offline data capture service worked and how it would work with AMPATH’s patient database. The reason for creating the offline data capture service is to enable the retrieval of patient data while in an offline status. This is important because villages in Africa may not have internet connection, but AMPATH still wants to add additional information to their patient database.

One thing that I’ve learned from this week’s activities was how to an offline data capture service worked. To figure that out, my team and I also created other small tasks that aid in figuring out the offline data capture service. Another thing that I’ve learned how to do as an individual was creating tasks from scratch. In addition to our product owner assigning tasks to each group, my team and I discussed on how to approach towards the goal of establishing an offline data capture service.  This lead to the tasks that we created for us as a team to do. Throughout the entire process, I wouldn’t have done it any differently because everyone in the team, including myself, was productive in the way that we did things. This experience can be applied in real life situations, especially software development jobs. Since I want to be in the video game development industry, I’m going to have to learn how to approach the goals and objectives by creating my own small tasks that will lead up to completing the overall goal of a project.

What we did during the week was that we tried to create a balsamiq diagram which displays our idea on how an offline data capture operates. We also researched offline data capture services in Angular, and found more tutorials on them. We also checked out pouchdb and how it would be implemented in our offline data capture service and researched encryption to come up with ideas on how our offline data capture service would work cohesively with an encryption service that another team in our class was doing during this sprint. We succeeded in utilizing balsamiq to create our diagram of the offline data capture service, learned pouchdb, understood how an encryption service works, and successfully came up with ideas about how to interpret the offline data capture service by reading online articles and other resources.

The work quality for this sprint was adequate for all of us to do. From the past sprints up until this sprint, everyone contributed fairly if not more for some of us. I’d have to give a lot of credit to my teammates Rick, Jay, and Jerry as they helped me as well as the entire team on making sure everyone was on the same page. Jerry reminded the group about the standups. His contribution to the group has improved from the last sprint and I felt he communicated more in our meetings in class and on slack. Jay and Rick did an exceptional job of finding some resources about the offline data capture service and they both did well creating the diagram as well. What I did throughout this sprint was a lot of information retrieval which I shared as much as I could with my group about pouchdb, the encryption service, and about the offline data capture service. All of efforts played a huge role in getting us to where we are at with the offline data capture service right now as we are putting the pieces together with our diagram and our ongoing research.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ricky Phan by Ricky Phan CS Worcester and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Looking Back on Sprint 3

During the third sprint, we began digging into the code of the ng2-amrs application and really started to attempt to gain an understanding of the existing implementation. There were quite a few hurdles throughout this sprint, including the cancellation of both the second in-class work day and the in-class review and retrospective day. This made communicating ideas between team members significantly more difficult, and I think this has also impacted our performance for this sprint. I still believe that we are working well as a team, and doing the best that we can given the circumstances. Standup participation was 100% for this sprint, which (I believe) is a first for the team.

For sprint planning this time around, we chose the “Offline Login Service” story from the product backlog, as this most closely aligned with what we had begun researching during the second sprint. We broke this story up into tasks, some of which were assigned to everyone on the team, and some of which were assigned to individual members.

One of these tasks, assigned to Dominique, was the “Collaborate with ‘Field Idiots’ to determine how to decrypt and encrypt user data/passwords” task. I am interested in learning more about what Dominique discovered about the encryption implementation that the Field Idiots team will be using, but am unsure if she was able to do much collaboration because of the cancellations.

The “Collaborate with ‘Everyone Else’ about API for retrieving offline data/user information” task was assigned to Luigi and Matt. Once again, I am unsure whether or not they were able to achieve much collaboration due to the cancellations. This collaboration is critical to our progress moving forward, as we must be aware of the requests that we should be sending to the local storage databases in order to implement an offline login.

The “Investigate session management” task was assigned to myself. The main discovery that I made while investigating how the ng2-amrs application handles sessions is that we may not need to change much about the session itself. If the existing code for session management can be modified for usage offline, this would be a far more effective solution than rewriting an entire session manager ourselves.

The remaining tasks were assigned to all of the team members, and were more for big-picture existing implementation understanding and design strategy. The first task was to “Investigate current logon process,” something that we started as a group on the first in-class work day. While we made some progress, I was hoping to use the second in-class work day to share what I had discovered independently and also hear what others had discovered.

The design-strategy task that we created based on the advice of Dr. Wurst was to “Look into ‘Bridge’ design pattern”. I remember looking at the pattern briefly last semester, but needed to refresh myself. I found some online resources that seemed to give a good overview of the pattern and shared them with the rest of the team in our Slack channel.

The final task shared by all team members was the “Create overall architecture/design of offline login feature using Balsamiq.” This task was started during our first in-class work day by Matthew. The design that he created gives a good high-level picture of what our service should accomplish. While I was hoping to discuss possible additions to our design with the rest of the team, this was impacted by the cancellation of class last Thursday.

While there were certainly some hurdles to overcome during the third sprint, I think that we did a good job of making the best of the situation. We communicated more through Slack during this sprint than in previous sprints, and the quality of information that was shared during the standups has improved significantly. Overall, I am happy with our progress and looking forward to getting more in-person collaboration time in the near future.


From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.