Category Archives: TOS


This past Monday, we had our first class meeting in a few weeks. We hadn’t met in a while due to snow days and holidays, so it was good to finally get to meet. This week, Tim Furman came in to take a look at some of the progress that we have made thus far, and to answer any questions that we might have. After showing some templates, and a puzzle activity, some more ideas, and changes were thrown around. Everybody had a chance to get Tim’s input on their part of the project. After Tim left, we talked about how to use GitHub, and we talked about making a sample one to learn how it works. Also, we discussed all of the parts that need to be done for the project, and we divided up into our actual groups. Things are moving forward more smoothly now that we have had some time as a class.

From the blog bchaban » cs-wsu by bchaban and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Page Viewer Concept 0.2

We had our class meeting for the firs time in 3 weeks, it was very productive since it produced many action items. Overall I would say the project is it a bit of a hump so I’m focusing my attention on the development of the User Interface so we have something to call our product. This starts with the home page, it was decided at the meeting that this would be integrated with the content frames and reclassified as the user interface.

So my concept for the page viewer will substitute for the home page, this of course meant it required some polishing.
This first revision my goals were:

  • Relative sizing – based on screen resolution
  • Actual content in the ‘pages’ frames
  • Naming concept
  • Mild animation polishing
  • Swipe functionality

Relative Sizing:
The one minor setback is the lack of an iPad, the best solution to this problem is of course development with a relative content display in mind. Meaning the use of percentages over explicit sizing of elements. With the page view specifically this created a minor issue which was solved with the use of JavaScript. The first issue with relative sizing was the width of #article-wrapper, the reason this could not be solved with modifying CSS/HTML is the page construction concept, in which the wrapper is meant to extend past the end of the page. (See article viewer concept) This meant when i set the width of any child within #article-wrapper based on a % it would go by the width of this div which by design will be wider than the page. To solve this issue I simply used window.innerWidth which is a built in JavaScript function, this solution has worked flawlessly especially since the user will be unable to move the iPad.  All I did was went in and refactored all referenced to X% and changed it to pageWidth*0.x+’px’. This solution works however it might be a good idea to seek an alternative when we get more into the project. So this problem was solved and everything with regard to displaying relative to the window; while it might seem like a solution to a problem that wouldn’t exist if we had iPads I believe this kind of development will yield a better end product, if this web application can be ported to other devices it has the potential to be more beneficial.

Actual Content:
So if you had to opportunity to look at the initial proof of concept for the page viewer you would notice that the text inside the ‘page’ or ‘article’ divs would wrap when the size got smaller. This was obviously a proof of concept and for the final concept we would prefer having some nice content in these areas. The goal to accomplishing this was to use a nested div inside of the previous divs that would hold the real content and have no animations directly called on them. I named these the ‘.article-preview’ and what nesting these means is that the content would not be modified with regard to sizing, that it would always maintain its ‘actual width’ which in relative terms was 59% of the page. This was accomplished using the same technique in the previous section, using pageWidth. This worked as there was already a proof of concept in article viewer.

Naming Concept:
If you looked at the initial concept the pages were just there, and it was assumed that each page was based on the navigation title. I didn’t think this was enough as some users might not want to use the navigation and instead use swipe navigation which will be cover in another section. So, my goal was to create a relatively appealing naming concept that would be visible to users who may ignore or fail to notice the navigation. So this concept was basic CSS3 and HTML which rotated the text, here is a screenshot (I also added icons to show the potential this had.)
The only useful thing this offer is that the text can be dynamic.

Animation Polishing:
I was really just modifying the animation concept to also modify the height and top margin, you can see outcome in the image above.

Swipe Functionality:
This was pretty easy, especially after making the article viewer concept, I used the .live() function with the virutal events ‘swiperight’ and ‘swipeleft’. This made for a really cool effect, the only issue I ran into was updating the current article according to the navigation, all I had to do with this is the inverse of what I did with the clicking on the navigation. I took the current article index, removed the classes ‘ui-btn-active ui-state-persist’ and then incremented the curArticle respectively (++ for swipe left, and — for swipe right) then added classes ‘ui-btn-active ui-state-persist’ on the new curArticle. I also had to create a check for the last article and first article, which was pretty simple, if it was the first or last I would not execute the animation depending on what was swiped.

Overall this step from concept to potential production idea wasn’t overly challenging because I utilized a lot of the lessons learned during the article viewer concept development. I am somewhat pleased with the result, however I feel the input of others would yield a better product. The biggest take away from this updating is that applying lessons learned in previous programs seriously save you time, from idea to completion this took only 2-3 solid man hours.

