Category Archives: TOS

MySQL Lite Database & Javascript research

So far our team has decided to look into the possibility of running our app for the Worcester Art Museum on top of a SQL Lite database, after doing some research into how to use and manage a SQL Lite database it seems like it would be a decent idea, so far our concern with this is whether or not PhoneGap will support this type of database. I’ve done some research on the commands for creating and managing the database and it seems like I will be able to pick this up very quickly.

In addition to my research on the database I progressed with my learning of Javascript and ventured into the world of Objects; which thankfully are very similar to Java objects, at least in my mind.

From the blog CS:401 » CS-WSU by dcarlin2013 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-401 Week 3

This past week, there were some complications. I could not make it to class on Monday due to some car troubles. My car had to be brought to the mechanic, and I did not have another way to get to the campus. I read online that we were breaking up into groups this week, and later on in the week I talked to a few classmates about the database. I feel that I will most likely be joining in with this group. This was not a very eventful week for me, seeing as I could not make it to class. Other than this, during the week I looked at some links that Professor Wurst provided. This coming week will be much more productive.

From the blog bchaban » cs-wsu by bchaban and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Activity

Myself and two others have decided to work on the puzzle that will be part of the app for the Idea lab at the Worcester Art museum. This week we have decided to research different ways we could program the puzzle. We have found a few different languages that will be useful!

One of the languages we are thinking of using is JQuery. We will use this to actually make the jigsaw puzzle. This language has a lot features that can be used to help build a jigsaw. When I learn more about the language I will post more on how we will be using it and if it really is helpful!

We might also look into using PHP because PHP helps split the image up before we put it back together. These are just a few of the ideas my group and I have been throwing around. For this first week, we mainly have been researching ideas on what will be the best way to program the puzzle. Next we will most likely start trying to come up with a program that maybe will outline the puzzle, for the outlining we are most likely going to program it in JavaScript and HTML5.

From the blog klentblog » cswsu by klent22 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More Research on Puzzle feature

Did a little more research and found someone created one using HTML5 and JavaScript to create a jigsaw puzzle for the web. I am thinking the best route will be using JavaScript and HTML5 because like in my last post JavaScript has the snapfit feature which will be helpful for younger children using the application.

If anyone is looking to use PHP (jQuery) in eclipse I downloaded Eclipse Helios PHP which has plugins for those librarys. I looked for plugins for jQuery on Eclipse Juno and was having no luck. I then found they had a Helios version and installed that to try it out. Just if anyone is thinking of using jQuery.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle Activity Research

This week myself and 2 other classmates selected to work on the Puzzle section for the WAM Idea Lab Application. I started to do a little bit of researching on what it will take and what languages people have used to create similar application features such as puzzles etc. I noticed a lot of people used jQuery, JavaScript, and HTML5 to create this feature. Just going to describe some of the examples I found.

jQuery: After searching a couple different sites, I found that jQuery has a library such as: jqPuzzle. This library within jQuery lets you bring in any image as a .jpg and it will create a sliding image to make a puzzle. It seems pretty straight forward once you call the jqPuzzle library inside the code all you need to do is then apply the class to any image to use theses features. Basically this sort of library will allow you to slide images around inside the square until the image is complete. It is not like a jigsaw puzzle where you can move images anywhere you would like and they would have a snap fit when they are in the correct location.

(Ex: <img src = “apple.jpg” alt=”Apple Logo” class=”jqPuzzle”/>

javaScript has a tool called snapfit.js. This tool could be used to snap the image to the correct location when they are in range. All you need to do is set the snapfit on the image. It is a fast and easy way to work with any image. This tool does not  need any other resources to run.

I think theses are some good tools to be used within the code for this feature and I feel that the snapFit feature will be the most efficient for the children using it because when the certain piece they are moving is close to the correct spot the piece would light up green and then snap to the location and if the image is in the incorrect spot it would highlight red and they will have to re try that piece again.

Just a couple ideas that should be thought about. I know we said we be using JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS for this application. But I think we will need to add in some jQuery libraries to be implemented with the JavaScript code.

Will post more when I get in touch with the rest of the group.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Using GitHub with SSH

If you’ve noticed, GitHub offers three ways to access a repository, two with read-write access and one with read-only access. For this project, each user is granted push-pull access (read-write) so eac of us can contribute code. The two methods which provide both read and write access are HTTP and SSH.

Using HTTP you can download an application and gain access using your GitHub credentials. As a member of the project you’ll be granted write privilege with these credentials (the project is open source and therefore, anyone already has read privileges). 

The other option is to use SSH, which allows you push and pull directly from the command line. In order to do this, however, you need to copy your public ssh-key into the ssh section on your GitHub account. Once the key to your computer is in the settings on your GitHub account you’ll be able to push to the database.

Once I have some more time to sit and work on it, I am planning to provide some steps to accomplish this. I thought having the information now would be helpful for those who would like to look into it more individually.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

betoluna » CS WSU 2013-02-05 22:35:13

Hello again,

If you are using a mac and have problems running an HTML5/JS project using the HTTP preview localhost to test internally within eclipse 4.2 Juno, do the following:

1. Choose the web perspective.

2.Create a new Static Web Project.

3.Type your project name and click in the new runtime tab. That should bring another dialog

with a list of servers (HTTP Preview, HTTP server, J2EE preview). The problem I referred to in my previous post was with the HTTP preview, for which there is a fix for another version of eclipse namely Helios. If you want to be able to test within Juno, select the “J2EE preview” and click the “Create a new local server” box, then click on finish.

Continue setting up your project as usual, and you should be able to run and test your app from within eclipse now.

Hopefully this helps.



for another version of eclipse (Helios)

From the blog betoluna » CS WSU by betoluna1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Prospective Database Ideas

After class on Monday our group has decided to look into some of the potential ways databases could be used in this application to set up a framework and allow the client to switch projects simply. In order to do this we thought about looking into SQLite to keep a local database on the ipad, in which case internet access wouldn’t be needed. Before proceeding however, we need to look further into whether or not PhoneGap will allow us to use SQLite in the app.

If we decide as a class to proceed with the idea of having databases initialized to build a template it is crucial to work with some of the other groups in the early development phases as to plan for dynamic content.

There is still a lot more investigating to be done, but our initial thoughts are promising. For more information and documentation take a look at our wiki on github:

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401 second week blog

On monday, it is the first meeting for our class. We meet at Worcester Art Museum. We have talk a little about what our app should look like. According to the discussion, the app should have :

home page,

history chapter,


materials and construction


other example




Hence, this week, I look at phonegap web and mozilla. And looking forword for more idea next week.  

From the blog zli1 » cs-wsu by zhengjunli and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Tonight after our class meeting, I spent some time practicing with GitHub. I created a separate repository for my group to put up some of the code they start to write to figure out how we can design the puzzle activity for the app. I did not get to looking at code for how it would be developed, but started to get an understanding on how to push files from GitHub to my local machine and then push changes back up. I got it working once to make changes to one file pushed down from GitHub and then pushed back up.

Attempting another push and fetch attempt for a file created on GitHub.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.