Category Archives: Sprint-3

Sprint retrospective 3

Here in sprint 3, things seemed to have progressed smoothly with the project in that we have finished most of what we have added in the product log although there were some areas of difficulty. The cohesion of the group has improved with better communication on what is to be done and the planning together seems to have gotten better. There are still improvements to be made but overall, the project is in a good state right now. The presentation also seems to be going well and should be alright. The quality of the sprint overall seems to be up and is providing good results.

On what has worked well, we have managed to get to the end of the semester and be able to finish a good amount of work on the project. We added more calls to the backend and continuously updated the API with new changes. The backend is set up with the proper semantic versioning. The android nest tester is functional and everything that we have built looks to be solid. The communication in the group looks to have improved as people communicated on what they did and were working on more than in previous sprints. The team also seemed to have gotten together more often to work on issues. The group stuck to what was planned pretty well and followed the timeline agreed upon. The issue board moved along more than the last sprint, issues were moved across the board compared to last sprint where nothing was moved until the last day.

On what has not worked well, there was unfinished work at the end of the sprint that now has to be sent over to next semester. This means that we have made mistakes during our planning on the difficulty of the work on the issues. The planning of getting the presentation done also could have been better. There probably should have been more dedicated time to get together and figure out the presentation as it felt a bit odd at the end figuring out what topics to do.

We could improve as a team by firstly, we could have worked together more regarding the issues regarding key authentication that we were unable to implement. There could have been chances to get together and try to figure out what was wrong and get it done by the end of the sprint. We could also improve as a team in our planning and plan more effectively on what can be done this sprint. We also could have been more planning with the presentation and knowing what exactly what portion each member was contributing with.

I could improve personally by putting in more of my input and getting my ideas out there. I also could have contributed more on different issues within the project. I also could have done better with working together with the group members such as when we were working on implementing the range call where it felt like backseat coding and I could have contributed more.

From the blog CS@Worcester – kbcoding by kennybui986 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective 3

Everything under source (src) in backend was written except for the final test files and API was also complete. We were waiting for more information about access tokens and Gitlab access keys from the IAM team. We were also waiting to hear from AWS team on templates for Kubernetes system but did not get any response. We were at the same time researching on how to import API bundle into backend so we could start building the backend server and to at least test if everything from our side was working properly.

We needed to bundle our API before we could export the file to backend and ‘npm run bundle outfile.yaml` was not working. After fixing minor issues in the API, we got our bundle file. Even after a lot of research, readings and experimentation, we were not able to connect API bundle to backend, something would not work and kept getting different errors. At this point we decided to copy the bundle file and paste it into backend lib folder manually. Since we were not able to import the bundle file, we decided to not work in main and created a separate branch called ‘issue10’.

We made a lot of mistakes from this point on. We were all working on this branch instead of making our own branch based on the issue10 branch. We also worked only on one team member – Christian’s system. We added and modified a lot files like, package.json, package-lock.json, docker-compose.yaml, Dockerfile, etc. We should have created branches based on issue10 branch, then created specific issues with proper weight assigned to them. After making all the modifications we could think so, we still were not able to build our backend server.

At this point, Dr. Wurst pointed out that we do not have frontend, which means that our docker file will not be copying yarn file and running yarn install but instead copying the package-lock file and running npm install. After making changes in the Dockerfile, our backend server was finally able to build but still could not stay up. After going over docker container logs we finally came to the conclusion that the problem for this was in the port. We had not specified proper port in many files. Once those modifications were made the backend server was up. Till this point, we were all still working on Christian’s system, without any proper issues, comments and documentation for modifications that were being made.

I created my own branch based on issue10 and then wrote calls for cooking method. However, when I tried to build the server, I got the error that docker-compose is not installed even though I have used it many times before. Using the solution, I found on stackoverflow I was now able to build the server but the process would hang up on the attaching stage. I tried running docker-compose up command after opening the branch in container. This led to an error saying ‘docker not found’. Another team member Jeffery had the same problem as mine but was able to find a solution for it and then was able to make calls. However, the same solution did not work for me. After trying everything I could find on the web till 4 am, I finally gave up.

