This blog post is going to be about one of the most important concepts in today’s world of computer science and it is object oriented programming. The reason I chose this topic is because it directly relates to course material and is fundamental for most computer science students.
I’m going to first start of by explaining the basics of objected oriented programming and try to bring some clarity to people who are either new to coding, or want to learn about a different mechanism of coding. Now keep in mind, there are many different ways to code and different approaches one can take on his specific journey. Now to the outside world of coding, they might think it’s all the same. However, specific types of ways to code include objected oriented programming, functional programming, procedural programming, logical programming, etc. I will expand on this later when I talk about my real life experience with some different ways.
Essentially, object oriented programming consists of object which are created by variables and methods. It consists of many objects who are collected and arranged in a specific class for unique uses based on the person’s needs and end goal. The four main concepts of object oriented programming include encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Encapsulation is choosing to limit certain object’s information to be seen by everyone in a way to protect information. Usually this is done by using a private access modifier. Abstraction is similar to encapsulation, except it hides properties from everyone in order to make the outside code a lot more simpler and understandable. Not everyone needs to know the broad details behind the object and helps keep things from causing problems on the main front. Inheritance is when a subclass basically inherits its properties and methods from the parent class. The main objective of this is to reduce redundant code and make things easier to use. Polymorphism is when an object can have multiple functions and change methods through the process of overriding and overloading.
Now the most popular programming languages today are objected oriented programming such as Java, Python, C++, etc. Now two languages that I have had experience with was Java and C programming. Java is an object oriented programming language, whereas C is a functional programming language. When I was learning Java, I never understood the big deal with Java and object oriented until I learned C and saw how not as much could be done. Java is much better equipped for real world projects as it makes code very reusable, simpler as well as saving memory. With C functional programming, there was more code to write for accomplishing simple tasks and also there was less security with direct access to memory. Overall, going into the future I am going to improve my java skills and be more equipped with the simple as well advanced concepts of objected oriented programming because of the many types of projects that can be created with it.
To read more info on object oriented programming link which I used as a reference here is one:,basics%20of%20a%20computer%20program.
To read more info on different ways to program this is a another link with helpful information:
From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.