To only a fraction of the human race does God give the privilege of earning one’s bread doing what one would have gladly pursued free, for passion. I am very thankful.
—Frederick Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month
This week the blog post I want to talk about is Nurture your passion. In a broader concept, I see this pattern as an explanation of the importance that has my passion as a software developer. In my first start, I knew really well, that being a great software developer is something that will be developed over time. I also knew that this will be possible through constant practice and dedication, making a difference in some other professions.
Just like all other professions, the reason why we choose it is because we like it. We have to remember this always, not only during the time we are facing problems at school while studying it, but even later on when we will have our future job. I have always been with the idea that I want to do the job I want, and not that this job needs to be done.
The context that Frederic Brooks has given on this pattern, is that we can be “hired” as a software developers. Being honest this is the first thought I have about what the person who will hire me will think, before hiring me. And this is very understandable. He/she might be referred by the resume I will send or any of the work I will have done, but still the ability to do that job I have to show it over time and always by learning each and every day.
Is interesting how the solution that the author has given here, will help lots of software developers including me to don’t demoralize when might be faced with corporate hierarchies. The passion for being a developer is sometimes not enough. Otherwise, we need to take into consideration the author’s solution. Is good finding something that interests us, and identify this as something we enjoy. Also, I like the idea that we can consider putting some extra time into the work that we are not able to spare enough time for during our workday. This is a really useful statement and the pattern in itself is the most essential that will help us be prepared for any upcoming condition.
This pattern also will be so helpful for me in the future. I am also very aware that a company I will work for, will have its ups and downs. I might face a lot of problems, maybe sometimes I will have difficult situations while doing a specific task, I might have deadlines for that task, or even special requests about it. But I always have to remember that the love for what I will be doing, will help me grow more the passion I have for software development.
From the blog CS@worcester – Xhulja's Blogs by xmurati and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.