In the next meeting I shared the calls I had written for cooking methods with the team so they could be added to the project. Noticing that I was the only person who was working on a windows PC I decided to run the project on a friends MacBook and surprisingly it worked. I did not research further into why it would not work on my system since I had limited time with the Mac.

I worked on cookingMethod.js and cookingTip.js test file. I set three constant variables: getAll, getOne with valid ID and an invalid ID. getAll would check for ‘200’ response and data in form of array. getOne with valid input would check for ‘200’ response, ID, object and value. getOne with Invalid input would check for ‘404’ response.

Links to issues:


Backend Debugging

Modification of files

Cooking Method test

Cooking tip test

P.S. – I apologize for this retrospective being more like a summary. It proved difficult to classify the process in what worked and what did not work sections for this sprint.

From the blog CS@worcester – Towards Tech by murtazan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Personal Retrospective

This final sprint was much more of a struggle than the other two prior sprints. Since we got a lot of progress done in achieving our goals throughout the past two sprints, we figured that this sprint would let us bring everything together and finalize everything we have worked on up until this point. Unfortunately due to unforeseen issues, we were unable to reach all of our goals, an we were instead stuck on one task for a vast majority of the sprint. Our goal this sprint was to test the backend and the endpoints to ensure that they can all work with each other in the way that we planned. We initially thought that we had solved many of the issues with the backend that have been plaguing us in the past sprints, but unfortunately that was not the case. In order to test the endpoints we needed to be able to run the backend, and when we attempted to do that we realized that what the previous group had left us was not configured correctly and was also missing a lot of important code. Upon realizing this, Kurt and I went to work trying to figure out what exactly was missing and preventing the backend from running correctly. This debugging took up a vast majority of the time, and in the end Kurt was able to figure out what the main issues were and managed to get the backend partially running. This was still not enough for us to get our endpoints tested however.

Given that this sprint was more of a challenge than initially expected, there are definitely things that we could have done better as a group in hindsight. One of the bigger mistakes I believe we made was that we didnt have everyone working on the backend problem. Since this was the priority, it should have been a team effort to try to solve it and get it running as fast as possible so that we can test the rest of our code. Unfortunately since in the beginning we didnt realize the scope of the issue we never organized the work in that way. Many of the team members were forced to wait until the backend was complete before they could try to do the tasks that they were assigned. However since the backend never ended up getting fully completed these team members did not have as many opportunities to contribute.

Given hindsight about my performance in this sprint, and knowing what the issues we faced were I can look back and see that there were definitely things I could have done better. One of the main things that comes to mind is my initial approach to trying to solve the backend issue. At first I simply attempted to brute force the problem, moving code and files I thought might be affecting the issue around in the project to see if that changed affected anything. This proved to be a useless exercise in the end and resulted in me wasting more time than I should have. If I could do it again I would approach the issue more slowly, reading through all the relevant code and researching what issues may cause the kinds of problems that we were experiencing.

I do not have any gitlab links to share, since I was unable to get the backend working and therefore had nothing to push. As I mentioned a majority of my work was brute force trial an error where I attempted to figure out the issue.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Sebastian's CS Blog by sserafin1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3- Retrospective Blog

For this sprint, my team, team 1, managed to complete all the epics that we had, which were .gitlab-ci.yml, fixing API, modifying backend, finishing frontend, and completing documentation project. I believe my team is done with the API, backend, and frontend. A small portion of the gitlab-ci.yml and the documentation project are still in progress.

In this sprint, I have worked with backend and frontend projects. For the backend, first of all, I modified the API to reduce the number of endpoints from 5 to 2 which getReport and getVesion. Then, to send fake data without using any endpoints, I created a folder named send_Fakedata_RMQ. This folder contains two files, one is used to contain dummy data and the other one is used to create rabbitmq connection and send those dummy data to a rabbitmq channel. So, whenever we use the command of node ./src/send_Fakedata_RMQ/sendData.js, we are sending dummy data to rabbitmq. These data are used to test how the entire backend works. To automatically retrieve those data from rabbitmq and store them into mongodb, in the index file, I added a new method called RabbitMQ_service(). In this method, I used setInterval() function to repeatedly retrieving data from rabbitmq every day. The fixed time used to delay between each call should be converted from day to ms, 86400000.

