Category Archives: TOS

Eclipse Tools for HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, Git

First step is to open up Eclipse and go to the Help tab and click Install New Software. You will then see a Install Screen pop up. From here you will see at the top text: Work with: then a text box. At the end of the text box you can click the drop down menu and select this link:

Juno –

Then you will want to scroll down until you see this Name in the list:   Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development. If you open the arrow to view the tool packages inside you can install all of them or there is a package called Eclipse Web Developer Tools. This has HTML, CSS, XHTML, etc. Inside this package when you select Next to install on the window, you can open the package and see JavaScript Tool is part of it as well. Then accept the terms and click Finish to Install the software.

To get GitHub installed with Eclipse, go back and open Install New Software in the help tab. From there select the same URL as posted above. You can then select Collaboration from the list below. Then you can see there is Eclipse EGit & Eclipse EGit Mylyn GitHub Feature. I selected both of those and installed them. Have not connected to our GitHub yet, but I am guessing those are the 2 plugins we will need.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Application Project: Second Post: Javascript!

Since meeting with Tim and Katrina I got a better overall understanding of the project and what it will contain, as a class we were asked to familiarize ourselves with Javascript, CSS, and HTML 5. I chose to start looking into Javascript since then and so far I have a good overall understanding of its syntax and how to program inside the language.

I’m hoping to complete my research on it and my training involving it soon, and hope to be able to work on the Javascript side of this project, even though I will soon start my research into HTML 5 and CSS.

From the blog CS:401 » CS-WSU by dcarlin2013 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The calm before the storm

This was the first week we meet with the clients at the Worcester Art Museum for the iPad app. Things went well and we have a basic understanding of what they want within the app.

This week was filled with prep work for the project. Trying to better familiarize ourselves with the three languages we will be using (JavaScript, HTML 5 and CSS). Our project is in the very early stages of adding what needs to get done. However, I feel we will need to meet with Katrina and Tim one more time before taking on this project. While the idea is there, we will need to meet as a group and plan out our attack strategy. I feel it is best to wait and be on the same page with everyone then go off on my own and create something that gets scrapped.

The previous meeting got me ready and familiarized me with the end product they want. It also pushed me to prepare my coding knowledge. Now we are at the tipping point for the project to get started. This Monday will be the last discussion before everything is underway!

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Stage 1

This first week of class, we meet off campus at the Worcester Art Museum. Here we meet as a class to start the first discussions of our term project of developing an iPad application or possibly a website application to be viewed on the iPad. (To be determined in next class). We meet with a couple people that we got some really good information on what to start thinking about for the design to the app. The main 2 ones we will be in contact with throughout the semester are Tim, and Katrina. Both of them gave us an overall run down of what they already had in mind for the app along with opening it up to us for ideas.

Once our time was up talking about what the main purpose of the app was, they took us upstairs to meet with one of the lead people in charge of the conservatory lab where they do all of there restoration on old art paintings and sculptures. We meet up here for the remainder of the class, getting a background on the statues going to be used in the exhibition in June. This allowed us to get more information on the history of them, to be used within the app if Tim or Katrina want.

I felt that the overall meeting went very well and I think that it got us all thinking how we should come up with certain designs and features that should be put into the app.

After class was over throughout the week, I began to continue my learning of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. All of theses languages seem like they wont be to bad to code certain features to the main application. After doing some basic HTML at work, it will be cool to see how HTML5 adds on to putting in some more high effects for graphics, videos etc. Javascript reminded me a lot like basic Java programming, just a new formatting to learn and how it is applied inside the HTML body of those scripts. I think once we get a main idea at our next class meeting on what groups will take the role of what features or design we will have. We will then have a better base to start for scripting this to get a better feel with using all theses languages combined together.

Looking forward to hearing the discussion in class on Monday on the future of this app!

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Beginning Stages

This week we met with Katrina and Tim, they work for the Worcester Art Museum. They will be the ones telling us what they would like to see for this application, that we will be developing on statues that will be on display in June. Each week in groups we will work on certain aspects of the application and then present them to the class, this is when Stacy or Tim will let us know if we are creating there idea as to how they saw it or if we are missing it, in which we would have to go back and redo some things to make this application what they have envisioned.

When we met with them, I got a better understanding of what it is that we will be working on, they explained to use that their will be two applications geared towards children and at least two geared toward young adults/ adults. After talking about what was expected from them, we were able to go up into the conservatory and see the statues that the museum has been working on restoring. A lady who had worked in the conservatory talked to us about the history of the statues. One of the statues had been completely broken and in a bunch of pieces, but now it is almost whole statue. We will be using this idea that the statue was broken and put back together as possible part of the application like a puzzle.

I am very excited to be working on this project with the class, we will be getting a glimpse of what the working world might actually be like!

From the blog klentblog » cswsu by klent22 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-401 Blog #1

My name is Andrew Turini. I am in my last year of my Computer Science major at Worcester State. I currently live on campus and spend most of my time out of class/work hanging out with my friends. I have been an intern for the Worcester Public Schools for three years now and i am hoping that i will be hired full-time after i am done with WSU. This course is going to be very interesting because of the large group dynamic and making sure we all have the ability to work together.