This concludes my V 0.0 to V 0.2 update for the page viewer (there was a 0.1, I just like even numbers so I made changed); Until next time.

From the blog itsJoe's Blog » cs-wsu by itsjoeyoung and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Slideshow is shaping up!

I’ve been working on the slideshow a little bit since Mondays class. I’ve been looking at and working off of Joe’s code. It has been very helpful! Thank you Joe! I suggest others to due so as well if they are building something with JQuery in mind.

Anyways, to get to the update. I’ve been able to keep Joe’s UI look with the home button and general aesthetic intact, although there might be a little color deviation. Based off of Joe’s article viewer I have have created an image viewer at the bottom of the screen with arrows and images. However, none of it is functional/working yet. It is just a general idea so far. I’m going to be working on it the rest of the week. I just figured I’d write an update so you can see what’s going on. I placed an image here as well so you can see it.


I would like to get this pushed to Github, but I still don’t know what I am doing there. However, I did create a new branch today. At least I think I did. This is a learning experience for me, so my code is a little messy, but others might want to look at it.

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Slideshow is shaping up!

I’ve been working on the slideshow a little bit since Mondays class. I’ve been looking at and working off of Joe’s code. It has been very helpful! Thank you Joe! I suggest others to due so as well if they are building something with JQuery in mind.

Anyways, to get to the update. I’ve been able to keep Joe’s UI look with the home button and general aesthetic intact, although there might be a little color deviation. Based off of Joe’s article viewer I have have created an image viewer at the bottom of the screen with arrows and images. However, none of it is functional/working yet. It is just a general idea so far. I’m going to be working on it the rest of the week. I just figured I’d write an update so you can see what’s going on. I placed an image here as well so you can see it.


I would like to get this pushed to Github, but I still don’t know what I am doing there. However, I did create a new branch today. At least I think I did. This is a learning experience for me, so my code is a little messy, but others might want to look at it.

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Page Viewer Concept

I guess this article should be prefaced by my reason for creating this. As some of you may know, I am not a big fan of the ‘Apple’ marketing scheme or their copyrighting practices. Therefor I am really against directly simulating anything that they make,  however that isn’t to say I am against creating similar concepts while maintaining the integrity of being a somewhat original product. The only reason for this preface is that a web design colleague of mine criticized my concept of being very similar to apples album viewer (I think this was an attempt to ‘rustle my feather’ a bit, my WSU Duck agreed with me.) With that said, this is a mild offshoot of my article viewer, and it is a very basic concept that has potential to be a little prettier.
</justification rant>

So, what was my goal with this concept; ideally to create a smooth, original, and visually appealing page preview transition frame. It isn’t meant to contain a whole page it is more of a sample of each page. here is a screenshot of a basic layout concept that i started with.

so far.. we have… smooth? well since there is no functionality I guess not, but oh well. This is a very generic navigation concept, with the exception maybe of having the pages linearly placed next to each-other. If you have seen my article viewer you are probably thinking, ‘cool you just removed the article and the vertical transitions’. Allow me to retort with, …well there is now a nav bar.
You might have noticed that this concept did not really satisfy what my goals were with this project, so I addressed a few issues i had with this layout before I continued. The current page needs to be centered, and stand out more than the others. Centering was relatively easy, so all i really needed to do was come up with a way to make the center page stand out more. What could I do to make them look different as well as have a somewhat appealing transition effect; I came to the conclusion that modifying the Width and Opacity should do the trick!
Here is concept image:

Well that looks a little nicer, it is somewhat original in addition to being appealing (my opinion). So lets make it smooth, as per usual with my other projects this will be done in jQuery mobile, utilizing the jQuery libraries as well.
So what functions are we going to use you ask? .animate(), and .live() of course! The animate function will consist of 3 css modifications: Opacity, marginLeft, and Width. it looks a little like this

$('#frameContainer').animate({ 'marginLeft' : how much}, time)
$('.selectedPage').animate({ 'width': n+'px', 'opactiy' : n+'px'}, time);
$('.selectedPage:next , .selectedPage:previous').animate({ 'width': n+'px', 'opacity' : n+'px'}, time);

That’s a rough outline of the animation concept, don’t take it to the bank if you want to see the code checkout git! so, minor issues I ran into, stacking of animations creating undesired effects, oops you think i would have remembered that from the last project. easy fix with the .stop() function. other than that the concept really went of without a hitch, all that needed to be done was getting the margins to be accurate, I ran into inconsistencies due to padding and margin settings that were inherited from some of the jQuery Mobile styles, easy fix with an explicit CSS declaration to remove margins and padding. So let me know what you think of my concept, I hope it runs smoothly for anyone that tries it, comments and critiques always welcome!