For the getReport endpoint, I’ve added two new properties called new_household and new_people, which represent the two columns of the Newsince field in the example report. Furthermore, I also edited the csv.js file to make the getReport endpoint return the report in text form instead of downloading it directly to the computer.

For testing, I created two tests for this backend. One is used to test the response status, the other one is used to test the response data. To test the response data, I added a new file called expectedResult.js in the testing/test/lib folder. This file contains a string where each value in this string is manually counted based on dummy data I sent to Rabbitmq. This string is supposed to be my expected result which I am using to compare with the actual result recieved from the system.

One of the problems of the backend is about what should be stored in the guestInfo collection. Since I misunderstood the properties of the guest variable in json, I stored each guest as a unique guest in the collection without the “date” property. The requirement of this collection is that every record of each guest must be stored with a date and time, so this issue must be fixed in order to produce an accurate report in the near future.

For frontend, I added the same folder named send_Fakedata_RMQ from the backend to send dummy data to check whether the frontend is working or not. In getReport.vue, I added a method called downloadCSVfile(data) to download a file named WCFB_report.csv, when the “Submit” button is clicked. I also added a simple instruction of how to run the frontend in I believed we are done with the frontend and it works fine as expected.

For this sprint, we all focused and worked on different topics to perfect the reporting system as much as possible. Most of the time we worked well as a team, but there were still some points that I think we should improve in the future. Like what I just said, each team member worked on a different topic, so it is hard for us to keep track of all topics at the same time. Team members should actively share the problems they are facing so that the whole team can look at it and help them as soon as possible. Don’t stay silent and wait until the last minute without giving any reason to the team. I mean each team member should be aware of his/her responsibilities to the whole team. On the other hand, for myself, I think I should learn more about teamwork skills to ensure that every team plan is completed by every member before the deadline; or at least I can come up with some solutions to deal with similar situations.

From the blog CS@Worcester – T's CSblog by tyahhhh and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

In our final sprint, our team focused primarily on finishing our demo, communicating with other teams about their projects and how they will fit into the cluster, and creating a schematic of the final cluster. I think our final sprint went really well. While we did not finish everything we set out to, we were able to get a significant amount of work done, and I think we have left the project in a good place for whoever will be picking it up next.

I think a lot of things went well in this sprint. Similar to our second sprint, we had a much clearer understanding of what we wanted to accomplish in this sprint, and that made it much easier to divide work into manageable tasks. Unlike the last sprint, much of this work could happen concurrently, so team members were blocked less often by the issues other team members were working on. Additionally, I think we were all much more comfortable communicating with each other, and this allowed our work to go much more smoothly.

The only thing that didn’t go well was how much work we wound up getting done by the end of the sprint. We initially planned for thirty points of work, and by the time the sprint had officially ended we only got through about half of that. I think we underestimated how long some of our issues would take to complete and wound up falling behind. Regardless, I feel that we got a substantial amount of work done.

Our team worked very well during this sprint, but there is always room for improvement. I think we could improve on our time management a little bit. We spent a lot of time discussing how we would like the sprint to go, and this left less time to actually work on our issues. Still, I don’t think this impacted us too heavily; I am happy with the work we did get done.

Personally, I think I could improve on the way I write documentation, especially summaries of research I’ve done. I tend to get overwhelmed by whatever information I’m reading and will forgo some details in my retelling. I want to be able to write more detailed documentation since that would be more beneficial for my team members.


Research Helm – I spent time looking into Helm, which is a package manager for Kubernetes. I researched what it is, how it works, and whether it would be worth using in the final cluster for Thea’s Food Pantry.

Communicate with Team 1: Inventory System – I informed the Inventory System team about our work, and I made sure we understood how their project is structured.

Communicate with Team 3: Food Keeper – This is similar to the previous issue. I informed the Food Keeper team about our work, and I made sure we understood how their project is structured.

Communicate with Team 4: nest Guest Info – This is similar to the previous two issues. I informed the Nest Guest Info System team about our work, and I made sure we understood how their project is structured.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ciampa's Computer Science Blog by robiciampa and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

(I’m sorry if some sentences are hard to understand. I am pretty sick at the moment, and it’s hard to make sense sometimes)

Our third sprint had two end goals, deploying a demo locally using minikube then hosting it using AWS EKS, and discussing with the other teams on what they’re working on so we can make a schematic from their work in a hosted Kubernetes Cluster. We ended up discussing it with the other teams and were able to create the final schematic. We were also able to deploy a local demo of the Kubernetes Cluster, but we had issues deploying a demo on AWS EKS.

