During Sprint Retrospective 2, I learned more about the OpenMRS REST endpoints that Ampath uses for it’s core services. I learned more about what the Ampath team is looking for in terms of an encryption service if we are using open source code. In general they are looking for stability: i.e. number of contributors, number of commits, recent activity, any big name (Google, Microsoft, etc), and adaptability. I learned there is a standard Webcrypto that most browsers use as a standard and that we should stick to that standard. I learned more about time planning, and the need to do a better job documenting what we are doing, and splitting up tasks for individuals to work on.
The team worked well, I’m more productive when we are all together going through the code on the projector. It’s nice to have others looking at the same material you are, sometimes they notice things you don’t and it helps everyone on the team learn. I try to participate and offer any tips or advice I might have. I try being prepared for the sprint by trying to understand what is going on and how the services on the application work. I think we need to do a better job documenting everything we do and making sure to share it with those who it might help, with the addition of the documentation thread on slack, it will make sharing that information easier. Next sprint I am going to keep a log of what I am doing, or ideas I have as a personal log to help me organize and write my sprint retrospectives. Now that we have more of an idea what our team should be focusing on, we can start getting into the details of implementing the encryption service and how that ties in with the other functions being added by other teams.
During Sprint Retrospective 2, our team organized our trello board and began to add tasks we thought we could complete during the sprint. We planned on walking through some of the ng2-amrs services, looking into the REST endpoints (with the postman app), checking out Balsamiq, and to coming up with design ideas for implementing an offline service for ng2-amrs. We started our work by walking through some of the services in the openmrs-api folder. We went through some of the endpoint in the OpenMRS Rest Web Services API wiki. We looked into the service that sets a users location, the patient search function, the offline / online indicator, and we began to see how those services work with the front end, and the OpenMRS api that performs a lot of the functions on ng2-amrs. We began to turn our attention to finding out how to implement a service that encrypts and decrypts data. We did some research online for possible solutions and found a few options that we shared with the Ampath team asking for their input: bcryptjs, forge, crypto-js. We are going to look more into forge because it seems to have the most activity.
The post Sprint Retrospective 2 appeared first on code friendly.
From the blog CS@Worcester – code friendly by erik and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.