Category Archives: task 5

Task 5

I found the website of Libre Food Pantry to be interesting I like the setup of the site and like the aesthetic. It looks very professional and the colors coordinate with the webpage. The section about GitLab stood out to me. It is great to be open to the public where we work on our project. It gives anyone easy access to our work without being able to edit it but look at it and give us feedback. I chose to write about this because sometimes it is hard to find the source of people’s projects but it being easy to see is very useful. In Thea’s food pantry, I found the community section the most important. This should be the first thing that should be clear to anyone working on this project. It tackles a lot of problems that may be up to interpretation but gives clear answers so nobody is confused. For me, the one that stood out the most was the definition of done. To certain people, this may be simple but in reality, it is much more complicated than it is. To be done with code can be a multi-step process. This gives importance to the expectation that everyone must reach when working on this project.

From the blog CS@Worcester – DCO by dcastillo360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.