What worked well was discussing with the other teams to get information on how the final schematic would look like, and how our team worked together in organizing the information from talking with the other teams (1). There were also many regards while working on the final project where we came together as a group to set up a schedule, how we’re going to do the presentation, and when we should do it. Afterwards, we were able to use this information to create a schematic illustrating each of the different team’s works inside of a deployed Kubernetes Cluster (2).

I think part of the reason the third sprint was the most difficult was that it was the last sprint in the semester. For example, I and some of my other teammates had a lot of projects we had to get done while due dates were getting close. This made it harder to focus a lot of time on working on the project. Maybe if we focused more time on this project, we would’ve been able to get a demo out, but it isn’t a guarantee that it would’ve happened.

As a team, I think we could’ve been more communicative and dedicated more time to working together on the project. There was a lot of not knowing towards the end on whether or not someone was working on something because communication on some level broke down, especially when some people in the team were busy with other things. This led to troubles with communication, especially when working on the final project. There were times where we agreed to finish work by a certain deadline, but not everyone finished by it.

As an individual, I was constantly trying to push myself to be more active in communication with my team members about updates. However, this does not mean that I was good at it, or I did it without flaws. From my role as a scrum master during this semester, I think that I need a lot more experience in communicating with my team members and being more assertive in initiating conversations and keeping planned dates we agree on in check. 


  1. – An organized compilation of six issues from our team members’ discussions with the other teams.
  2. – Final Diagram of a Kubernetes Cluster hosting the docker images worked on by the other teams.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Chris's CS Blog by Chris and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

Our third sprint was definitely the toughest, and we ran into some issues throughout the sprint that really slowed us down. We started out at fixing problems for the project from the end of the previous sprint, then moved on to the last issues we put in the backlog. One issue in particular would take a lot of time to solve and prevented some of the other issues from being completed.

Starting with what worked well, we were doing better at communicating with each other and finished with enough weight for the review. When we were having problems with the issues, we were keeping in touch with each other, and most of us were working together on the main issue that was holding us back. Some of us were having more success than others, but it was eventually completed and the other issues that were relying on it were being finished too. We were also able to finish the presentation on time, and had a plan for putting the presentation together with slides and an outline that we put together.

Our main problem for this sprint wasn’t a problem with the team, but with one of the issues we were working on, which had to do with building the backend server and getting it working for everyone. Along with getting the server working, some of us had different issues that others weren’t getting. We spent a lot of time working on this issue, and had to rush through the last issues in the last week. Aside from that, we were still trying to improving on keeping up the merge requests up to date. We managed to get all the merge requests done in time, the requests would just build up over a few days. Aside from that we had some days where team members would not be there in person, but they would join online and were able to join in the in-person discussions through the discord chat.

I think I did well at continuing with the improvements I was making as a team member by communicating with the team when working on the project and the presentation, but there were a couple times when working on the presentation that I missed out on some discussion. I would later join in the discussions, catch up on what I missed, and do my part in recording for the presentation. When waiting on the backend server issue being completed, I had the idea of setting the api tests up with a template for the test files, so that they would be mostly done by the time we are able to use the api. That way, the issues could still be completed while dealing with the backend server. I got this idea from a template file that we had made in the previous sprint for the data files, and a template file for api testing that was created during this sprint, and figured we could have something similar for the api testing methods while waiting. In the endpoint api templates, the testing methods were set up for the api to accept sample valid and invalid calls that worked for samples we had, so when we would be able to use the api for the testing, we could just make new calls to put in those positions and then adjust based on testing results.

Resolving the problems with the category test file so all tests passed.

Template for the category api testing that was created while waiting for the backend server.

Template for the product api testing that was created while waiting for the backend server.

From the blog Jeffery Neal's Blog by jneal44 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

Our third and final sprint for the semester was our strongest sprint to date. Everyone in the team could feel that we were really hitting our stride and solving issues as they were being created. We were able to look at what went wrong in our prior sprints and not get trapped in the same pitfalls that we encountered early in the project.