I have always wanted to know how to program something that somebody would want to use and i am hoping that once this semester ends i will be able to develop something in my own time.

From the blog aturini » cs-wsu by aturini and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401: First Post

Hello all,

My name is Derek Carlin. I am currently in my Junior year here at Worcester State. For this course we will be creating an IPad app for the Worcester Art Museum, for which we will need to both research and understand different programming languages, i.e HTML 5, CSS and Javascript. I’m looking forward to being able to use these since I haven’t been exposed to them yet. I do not intend to go into the programming field of computer science after I graduate, but knowing these languages will still be a major benefit.

Here is a little bit of background on me personally. As I said above I am a Junior here at WSU, in addition to that I am currently “interning” at Capgemini where I have been employed since 2010, both in the fields of Operations and System Administration. Currently I am expanding to the fields of networking and storage.So my strengths lay in the fields of System Administration (using the VMWare products as opposed to its competitors), instead of in programming. I am also a first degree black belt in Tang Soo Do and currently training in Krav Maga working towards my second degree in that art.

So far the only real challenge of starting this blog was simply finding the time to do so. Like everyone else I have a very busy life.

From the blog CS:401 » CS-WSU by dcarlin2013 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Post to CS 401

Hello all, I’m Dillon Murphy, a junior/senior in this semester’s capstone course. As a computer science major, I find the subject very interesting, providing promising career paths. This field both unique and challenging, with it’s accomplishments  being most rewarding. Personally, I am leaning towards the software development/engineering path of the major, but looking to increase my skill set in system administration and networking as I see the value in becoming a well rounded computer science professional.

I am looking forward to a class where we as computer scientists work as a group of individuals to accomplish a common goal in programming, while working with a client. After taking many CS courses, this is where our skills will be applied in a career-resembling manner, learning more about the ins and outs of the field. Learning about the project’s description has increased my interest in the course greatly, and programming an app using web development tools seems to be a valuable skill to place on the resume. Overall, I am looking forward to this semester in our capstone class, increasing knowledge and work experience greatly.

As my first blog, the setup wasn’t bad at all and the application seems to be useful for sharing ideas. I look forward to making more posts about this course throughout the year.

From the blog CS 401 - Object Oriented Design » cs-wsu by dillonmurphy10 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Post

Hi, I’m Chad and this is my blog for CS-401.

I’ve never developed a mobile app before, and only recently had access to a smartphone to play around with, so that’s going to be something new for me. However, since we’re more-or-less converting web pages, that’s a bit more up my alley. I’ve played around with a lot of HTML and CSS for years, with little bits of JavaScript here and there. I’m hoping this course can help me learn some real JavaScript and get me involved with HTML5, which I’ve never really worked with before. Hopefully what I already know will be able to help a lot too.

The process of signing up and starting a blog is pretty easy. I was going to set up my own server with WordPress, but I didn’t get the chance to. I was then going to sign up for a WordPress free blog, but they don’t let you use domains with that, and I wanted to make use of this domain I bought a while ago, so I checked out Blogger. Blogger can use the Worcester State Google account I already have, so that worked pretty well for me.

The hard part of blogging is always coming up with content. I couldn’t even think of a title really, so I asked my friend for a suggestion and he gave me “Five mvs of Doom” which is a pun on a professional wrestling term and the mv command used to move files. I don’t know too much about wrestling but I thought it was pretty funny.

Hopefully I’ll be able to run an interesting blog.

From the blog Five mvs of Doom by Chad Wade Day, Jr. and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First post, not so much my first blog.

My name is Mike Aguirre, and I’ve started this blog mainly because it is a new interesting and involved requirement of my “capstone” computer science course at Worcester State –  CS 401 Software Development Process.  I’ve had various blogs in the past, always following the blogging revolution, my last blog ending with a stale Live Journal site that ended up tucked away in a dusty corner of the internet.  This time, I’m determined to start anew, beginning with this first post, and motivated by my participation in this new and interesting course I’m taking at WSU.

About me – I’m a part time student at Worcester State University, and have been working slowly to my degree while working full time as a network administrator for a technical consulting/training company in Westborough called The Training Associates.  One thing that I can really appreciate, is the necessity of a course like this at the end of my Computer Science career at the university.  “Software Development Process” sounds like it will finally tie in my education to my life experiences in the work place.  I know I will learn a lot in my involvement in this course and have the advantage to apply what I’m learning at my job which also involves development work on our Trainer Tracker software.

Tomorrow I’ll be heading to the Worcester Art Museum to meet my fellow classmates and my Professor to find out more about our semester long project.  From what I’ve heard, we’re going to help develop and release several educational mobile apps for a special exhibit that will be  displayed on four iPads which will be on the exhibit floor to enhance the experience of the museum patrons.  I’m looking forward to starting this semester, trying something new, and working together with my colleagues to make something that will actually be used by the general public.  More to come next week!

From the blog mikesaguirre » cs-wsu by mikeaguirre and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.