My third and final sprint for my software development capstone has come to an end. Here is what I did, and my thoughts on it.
This represents my thoughts on this file after looking it over. There’s probably still room for improvement but I didn’t think it was the best use of our time.
Changed the API to swap out json for plain text, since we want to return a .csv file.
Removed this because the previous commit made it unnecessary.
Some minor restructuring of the API.
Fixed a typo in the filename of the .yaml file mentioned above.
I think everyone had a pretty good work ethic. While individually we may have struggled, we collectively knew what we were doing.
As far as things that didn’t go well, I think we’re still struggling with assigning correct weight point values and issue granularity. Most things I did felt either too easy or too hard for their given point values, mainly the former.
The issues we made mostly felt to me like they were too specific. Sometimes this meant they were too easy, but not necessarily. I think it caused unnecessary confusion, since what should be one task might get split up into three, done by three different people. There’d then be no way for any of them individually to check their work.
There’s the possibility of coordinating the issues so that it’s clear they’re dependent on each other, but I think it would be simpler to just have them all be the same thing. I wouldn’t coordinate issues in this way unless they were clearly separate tasks, but still related.
One thing I think we could have done as a team is coordinate more. I think communication was our biggest weakness. I always felt like no matter what I was doing, I was always kind of going off on my own. At the start of the semester, we agreed to take turns being the scrum master, but as it went on we focused less and less on procedural concerns. I think we could have benefited a lot if someone had stepped up to be the team leader.
As far as things I could have done to improve, I could research more. My biggest roadblock was not really understanding how all the moving parts fit together. I think I overestimated my skills a lot. Also, in the context of a college class, there’s a strong incentive to just do the bare minimum to pass, with any independent study taking away from other classes and out of school activities. I did manage to get a little bit of independent study about the tools we were using in, but not nearly as much as I’d have liked.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Tom's Blog by Thomas Clifford and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.