The Good

We were laser focused on what we needed to do. Our productivity and communication levels were at an all-time high which really helped in the amount of work we were able to produce. We were also able to realize when an issue was more than a bite-sized problem and successfully broke them up into smaller issues as needed. We had a clearer vision of the direction we wanted to take the application in and for the most part we met the expectation we set for ourselves this sprint: A demo application that highlights its main functionality.

The Bad

I mean… There wasn’t too much that really went wrong with our workflow during this sprint. I think the feeling that we performed very well was very tangible to anyone watching us operate as a team or looking at our team’s activity on the project repository. The only bad thing that would come as a result of this sprint is that we are concluding our work on our application that we witnessed grow from inception.

What could we have done better?

I feel like the only thing we could’ve done better was perhaps having a longer discussion on how we envision the app to look in the future. Leaving better instructions for the next team of students who will work on this project is the only thing that comes to mind when I think about anything we might have lacked in.

Contributions that I added to the application include

Writing Portion:

Create a writing page for an examinee to record the prompt they heard from the proctor. They will type out what they heard instead of using their finger or a stylus to write it out. The current version of this feature is a temporary solution until a way to implement the correct functionality is discovered.

Create a page that holds all the prompts the test proctor will ask the examinee to write(type) in English. A .csv file named “sentences” was added into the projects assets folder. The Prompts.js file reads from and parses the sentences from the file into a list which is then displayed in a ScrollView on the page.

Adding React Native Paper styling to Writing and Prompt pages. We decided to use React Native Paper styles throughout our application. In order to remain consistent with the application design, I added card features for the elements on each page.

Merging of Writing page and Prompt pages. After the pages were created a teammate suggested that we merge the pages instead of having to navigate too much. This was a great idea because it was much easier to implement than having to move from page to page as well as improving the UI.

Reading portion:

While working on my own issues, I aided my teammates in working with our app’s counterpart to the writing portion. The bug we encountered involved displaying a question from a list of questions on a separate page. While we couldn’t resolve the bug itself, we were able to verify that it is possible to display another question successfully on a “new page” but do not have the means to display the correct one at the moment.

From the blog CS@Worcester – You have reached the upper bound by cloudtech360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

As many of the others in my group have said this was probably the best Sprint, we have had this semester. What specifically went well this semester was right when the Sprint started. That was a problem we had the last Sprint because we had a slow start because of Spring break. When this semester started, a lot of us were in the middle of working on issues so when this Sprint started, we continued working on the issues. A big problem we had last Sprint was we did not do enough documentation. Towards the end of the second Sprint and the beginning of this Sprint, our group made a big change. We decided that we would do little to no work in class and instead focus on updating the group on what we are working on, cleaning up our issue board, resolving any major issues that we encounter before that class, and documenting the progress we made in and out of class. This is because we made the realization that most of us in the group worked better alone, but when we ran into issues none of us were shy about bringing them up in the group meetings. We also did not have any issue asking others in the group for help. This was one of the most successful changes we made to the group. When we made this change, it caused the productivity of the project to skyrocket.

What I think did not go with this sprint was how ambitious our group was this sprint. We planned to get a lot complete in a short time and it did not all get done. For example, we wanted to complete the cards.js file and the display.js file as well as the prompts.js and writing.js file. We also wanted to add theming to our project so that it would look neat and professional. We ended up finishing the cards.js file but did not finish working out all of the bugs for the display.js file. In terms of the writing portion of the project, what we wanted to use at the start of the sprint did not end up working and we ended up adding a placeholder with some functionality so that we could have something to present.

I think we did not have too much to work on this sprint as a team. For the most part, I think it worked out very well. I think as a team we really improved our documentation this sprint. What I think we can improve a little is our individual documentation for issues and other small features that we worked on. Towards the end of the sprint, our documentation was a little lacking compared to the beginning of the sprint because we were rushing to the finish.

During the sprint, what I worked on was leftover from the previous sprint. In the previous sprint, we made a display page, but it did not properly transfer information from one page to another.

So, for a while, I contemplated how to move forward in the project and considered restructuring our project or looking at other ways to transfer information from one page to another.