Until next time,

From the blog itsJoe&#039;s Blog » cs-wsu by itsjoeyoung and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Waiting on more resources

We ran into a snag!  We were focusing so much on Android and IOS friendly database technologies, we didn’t take into account that they were only optimized to work in a standalone fashion, not able to centrally manage the database through a server.  As it turns out, SQLite although robust, may not be our best option.

 In my experience, accessing SQL is best done through server side scripting.  However, Javascript is only designed to access SQLite using client side web database access, and accessing a access SQL database using javascript is not secure this way.   We were going to post all our findings on javascript functions to access SQLite, but it would end up confusing everyone if it ended up on the wiki for the class.

 So instead, we need to focus on the technology we will use based on the resources we will be given.  Kiosk Pro appears to be a solid solution to using a server based application on the iPads, but still maintain a local copy of the content.  I need to find out if we will be given a Windows server, in which I will focus on using SQL Server, and maybe PHP, or if we will be given a linux web server, in which we may be able to utilize a new server side use of javascript like node.js.

I don’t quite know where my group has gone.  A few of the members haven’t shown up to class, or the chat sessions.  I will need to spend some time meeting with them today.  More to be discussed in class.  

From the blog mikesaguirre » cs-wsu by mikeaguirre and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

WAM App: Database Side

One of my group members suggested earlier in the week that we look into another method of deploying our database rather than hosting the database server side, and it looks like this might be able to be made a reality with correct utilization of the Javascript File Reader. As the name suggests it allows text to be read from an HTML-5 based site or storage location, however it looks like it is possible for it to read photos as well..but in most cases it seems to be a resource hog. Based on my preliminary findings i would have to say that hosting the application server side with a SQL back end would still be the most efficient way to go.

From the blog CS:401 » CS-WSU by dcarlin2013 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Improvements

This week was a lot of continuing to improve the basic demo so far that has been built. I keep thinking of different ways to improve the GUI for the user thinking which way would be the best for them. I showed a couple people at work to test out the application and they thought it was a good working start. One of my goals for the week was to get the number of pieces taken to complete the puzzle outputted to the user. For now it outputs them onto the canvas when the puzzle is complete. I am working on getting it to show above the image so the user can see it increases as they play the puzzle. Another idea I came up with is to work on implementing a timer to see how long it takes the user to complete the puzzle. Kathleen came up with idea of having the image shown behind the puzzle pieces so the user could have some hints that way. So this is an idea we have started to look into. Overall this week was a good researching and making improvements to the code. Today we will be showing the demo to the class to get some feed back and we still are waiting on Tim’s advice and images from him to test with the puzzle game.

Will be posting again once I get the couple ideas I had in mind working.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401 Blog – Weeks 4 & 5

After the week of the first IRC meeting, yet another week of class was canceled due to weather and the class was forced to again meet online via IRC. I was unable to make this meeting, but my group filled me in on what took place during the meeting.

Over the past few weeks, my group, who is in charge of the puzzle app, has made a lot of progress towards the end goal of a finished product. After a lot of research on the HTML 5 canvas and viewing many examples of different implementations, a functional outline was pushed to our groups GitHub account to be available for testing. The program so far, developed as a web app, provides a simple user interface and easy to use puzzle mechanism. At first, there was a problem that arose at more difficult levels of the puzzle (with more pieces.) It was difficult to move around the pieces into their correct positions. With a few adjustments, this was fixed. There is still more work to be done on fine-tuning the canvas around the puzzle, but significant progress has been made.

The next few steps to be taken will include actually testing our web app on the iPads, which is crucial to our group because we need to know what, if any, changes there are in running our app on the iPad compared to on a desktop.

From the blog ksabanty » cs-wsu by ksabanty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

I have a little slideshow ready!

I got a little setup going with the slideshow! Don’t get your hopes up to much though, it’s pretty simple and there are many more things I would like to implement!

I’ve been taking a very long time getting this thing going. I am not very familiar with this coding and it’s been a little bit of a struggle for me. Learning basically three new syntax’s is tricky and I haven’t even really started the JavaScript part yet! I have an idea planned out, executing it is the problem. Right now I have a simple layout for the pictures and you can click on them to see the full image.

In future updates I would like to get a scroll panel at the top of the page where you can see all the images and click on them while at the bottom you can see the full sized image that you clicked on. I posted a little example below. I’ll have to talk to Tim or Katrina about this asap! I’m hoping to get some more insight soon… Example

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.