Hello Debug Ducker here, and I have a question. I am sure you are familiar with a 404 error code, as you may have run into it while surfing the web. 404 Not Found means that the server on the other end couldn’t find what it was looking for, and this is cause the URL is not recognized. This can happen when the webpage is no longer available and you tried connecting to it. 404 is quite the common error, that I believe many have seen at least once but would you be able to tell me what other errors you may have encountered in the web, there is quite a few and some obscures ones you may have never seen.
Perhaps you also wondered why 404 is even an error number, why the number is the way it is, why use those specific numbers. Well you see 4xx is specifically for client errors, which means they are errors on your end and not the server. If a server would to have an error than it would use 5xx instead. For example, there is the 500 error code that is an internal server error which just means something messed up in the server and sent you that as a response. Basically each response code are in different categories, with the error categories coming entirely from 4xx and 5xx.
Now here are ones you know and some obscure ones
400: Bad Request, as in the server could not process the request, either because of a syntax error such as misspelling something
402: Payment Required, says what is on the tin you need to pay, not often used
409: Conflict, the request conflicts with something within the server
414: The URI too long, the URI is long and the server is not willing to handle it
418: I’m a teapot…yeah I don’t understand this one, and yes this is real
There are many of these errors code for 4xx and I would recommend you check it out with the link below.
There are also some 500 server errors, that are interesting such as
501: Not Implemented, as in the request has not been implemented, so exactly what it says
503: Service is Unavailable, just means the server are down.
And Many More.
Thre are a fascinating amount of error codes for some interesting stuff and I reccomend you see a bunch in the link below.
Anyway have a nice error free day day.
MozDevNet. “HTTP Response Status Codes – HTTP: MDN.” MDN Web Docs, developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status.
“HTTP Status Codes: All 63 Explained – Including FAQ & Video.” Umbraco, umbraco.com/knowledge-base/http-status-codes/#http-status-code-categories.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Debug Duck by debugducker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.