How I fixed these issues was by simplifying our structure and moving screens to their own respective files.

Before this change, our app.js file did too much and was handling the navigation for the project as well as creating multiple screens. Moving things to their own files simplified our file structure and fixed some of our earlier navigation issues as a result.

When I did this change to restructure our project, it made creating the display page a lot easier and I was able to get it working to an extent. We can transfer information and display it on the screen but it currently does not display the correct information.

This is not because our function is wrong but because our logic is off. The function displays whatever we pass but we have a hard time figuring out what to pass. I was really stubborn at first when I encountered this issue and did not want to ask for this last issue. I have the issue at a weight of 2 but it is definitely more. Even when we had three people working on it, it was not done. So, what I need to improve on is to be less stubborn and ask for help even if it’s last minute.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

One More Sprint (CS-448 Sprint Retrospective Blog 3)

INTRODUCTION: As the final Sprint of my team’s Software Development Capstone project introduces its conclusion, I feel as though it is a good time to reflect on the results of this sprint. Going further, some aspects of this blog (specifically the conclusion) will involve reflection of the project in its entirety. To start, I believe that this sprint may have been weaker than previous ones. Factors supporting this argument include the idea that we now have experience from the previous sprints and that we should be more prepared; factors against the argument include non-work related considerations (such as future semester set-up).

POSITIVE FACTORS: During the final sprint, these favorable events had occurred:

  • Our team had made progress on getting Keycloak into a Docker container. Hopefully, futures semesters will be able to complete the project for us (allowing connection to the AWS Team, and other teams in general).
  • Speaking of progress, our Product Owner (our Instructor/Professor) has mentioned that the team has made an impressive amount of progress in general. Factors involved with the amount of progress include comparisons to previous semesters’ work, and consideration of the fact that our team had quite literally started this project from scratch.

NEGATIVE FACTORS: As much as the team has improved, there were still some bumps in the project’s road. These bumps include:

  • To contrast the statement in the “Positive Factors” section, work on the Keycloak Docker container has been completed, but we do not have a final product yet. However, in our defense: part of this sprint was spent setting up the project for the teams that will work on it in the future.
  • As mentioned in the “Self-Improvement Suggestions” section below, this team has done quite well during this sprint (considering the fact that the Scrum Master was not as involved as previous sprints). I understand that Scrum Masters do not have a drastic amount of authority over the rest of the team; at the same time, too little involvement with the team’s work essentially makes them a facilitator “in name only”.

TEAM IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS: Even though we have no more sprints left for the project, it is still a valuable form of criticism to discuss where the team can improve. Factors involve:

  • I believe that additional dedication to Sprint Planning would be beneficial for the team. While our first two sprints involved research of our issues (in other words, we didn’t know what we needed to do), having a clear idea of the end goal will make for more efficient work. This is opposed to issues being brainstormed and abandoned like darts thrown at a board.
  • In addition to Sprint Planning, having a better structure for our Sprint Review/Demo classes can help. While we get our work done, it’s also important to know how to present it in a neat, organized manner that is easy for the Product Owner to interpret.

SELF-IMPROVEMENT SUGGESTIONS: In addition to team improvement, there is always room for self-improvement. Some ideas for my own improvement are:

  • Since I was the Scrum Master for this sprint, I must say that I was not as involved with the role as I would have liked to have been. In future projects, I would like to dedicate more time to the role; hopefully, outside commitments won’t weigh me down like they did during this semester.
  • In future Scrum work, I would also like to be more involved with Gitlab issue board work (this factor ties into my criticism of my Scrum Master performance). I feel as though reviewing and commenting on issues isn’t enough; taking the initiative and creating issues is a key factor of being a leader on the team.

Considering the project (and its semester) as a whole, I will say that I appreciate my teammates and the work that they have done. We have all made this Capstone project a pleasure to be involved with; in fact, due to how pleasant the overall experience was, I have shown interest in working with the LibreFoodPantry software outside of the class. To be honest, there’s no reason not to be involved – working with LFP has varying levels of commitment. Regardless of the commitment level, the work is a great way of acquiring work experience and keeping Software Development skills fresh.


From the blog CS@Worcester – mpekim.code by Mike Morley (mpekim) and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.