Category Archives: TOS

CS401: First Blog Post

Hello. My name is Sompop Suksawat. I am a 4th year Computer Science student at Worcester State University. I am creating this blog as part of the course CS401, Software Development Process. For this course, we will be making an iPad application for the Worcester Art Museum, and I will write on this blog once a week to keep all my peers updated on my progress.

The challenges for this course would be my lack of experience with app development, and also that I have never worked with HTML/CSS and javascript before. So I think that this will be a great learning process, and I hope that by the end of this course, I will have gained enough experience of working in teams on a real-world project and be ready for a real CS job after I graduate.

From the blog ssuksawat » cs-wsu by ssuksawat and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401 – First Blog Post

My name is Kerry Sabanty and I’m starting this blog to track my progress in this semester’s CS 401 (Software Development) class. I’m a senior computer science major at Worcester State and will be graduating at the completion of this semester.

This course is described as the capstone course in the CS department, encompassing everything we have learned over the past few years. It should be a fun yet challenging semester that really allows us to put to use the skills we’ve gained at CS majors. I’m expecting to gain valuable real-world project experience with this course that will help me in the future.

A little more about myself: I’m a captain on the Worcester State Track and Field/Cross Country teams, which I dedicate a lot of my time to. After graduation I have accepted a job offer to work for Fidelity Investments as a Quality Assurance Engineer. I’m excited and relieved to have obtained this position, as many college grads in this market have trouble finding work.

I’ll be updating this blog once a week to inform readers about my progress in the course.

From the blog ksabanty » cs-wsu by ksabanty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Blog

My name is Brandon Chaban, and I am in the second semester of my Junior year at Worcester State University. I am majoring in Computer Science, but I also recently declared a minor of Psychology. I’m not 100% sure what I want to do after school, but I am hoping to find that out soon. This is the first blog that I have ever created, and I will be using it to update the progress of a project for my Software Development Process course (CS-401).


I’m not sure what to expect from this course, and this project. It will be different to finally be creating something that will actually be used by someone. Knowing this, I expect that I will feel some pressure, but I’m sure it will be fine. Like I said, I have no idea what to expect. I’ve also never worked on this type of a project collaboratively with such a large group before. I think that this experience will be interesting, and it will help me. It will be sort of like a stepping stone between school and actual real world experiences, and I feel that it will be an exciting course.

From the blog bchaban » cs-wsu by bchaban and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS401 Learning and Progress Start

My name is Andrew Thomas Murray, I am creating this blog to track my progress and learning in college class CS401 Software Development Process.

First some information on myself.  I am in my last year of Computer Science degree at Worcester State University.  While I have used computers all of my life I have had very little experience with any kind of coding before starting this degree.  So I am looking forward to learning more on software development and especially the class project getting good experience working on creating full usable software.

I am expecting a lot of work in this class, but also to learn a lot.  The tools we’ll be using like javascript and html I haven’t done any real projects with before.  So learning them on top of the course material will be a challenge.  I expect though to come away from this class with a lot of good information and skills.

I will be updating this blog once a week, though likely on different days depending on class workloads.  This is my first time using a blog but so far haven’t had any difficulties with it.  As I get more familiar with it might be able to add more to future posts.  That is all for this post, class starts this upcoming Monday so next post will have more about the class and project.

From the blog murrayandrewt » cs-wsu by murrayandrewt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A little about myself.

Hey there. I’m Sean!

This blog post is my first post for the Computer Science department at Worcester State, as well as my first… ever. Exciting times!

In all honesty I am pretty excited for this class to start. It seems like we are finally able to use all the knowledge from previous classes and create a fully functional program, or app in this case. I think it will be a fun, but challenging course as we have to follow an outside guideline by a client, the Worcester Art Museum! I’m assuming this class will emulate a real world environment where we have to work in ‘large’ teams. Incorporating each others code to reach an end product. I’m hoping this class will give me a big chunk of knowledge, although I’m not sure of what that will be. I’m expecting I won’t know what it is until the end of the semester.

To me, starting a blog is the easy part. It will be following through with blog posts that makes it difficult. I’m sure it will be a great outlet to let off steam as well as share success. Hopefully building a community along the way.

Just for a little background, I’m a CS major and a music minor. I’m not to sure of what I want to do once I’m done here, but I’ve already been enjoying it. I would like to get an internship soon, as I think that would be a good stepping stone and hopefully bring me closer to something I want to do.

I enjoy tinkering around on computers, that is what lead me to this major. I’ve also been playing guitar for a long time. And I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. Right now I’m working for the Town of Sterling, both for the department of public works and the water department.

I’m excited for the first class period to start!

From the blog Sean » cs-wsu by shorton1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Blog Post


My name is Ryan Williams and this my first blog post for Spring 2013 (CS401) Software Development Process Course.

