The book describes the “Learn How You Fail” pattern by talking about failure in general throughout a developer’s life. It explains that everyone fails at some point in their life and it shows the potential of growth. The blog continues to say that identifying where an individual specially fails can create better self-knowledge for their habits and behaviors. The main goal of this pattern is to then learn from these habits and behaviors to correct the ones that limit your potential. It brings to light the importance of creating an accurate self-assessment and awareness of weaknesses to find a realistic goal that can be accomplished. The book gives an example for coding where the programmer should try to use a text editor to implement a binary search in any language. Then write the tests for that search and run through it without a compiler manually to find any possible error you have made. You can compile the code after doing this to find any remaining errors that you may not have picked up.
I found this pattern very interesting and informative in terms of self-understanding and creating reasonable goals. The way the pattern explains how habits and behaviors can become second nature which eventually leads to errors that we make unintendedly was very thought provoking. I enjoyed following the logic behind this and understanding how this can affect me in the long run as a developer if I don’t look for these errors now. This pattern has caused me to value my failures even more by teaching me more about learning from them. I always went with the logic that if I failed, I should simply not make that mistake again. However, this pattern showed me that instead of avoiding mistakes, I should naturally make them and learn from them in detail. This learning experience could provide me with deeper insight on how I will learn in the future and plan for my profession in a much easier light. I don’t disagree with the pattern at all, in fact, I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it. I especially enjoyed the example given using the text editor as a IDE to find mistakes in writing and compiling code.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Student To Scholar by kumarcomputerscience and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.