For this semester long term project developing an iPad application for the Worcester Art Museum, I hope to learn and get a better understanding what it takes to create a application. I have had experience at work developing a section to the website we use for our performance testing, which allows people to compare test results for CPU & MEM results. That involved scripting in HTML, PHP, and (Bash & Perl) scripts to do the comparison called from the languages listed above. My expectations for this course are: I  hope writing theses applications in HTML and JavaScript helps increase my knowledge of what I know now for creating websites to developing my own app someday on the side. I am expecting the course to be very exciting building and seeing our class iOS application come to life! I think working as a team for the length of the semester will be a good way to prepare for future jobs. I am very curious on how Phone Gap works and looking forward to playing around with that. I have tried playing around with xCode on a Mac for iOS apps and I am curious how it compares to how we will develop this application.

Creating the blog was pretty straight forward. I have used blogs like this in the past for (CS472) Robotics. It will be good to blog about our progress and to see everything from the start to finish once the application is complete.

Looking forward to a fun semester.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401 First blog

My name is Kathleen, I am a first semester senior at Worcester State University. I am majoring in Computer Science. My interest in computer science is network security.

I am excited about the project that my class and I will be working on. This will be the first time I will be working on a program that will actually be used by the public. It will be interesting to put all the learning we have had over the years to make something that others will find useful and fun to use. This project will introduce me to what the work field might be like. It will be a good stepping stone before graduating.

This is the first blog that I have ever created, and it was fairly easy to catch on too!

From the blog klentblog » cswsu by klent22 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My First Blog.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jason Hintlian and I am an aspiring app developer at Worcester State University.  This blog will chronicle my involvement in developing several interactive iPad apps for the Worcester Art Museum using Phone Gap.  I was born and raised in Worcester, now 29, I can remember an early childhood field trip to the Worcester Art Museum. We were going to see Walt Disney’s early work; back when Mickey Mouse smoked and drank.  Needless to say, I am very excited to get started on Monday the 28th and meet with my classmates as well as the Worcester Art Museum Staff.

I expect this class will be exciting and interesting as I have never worked with Phone Gap before.  Hopefully, It will provide the perfect atmosphere for expanding my knowledge in mobile development.  I am looking forward to seeing the versatility Phone Gap can offer in a market where developers are constantly looking for an edge.  One of my top reasons for going back to school in the summer of 2010 was my interest in mobile development.  I have finally reached the point where my ambitions might become reality, it will be an amazing experience being able to contribute to the development of these apps.

I have never blogged before today, I am so happy my experience will be made really easy thanks to


From the blog jasonhintlian » cs-wsu by jasonhintlian and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Final blog post and all is well it seems

The semester is over and this is basically my last blog post for now, but im actually thinking of keeping this blog and beginning to use it for things that i find interesting.


Basically the euca2ools group presentation seemed to have gone pretty well and everything worked while giving it(which is awesome). Considering the amount of problems that we have been running into coming up to this day we were very excited that everything worked.

John in our group was actually able to upload a CentOS image and get it running on our cloud the previous day of the presentations, and then on the day of the presentations we were able to get a third image up and running with no Walrus errors and SSH into that instance. Dhimitri and I were kind of surprised to say the least cause the day before Walrus was giving us the 403 Forbidden error, so it seemed to have fixed itself….


Walrus may have just had a hiccup and that restarting it that day may have solved the issue we were having. Dhimitri also managed to get up a new node running which you could see with the euca-describe-availabilityzones command. All in all, it seemed that the Euca2ools wiki worked out for the best and seemed that a lot of people were able to follow a lot of the steps to use for themselves. This was a really fun and interesting project to work on despite a lot of the issues that kept happening on our way but i think it was for the best cause many of us gained a lot of experience and a lot of understanding of the whole Cloud computing and what it is.

From the blog armindoa » WSU CS by mindoftw and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Couple of weird oddities..

Leading down to the couple of weeks of the semester and beginning to finish up/wrap everything that we have done up to present, we ran into a couple of issues.

Dhimitri and I were in the same Euca2ools group for the presentations so we were working together through the weekend on what we were going to present and go through as a demo during the presentation. As he was working on a script, i was going through and testing our cloud by uploading a different image and kernel and trying to get more instances up and running, and also deleting images from the cloud.


The first issue that we ran into was a problem with getting a new instance up and running. At first i thought it was cause i did not bundle the kernel and image together correctly, so i tried it over and over again until i though it was perfect. The image that i used was the same image as the one that was currently running, so when it was not working we knew we had a bit of a problem. From what the NC log told us we were getting some type of 403 forbidden error and seemed to be stopping us from running instances.

A second issue that occurred, was after uploading quite a few images, kernels, and ram-disks the amount of images on the cloud was kind of cluttered so i wanted to delete some of them. When running the command to delete these images however they were not being removed. We would de-register them and delete but they were not being removed. They stayed on the cloud and listed as de-registered so we restarted the services and still nothing the images appeared back on the cloud as normal.

From the blog armindoa » WSU CS by mindoftw and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.